Characters Lolicopter - [Marie Rose Information & Discussion Thread]


Active Member
Also, something that just came to mind..., "doesn't remind me of anyone in DOA"... really?
Despite the fact she has an exact copy of Hayate's 66T?

She also has Ein's 6K K , Bayman's H+K , Rachel's 33p and a few other things from what I've seen. Team ninja is lazy... granted capcom does the same thing with special moves... but that's why we call them crapcom.


Well-Known Member
but that's why we call them crapcom (lololsomature).
No... that's why you and all you whiny 5-year-olds who seem to think there's a conspiracy to kill franchises that were never popular, fail to recognize patterns, and think killing a company who if they die all the franchises die with it seem physically incapable of using their real name. We people with maturity and a basic understanding of business practices and common sense call them by their name.


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Badass Brute is a closet brony? Who knew.
9 times out of ten, a person who is fascinated by the badassery of Hayabusa will have a soft spot for cute things.

Brute's just happens to be MLP's Pinkie Pie, and I don't blame him. MLP - or should I say, the modern MLP 'cause there is NOTHING redeemable about the 80s MLP - has powerful universal appeal just like Spongebob Squarepants before it. I happen to be a huge fan of Roscoe Dash... best pony in da buildin'.

On the subject of Marie Rose, I have decided I will play her for one week on stream on one condition: If she actually gets a ball gag accessory to kill that noise coming out of her mouth...


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Personal preference, but imo Capcom has been declining in quality for some time now. All their franchises have been becoming worse with each iteration in recent years. Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, Dead Rising, Lost Planet, etc. Part of that is due to the fact that they keep outsourcing (though that is their fault for doing that), but part of it also is that they just don't seem to care as much anymore. They want the "experience" trip more than a legit game, and where you used to have depth and content you now have explosions and cinematic experiences.

Back to Marie Rose: I still don't understand their refusal to make more chain/combo throws and holds. With the exception of Mila, they haven't given any of their new characters post-DOA4 any chain/combo throws. Like seriously, why? They're awesome.

In regard to me liking cute things: I like cute things and badass things and I love juxtaposing them. I am a man of diverse interests.


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Standard Donor
Back to Marie Rose: I still don't understand their refusal to make more chain/combo throws and holds. With the exception of Mila, they haven't given any of their new characters post-DOA4 any chain/combo throws. Like seriously, why? They're awesome.
Taekwondo isn't exactly renowned for submission holds, Momiji's aim was to be beginner-friendly, and Rachel..... is...... weeeeeeeeeeeeird.

In regard to me liking cute things: I like cute things and badass things and I love juxtaposing them. I am a man of diverse interests.
Touhou Project. Highly recommended.


Well-Known Member
Personal preference, but imo Capcom has been declining in quality for some time now. All their franchises have been becoming worse with each iteration in recent years. Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, Dead Rising, Lost Planet, etc. Part of that is due to the fact that they keep outsourcing (though that is their fault for doing that), but part of it also is that they just don't seem to care as much anymore. They want the "experience" trip more than a legit game, and where you used to have depth and content you now have explosions and cinematic experiences.
They've actually said themselves they want to pull in the Call of Duty crowd and therefore are trying to make their games more like CoD. I don't want to call them sell-outs but... :/

As for Marie Rose: I wish she'd be released already


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Standard Donor
Taekwondo isn't exactly renowned for submission holds, Momiji's aim was to be beginner-friendly, and Rachel..... is...... weeeeeeeeeeeeird.
Momiji and Marie Rose have no excuse.

Touhou Project. Highly recommended.
Mixed thoughts.

They've actually said themselves they want to pull in the Call of Duty crowd and therefore are trying to make their games more like CoD. I don't want to call them sell-outs but... :/


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else think she has severely limited strings? I noticed that hardly any of her strings go over 3 hits, and considering ( I keep hearing this, not sure if it's true so don't quote me on this! ) she is really punishable. So limited string option + highly punishable is a seemingly bad combination.

Admittedly she does have that 4 & 8/2 stance cancel in some of her strings... so I guess that could compensate for it.


Well-Known Member
No. Her string possibilities (especially when mixed with stance transitions) seem pretty dang good to me.

Then again, I'm coming from the perspective of Hayabusa, who is notorious for having garbage string mix-ups.

Hmm, she doesn't really have any low variations though. Apart from her (pp)6k2k string. Doesn't seem like an entirely hard character to block against. Well, with my playstyle. I CANNOT STAND punch throwing people. It feels like a cheap tactic, especially when you can't break throws in DOA. I've always been the type of person where if it feels wrong, just don't do it xD


Well-Known Member
If string length mattered Eliot would be S tier...and we all know he aint anywhere close to it.

either way i hate everything about this bitch and am going to enjoy slaughtering her with Leon


Active Member
No... that's why you and all you whiny 5-year-olds who seem to think there's a conspiracy to kill franchises that were never popular, fail to recognize patterns, and think killing a company who if they die all the franchises die with it seem physically incapable of using their real name. We people with maturity and a basic understanding of business practices and common sense call them by their name.

Firstly you don't think it's a bit immature to run around calling people five year olds over the Internet for stating his opinion? Secondly noone underrstands how the Japanese run their businesses asks any market analyst to look at what Nintendo or capcom is doing, they're making idiotic business moves and LOSING MONEY. There's no conspiracy to kill off franchises I never said that , when did I ever say that? But you can easily tell by facts Capcom could make millions , very easily over night Keiji Inafune made 2 million in kickstarter with a Mega man variant. Capcom games not popular, yeah are you sure you know what you're talking about? Aalso no one wants Capcom to die we want them to get their act together so that they can make things we like and prosper. Why the hell would I wish people on the streets with no jobs? I literally have no clue your problem to come attack me over capcoms bad business decisions , go trade your stocks right and stop yelling at me on forums about a loli blonde girl.


Active Member
Does anyone else think she has severely limited strings? I noticed that hardly any of her strings go over 3 hits, and considering ( I keep hearing this, not sure if it's true so don't quote me on this! ) she is really punishable. So limited string option + highly punishable is a bad thing.

Uhm... most moves in the game are punishable. .. heck Leon has -1 gas that can get punished due to you not wanting to press a button after sometimes . I feel everything bayman does that's not stand p or a guard break is punishable except for, well the strings which I can cancel into tank roll... which is low throw punishable on reaction. Almost every move Kasumi does is punishable and look at that ho, frame advantage that's all that matters in DOA.


Well-Known Member
Hayabusa has turned me into a monster.

Tick Izunas. Tick Izunas all day.

OH! No, I mean I personally don't like punch throwing people. If other people wanna play like that, it's fine. You gotta do what you gotta do, it's just a playstyle I feel... kinda bad doing.

Uhm... most moves in the game are punishable. .. heck Leon has -1 gas that can get punished due to you not wanting to press a button after sometimes . I feel everything bayman does that's not stand p or a guard break is punishable except for, well the strings which I can cancel into tank roll... which is low throw punishable on reaction. Almost every move Kasumi does is punishable and look at that ho, frame advantage that's all that matters in DOA.

Like I said before though, Marie Rose lacks low variety in her strings and her strings are 3-4 hits for the most part. It's going to limit her gameplay a fair amount in my eyes. Especially to those who actually throw punish- me being one of those people =P I live off throw punishing people. I guess that's why I generally don't like punch-throwing people. I feel I throw people enough. BUT YES! Kasumi is extremely punishable, but off most her strings she has a low-mid-high mix up, so it kind of evens out.

~ I feel I should clarify, I'm referring to her block strings, I'm gonna assume her stun game is really good. ( from what we've seen anyway, it looks to be great. )


Active Member
Like I said before though, Marie Rose lacks low variety in her strings and her strings are 3-4 hits for the most part. It's going to limit her gameplay a fair amount )

As long as MR has 2 or 3 low strings she's basically equal with the rest of the cast and she even has a standing low which hardly anyone has as long as you can string cancel into a standing low I think you're pretty set also good mids are better than good lows since she has the stance OH and such I'd rather my opponent didn't mash low hold out every 3 seconds and avoid my throws. Two hits string cancel two hits side step /roll, 1 hit throw. I mean she just sounds like Christie.
Lastly, 4 hit Strings are LONG like longest strong Leon has is 3 and it's 3 delayable but super slow mid punches so MR is fine, besides what string isn't safe. All these complaints are like applicable to all characters in the game , everyone could use better lows, everyone could use longer strings, everyone could benefit from being more safe.
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Active Member
Bare with me this is a rather long video but at 39:58 you can see Marie Rose use Leon's 2KK except the first kick was a feint
Just watch the entire exchange from like 39:51 though it's kinda funny
Also the round immediately after this she does a launch after a critical burst then relaunches..
Off of the relaunch she basically gets a Knee . I wonder if we can do multiple loli-knees ;D ?:akira:
The wall splat relaunch at 40:31 was also really cool looking.
That double low crush at 41:45
EDIT: Hurr

Lolicopter- [Crush Mode].gif

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