Why is Lisa white now?


Well-Known Member
Because black people can't be scientists.

Lisa has always represented all women of color, she's a representation of the melting pot in the US. Her ethnicity has always been vague, and it's an obvious design choice.Of course skin color looks lighter depending on the lighting in the area.


Well-Known Member
We're not necessarely wondering if she is black or not, it's the sudden "white-washing" like someone said which is a bit surprising.
Hmmm.. I knew it was because of the Japanese. That would probably seem "less racist" if they officially defined her as latina, right ? :eek:

yup its no secret that japanese developers are catering to straight japenese males in their female character designs mostly and pretty much design all their black female characters to be light-skinned as the only skin tone of choice for them. black males characters aren't effected for obvious reasons.

this is why i like games that allow you to create your own character and the only way i can play as true ethnic looking black women who cant be mistaken for latinas or tanned white chicks...

just look at my bad bitch redguard im rocking in skyrim



Well-Known Member
Haha, this thread is funny. There was a similar thread on VFDC talking about the same dynamic with Vanessa, who has a much more drastic change than Lisa.

Most of the japanese vids i've seen on youtube have Vanessa with the even lighter skin tone and blonde hair. :rolleyes:

Personally, i enjoy the oiled up dark skinned look with rock hard abs myself in VF5FS.


Active Member
it is weird that they would change her skin color at all. Why bother? I wish it stayed the same for the sake of consistency It is somewhat understandable because every character is getting a appearance change. This is just taking is too far, she does not look the same at all anymore. Unlike the other characters who are still recognizable. it was the same thing with Zack until they changed him back.


Well-Known Member
Original Lisa in DOAX where she made her first appearance:
And keep in mind, Lisa can get tanned in DOAX, so she can go from light tan to dark tan as you progress the game.
DOA4 somehow uses her dark tan one which I think they should have used the original light tan version. Like right now in DOA5, since they aren't getting as much sun in most stages.
(There is a first picture where she made her really first appearance which is even lighter skinned... can't find it yet. I saved it somewhere. Anyway, this one is close enough)


Active Member
Yeah, she's definitely lighter now. But if you check out these pics, it's clear the lighting was also sketchy in the OP's pic.



She looks very dark and swarthy in the first pic, but some of that is admittedly the shadows on her chest. She's lighter in the second, but still caramel-colored. And in all the gameplay vids we've seen (like here), she's definitely still a "legit" black girl.

I think that bright, clinical lighting in the lab had something to do with it.


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Standard Donor
What if she was Never african to begin with? what if she's just been very very Tan this whole time in DOA4.
It makes sense that she's Lighter now cause they seem to be Making her into a Female El Blaze, She looks like a Mexican, Mexican Wrestler.

People always assumed she was African american right away because of her Skin Color, but I would say Brazilian would be more accurate because Brazil has very deep African roots, also her fighting style stems from Capoeira.

Lisa is a Mysterious Character and we know Nothing about her family or Past so it's not safe to assume things like this no matter how Obvious you may think they are, because none of us are right.
The only person who really knows is Tomonobu Itagaki, he called her "The gift to Americans" and never told us her true race, she could be anything with such a Generic name.

So you can keep believing your theories but all of us are wrong until it's canonically proven.


Well-Known Member
"The gift to Americans" ? Well, in that way, like someone said, she is a tribute to the melting pot in the US. Her nationality is American, but her race could be anything. Her mother could be Brazilian, her father Mexican. Just like her luchadore identity, she is such a mystery!

PS : Not trolling or anything, but wasn't she supposed to be Zack's sister to begin with, but then they found it a bit stupid and racist (can't find another word) to have the two only blacks characters brother and sister ? Something I've read I guess, can't remember where..


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
said, PS : Not trolling or anything, but wasn't she supposed to be Zack's sister to begin with, but then they found it a bit stupid and racist (can't find another word) to have the two only blacks characters brother and sister ? Something I've read I guess, can't remember where..
No, people assumed they were related because Lisa had the darkest skin color of the Girls in DOAX.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've just noticed all of them were saying just like me "it's something I've read somewhere", but there is no source.
Anyway, we'll have to wait for TN to confirm or deny it, once and for all.


Well-Known Member
I dont think when they were creating the character they thought about her ethnicity that much.

shes defined as just "American". she's lighter skinned that doesnt necessarily make her latina or something. Maybe one of her parents was white. she looks a bit Dominican in that doa5 pic. whatever. I rather leave those details blank than speculate to death. The skin tone change is more subtle than it looks now and then, lighting plays a large part but really she's not all that dark more like caramel color. Shes a bit lighter but nothing too drastic.


PS : Not trolling or anything, but wasn't she supposed to be Zack's sister to begin with, but then they found it a bit stupid and racist (can't find another word) to have the two only blacks characters brother and sister ? Something I've read I guess, can't remember where..
I don't know about the reason why they were eventually made to no longer be siblings, but yeah. Lisa was originally intended to be Zack's sister upon her initial creation in DOAX.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that remembers this detail, I was getting hell for bringing this up a few months ago.
But yeah, that pretty much confirms that she's African-American. I don't really get why people like to fight this, it's just kind of a denial thing... For some stupid reason.

But on the topic of skintone, she and Zack received "lighter" skintones in this game because they've been remodeled to be more realistic. Now before you shoot me for insinuating that African-Americans only come in mid-tone shades, I'm referring to their previous skintoes in DOA4. They were very chalky and grey-toned for some reason. That's not a very realistic skin colour.
Zack got the Dennis Rodman overhaul, so his lighter skin makes sense since, not only does he have Rodman's face now, he also has his skintone: which isn't even "light-skinned."
Lisa, on the other hand, is a woman. The Japanese kind of have this thing where women aren't allowed to be more than slightly tanned to be considered pretty. Right, Vanessa?
I'm not surprised they didn't make her darker, but her skin is still more than "tan" like some deluded people like to insist it is. Eventhough I hate this bitch, Beyonce has a pretty similar skintone as Lisa does now. But Beyonce's just tanned, right? Oh, Lisa was also given more African features like a wider nose and fuller lips. Side-effects from tanning, obviously. ;)

For the most part, I think it's the lighting that's messing around with people's perceptions. That and when render stills are released, they're often doctored(photoshopped) to hell.
I'd just wait until you've got the game on your television screens before making claims that characters are suddenly "white".