
Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
Sodam found another possible leak when he visited some Korean website during his stream (take it however you will).

Found at 2:38:10


Premium Donor
Like his new design but tbh it may be him just using punches but his trailer I felt like was the more boring one so far, hopefully we'll get another one this week although I feel they'll likely continue the once a week thing till some new game content is shown

I also saw some people say before his model looks off but I think it looks fine, I like how they gave him a more youthful type look rather than the chiseled one he used to have since I felt in prior games it aged him and Jin up when they're only about 22 years old xD now him and Jin look closer to that instead of Law and Paul looking somewhat older than them which was kinda odd in T7


Active Member
I also saw some people say that Steve's model looks off, but I think it looks fine, I like how they gave him a more youthful type look rather than the chiseled one he used to have since I felt in prior games.
Yeah. I didn't exactly feel like joking about that, but I remember being on the Tekken Discord and reading someone saying that his accent was... off.


Premium Donor
We'll apparently be hearing some more info on tekken 8 soon since Mark Julio and I think arsenalty got to play final Tekken 8 builds, so it seems the final game is pretty much done, hoping for some solid day one content since I haven't seen many unique customization options but I won't complain if they're making everyone's clothes universal.

Also idk if the leaks are true but I'm hoping Alex and Roger aren't part of the first DLC character pass since they need to focus on popular characters to secure a clean first Tekken 8 season. Choosing characters like Miguel, any animal, Ganryu, or Eddy would be a poor decision compared to having Christie, Kunimitsu II, Lidia, Bruce, or Anna or any character who has actual established popularity and story potential to warrant a DLC sale. Julia and Fahk tho from the leak are good choices since they seem to have did well in Tekken 7


The Dragon Shrine Maiden
Premium Donor
Made a status post already, but Shimbori is working on Tekken 8. I think a few of us had already suspected this. And considering the direction Tekken 8 is taking, it is not surprising. The CNT and CBT both felt like a stiffer DOA6 to me. Hopefully he is enjoying his new role.



Lorenzo Buti

Active Member
I can't believe this shit!! YOHEI SHIMBORI IS NOW A PART OF THE TEKKEN DEVELOPERS!?! I don't believe the DOA franchise is ever forgotten, there still is hope to some of those current Team NINJA developers that Dead or Alive 7 might be possible as a follow up or some would say reboot! It just blows my mind that Harada decided to recruit Shimbori after what he worked over with Dead or Alive 6, he must've been so interested in that game's Break Blow mechanic that he wants to add that in his own Tekken 8 game. But Holy Shit do I absolutely want a new Dead or Alive game because we know Shimbori just had to hide from us that he worked on Tekken now because the DOA franchise is in hiatus for a while! :oops:

Tekken 8 Yohei Shimbori in Credits.jpg
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Premium Donor
I wouldn't say him working with Tekken means that DOA isn't forgotten but it is good he's working on another project even if DOA6 was kinda a fail for him, I'm sure he's the one who's been able to help them implement the stage changes into the game and maybe even the way the story and interactions work between everyone. It always had a vaguely DOA vibe to I could feel so im glad u wasn't going crazy xD


The Dragon Shrine Maiden
Premium Donor
Without the jacket you say?! And hood up? Sick.

Her 4th outfit sucks ass though, WTF is that shit with the mom jeans lmao
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Well-Known Member
Reina's 4th outfit just looks like they used the customization, like I see what the vision is but.... it doesn't really fit. [edit: it seems all the new character's 4th costumes are just customization] Very pleased with everything I've seen so far I really cannot wait for next month it's about to be torture lol. It's unfortunate that the demo they're releasing this week will only have 4 characters as I was super excited to try Leo.... but I guess I'll just have to wait for the game to come out.

This stage is fucking insane.
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Standard Donor
We didn't appreciate Shimbori and now he's gone. 申し訳ありませんでした。 将来のすべてのご活躍を祈っています。


Well-Known Member
f.. now i know why, harada already targeting shimbori once he saw doa6, so he sent a lot to twitter bot to attack DOA6 and unfortunately many of doa fans fall for this and follow the bad narrative.