I'm honestly getting tired of dealing with people's opinions on DOA

Vigoorian King

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"Actual fan."

An actual fan would see the recent marketing and outfits and see that nothing has changed. Stupid people.


lol I posted this screen grab https://i1.wp.com/www.oneangrygamer...9/01/Dead-or-Alive-6.jpg?resize=585,300&ssl=1

Dude retorted with an article from a year ago that has been known to be mistranslated. What is wrong with these people. You can see clear as day in that screen shot that they are not toning down anything.
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Well-Known Member
"Actual fan."

An actual fan would see the recent marketing and outfits and see that nothing has changed. Stupid people.


lol I posted this screen grab https://i1.wp.com/www.oneangrygamer.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Dead-or-Alive-6.jpg?resize=585,300&ssl=1

Dude retorted with an article from a year ago that has been known to be mistranslated. What is wrong with these people. You can see clear as day in that screen shot that they are not toning down anything.
That's a fact. What bothers me is that the way Street Fighter V ladies are portrayed and no one bats an eye. Gets a T rating and lil' Timmy gets to buy it w/o mommy's permission.


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I bet this guy hasnt played DOA since DOA3.

If DOA3 was the last game he played any whining about fanservice makes even less sense… you can count the skimpy costumes in DOA3 almost on one hand.

It's really just a lot of Anti-SJWs whining about the perceived censorship, including the typical threads to not buy the product… but if in 20 years the feature that is now allegedly toned down did not convince you to buy a product, this probably would not change this time around.
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Well-Known Member
My opinion is, maybe remove the bikini fights from DOA and add the bikini fights to XTREME. You could play volleyball in the morning, hit the pool, maybe fight in the afternoon and then gamble at night.

Keep DOA T for teen, XTREME M for mature, plus you could actually fight in both games? I never understood why a bath towel is a 'costume' in my ninja fighting game.

Just an opinion/radical idea.


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My opinion is, maybe remove the bikini fights from DOA and add the bikini fights to XTREME. You could play volleyball in the morning, hit the pool, maybe fight in the afternoon and then gamble at night.

Keep DOA T for teen, XTREME M for mature, plus you could actually fight in both games? I never understood why a bath towel is a 'costume' in my ninja fighting game.

Just an opinion/radical idea.
Well to be fair those ninjas are capable of running on walls and shooting energy from their hands and causing explosions. So. Being able to keep a towel as functional clothing during a fight should be child's play.

Macca Beam

Well-Known Member
nah, that costume is in more than just this ninja fighting game. why people eat it up should be obvious
ESPECIALLY in ninja/action fiction, there's this (tired) cliche of character doing insane acrobatics while the camera can't catch their sensitive parts behind a flying piece of cloth

there's no reason for someone to intentionally bring it into a fight, but i try to not question the logic of it since it doesn't affect the gameplay and there are a lot more costumes (even conservative ones) that also don't make sense.

i don't think we need to go as far as removing anything altogether, just don't do a wardrobe that's 80% retextured bikinis and letting fans of these things know they only got one game to run the place in. can't believe i lived long enough to see the day where you can say "go back to SC" on these horndogs


Well-Known Member
That's a fact. What bothers me is that the way Street Fighter V ladies are portrayed and no one bats an eye. Gets a T rating and lil' Timmy gets to buy it w/o mommy's permission.

Which is ironic because fans were cussing left and right during SFV's development when Cammy has nipples shown and R.Mika's butt slap were removed.

I got something to say about this topic but I hold it till later, gotta gather my thoughts.


Well-Known Member
It's also about perception,
and the way DOA is perceived is this

View attachment 27262

When it should be perceived as this

View attachment 27263
I don’t see any problem with the first image. It isn’t fanservicey at all and it’s more artsy than your usual fighting game. In fact, it’s comparable to fighting games like Tekken where you usually have the Mishimas showing their god-like bodies. Both can be perceived as eye candy if you want to.

And call me crazy but I’m already bored of fighting games covers plastered with the MC punching or kicking at the air like the second image you posted, Dimensions has Kasumi kicking at the air and it just looks boring af. And 6 is even worse lol. If I could choose, I prefer a cover like DOA5 and 5+, which had lots of characters together and wasn’t fanservicey at all. It delivered the image DOA5 was supposed to go for with a more serious fighter (even though 5+ was basically the one who started everything after it introduced the private paradise) and had representation for a lot of character styles in the game such as Tina (Wrestler), the Ninjas, Hitomi (Karate)... THAT is more cool for a cover than just the MC showing their fist lol.


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Your experience is almost similar to mines (regarding the main topic) and NY locals, even main events but not as common.

DOA on my end, I went to my NY locals for offline venues quite a bit with Bladez, RenderingStar, Tenryuga etc. Heck, Tenryuga left DOA and this site because he was tired of supporting it due to DOA itself becoming a walking contradiction I guess and was tired of being in the environment on not being treated seriously or talking about game information. It was hard to get people to play the game in general over here, some tried with great spirit and happiness which is cool but extremely small (hey, start from somewhere). It's tough as hell trying to convince people to play a game that they already heard bad rumors about, on top of stepping out of their comfort zone from a game they already play outside of DOA jumping into DOA. You can ask Bladez, or even SlyBass when he came over here one time and we heard shit like "Why should I play this game when this game is better. DOA is a joke and its not even serious" "X game community has both 50% gameplay talk and 50% casual, DOA doesn't lol" but yet we ignored them and still try to get people to play it. Let me tell you, NY is the land of Marvel, SF, Smash, Guilty Gear and so on. Getting even a consistent scene here is hard along with time schedules.

Some people would say "well fuck those people, we don't need them" but at some point, DOA has to grow. You have to invite and help people like that so that they feel different about it and you prove them wrong that it's a fun game, that way, that person can tell their friends that the game is good, then their friends would tell their friends etc. and then it spreads. The more people playing DOA the better it is to get topics like you mentioned regarding gameplay and stuff while blocking out all the negativity.

Not a joke here. There are people who traveled and play DOA with us who went to the venue quite a bit in NY saying "I kinda regret learning and getting involved with DOA now..." and it's kinda depressing and infuriating hearing that because of something we can't just seem to control due to how TN does shit along with the community with how they take things and not talking about gameplay etc. I still support DOA for what it is but there are times where I feel like this whole DOA stigma needs a restart. Maybe TN could create an entirely new second fighting game IP while keeping DOA similar to Namco with Tekken and Soul Calibur, but TN kinda gets remembered for memes now regarding DOA so it might just do more harm than good. Who knows, I know how you feel though.

So much truth in this post; I don't know where to start. This definitely visualizes some of the offline struggles with maintaining DOA scenes. I will say straight up that from a gameplay standpoint DOA5/LR definitely deserved a competitive scene, but the reality is that a lot of people are afraid to become associated with DOA due to the stigmas and its reputation (which like Rikuto mentioned is Team Ninja's fault once you come down to it). I'm fortunate that I got a decent DOA scene going from about late 2012 to mid-2016-ish but it was not easy, required a lot of dedication (with periods of coming out to offline casuals twice a week for long sessions), and a lot of "sticking by my guns" mentality. I.e. Although I would pay attention to, and respect the other games featured, I repped DOA5 first and foremost, even if it was just me playing by myself in a corner or with one other person sometimes, especially earlier on in 2013ish. On average, monthly tournaments here would get around 9-10 people, but for DOA5 I'd say that was a step in the right direction.

One of the most facepalm-worthy questions I got asked while playing DOA5U by a relatively serious SF4 player was: "I'm asking this as a serious question: Was Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball a 'good' game?" :rolleyes: I didn't feel like dignifying that with an answer but just said "it was ok". A lot of SF/2D players do think that DOA is a tittilation game first, volleyball second, and fighting game third. I can full-heartedly understand why someone like Tenryuga would get tired of dealing with shit like that. The sad thing is that it was an "innocent question" and the guy meant no disrespect, but the sole fact that that's the only question he could drum up with regards to DOA5U is pretty obnoxious and demoralizing.

As you can guess, I try to avoid GameFAQs and Reddit like the plague since I generally get eye cancer when I visit those sites, but the overall reception from the fake DOA "fans" towards DOA6 is infuriating. Alot of things that Shimbori says gets misinterpreted (on top of that Shimbori speaks Japanese, and their culture is very different to Western conventions) and used in some sort of shit-filled tirades.

However, I do agree with Rikuto that Team Ninja seriously needs to stick by their guns and not backpedal on their vision for DOA6, along with being open to taking risks to improve the game's overall mechanics (DOA6 was a step in the right direction with much better sidestep evasion and a reduced stun duration, but I still don't feel that Team Ninja fully understands why a lot of other FGC players don't like playing DOA or DOA's mechanics).