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  • Yay I hope I can go to McDonald's and watch Hollywood movies in cinemas again soon
    finally, the war going to be over
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    Reactions: TPosePhobia
    hmm..same announcement just like last year, they should have the trailer came out this year
    saw on of the comment that ronin is banned in korea, hopefully TN doesn't get ban from G star too..yasuda taking too much heat with his only japan philosophy
    Is this a "fresh look on historical game series" promised by Yasuda? Jk, that's really cool. Seems we still have a Q1 release from Team Ninja this time too. But it makes me think like we would have one more reveal this year by Team Ninja (probably TGA) or we'll get reboot news in q2 2025 or later
    makes me think reboot will be region lock too
    Imagine they revealed Venus Vacation New project for separation from DOA, and we'll get DOA7 reveal next week lol
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    That wouldn't be smart business move for the Venus Vacation New Project as a purpose to separate itself from the DOA franchise, because Venus Vacation made DOA profitable via DOAXVV. After DOA6, no one in their right mind within KT & TN should be doing a DOA7 because the previous game failed, and DOA brand would've been given Bloody Roar treatment (no new games coming out).
    As a fan I want Venus Vacation to be the DOA brand as a whole including the Fighting Game genre. I also would have no faith in KT or TN to do the DOA franchise justice by via going back to DOA5LR or DOAXVV level of fanservice due to how they've been handling with DOA6 and other franchises when they've been nerfing their fanservice.
    It seems we won't get new Team Ninja game at Q1 next year as usual, maybe later Q2 or Q3
    TGS 24
    Tokyo Game Show is more believable, but I doubt it'll be in this TGS lol. To save you time, you might as well wait til 2026 at best.
    Isn't Team Ninja releasing new games every year in Q1 and having reveals in at least in summer? I mean TGS will be quite late
    Rise of the Ronin had announcement at autumn but it was revealed before almost 1,5 years of release
    it's requirement for team ninja to make at least 2 DLC for rise of ronin, just like borelong got two DLC

    i think they're busy on that
    Rise of the Ronin was finally released, so where's DOA and NG reboot reveal, Team Ninja? Kekw
    when the next game show
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    Wait for release for Famitsu interview, wonder what they will answer on their plans after Rise of Ronin
    How would you see timeline before and between possible Ninja Gaiden and DOA reboots? Would they firstly reveal and release Ninja Gaiden and DOA will be next? Or they reveal Ninja Gaiden, then they would announce DOA7 (like they had Wo Long reveal first and Rise of the Ronin reveal after that)? Or will be there other title releasing between them? Or DOA will get news earlier than NG?
    If Rise of the Ronin does really well, then Team NINJA could go for another swordplay game in the form of a Ninja Gaiden reboot, though the difficulty with NG is that the franchise is harder to monetise due to the lack of multiplayer focus in general. If Team NINJA has a good plan to make a DOA reboot successful (strong online offerings coupled with DLC and good marketing), we could see a DOA7 in the coming future.
    Both NG and DOA suffer from their latest entries harming the franchises' reputations. NG is also hurt by being out of the game for about 10 years now, and heavily lacking relevancy. With good marketing, DOA could become more relevant easier thanks to a bit of growth in the FGC. A NG reboot would likely take inspiration from Nioh/RotR and possibly even Ghosts of Tsushima. Different era from 2004-2014.
    I think based off of everything we've seen it wouldn't surprise many people if NINJA Gaiden was the next title. In terms of what they could reboot is a pretty broad statement as it could just be the gameplay that's rebooted and or tinkered with the continuity of the story picking up where they left off. DOA will likely be after NG or announced alongside it with a later projected date.
    I knew something was off with this game. Seriously, way to shit where you eat trying to praise a guy who screwed over their neighbors. Itagaki would've been just as idiotic about this, imo.
    Yasuda is a moron. Team NINJA's not really in the best position to be potentially pissing off the Korean gaming market.
    Sony has claimed that it was never intended to be launched in South Korea. Whether or not you believe them is up to your political beliefs with the company; and as you know about me, I don't trust anything Sony says.
    Is Wo Long Fallen Dynasty CE release planned on Feb 6th or Feb 7th for East Europe? A bit confused
    No Rise of Ronin news at these summer events makes me think it won't be released at Early 2024
    sony or Team Ninja will announce if it's delayed or not
    Can I just see this original Famitsu article denying reboots and not some guy's twitter translation for the message from japanese blog, that was distributed by almost all gaming news sources?
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