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  • "Partial " mobilization by creators of "non-working days" instead of lockdown
    No times for jokes through, it affects almost every family
    What is going on in Team Ninja Studio if they cancelled the project before retirement of one producer and then, after a couple of months another producer said that they're interested in making sequel. Of course Morita got a point with Ronin, but thing with DOA a kinda mess
    What's your the most sad DOA moments? My list: 1.DOA5LR PC turned to be Arcade ver than PS4/Xbox One 2. DOA Online was really an online game, I thought that it would be like DOA2 Ultimate for PC (it was long ago, when I didn't have a decent connection). 3. End of DOA6 support 4. Team Ninja message at EVO 2017 (wish we would have a time machine lol)5. DOA6 Story mode (after DOAD/DOA5, it was kinda meh)
    1) People defending the copy paste outfits and DLC characters when DOA6 released and the DLC during DOA5.
    2) Adding meter.
    3) People actually wanting stagger escape back because it added "depth".
    4) The biggest one is looking back at DOA5 and realizing how stationary the game is with the depth revolving around deciding whether you should throw out a hold or stagger escape.
    @RobHimself DOA wouldn't be too bad staying unga bunga if neutral and other mechanics played a bigger role. The issue is how it's basically a stun lock game. Look at any match and pay attention to how many times people "fight" in stun. 6 took a small step in the right direction in removing SE but took 10 steps back with it's holds.
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    @RobHimself 100% agree. The stun and SE promotes the use of holds so if SE is gone then holds have to change too. One thought is to make Hi and Lo holds work like Mid holds and another is to somehow limit them somehow.
    It's been 2 years since TN promised to come back to DOA (after Roundtable)
    Wo long can get demo this month, so they are preparing something more interesting for tgs..
    Morita posted an official art of Ryu Hayabusa without comments, it is his first post since early June
    So it's true new ninja gaiden coming up
    Situation is really getting worse in Steam with KT titles (in my region). Not only purchasing isn't available, but download too (if I wouldn't have DOA5LR/DOA6, I couldn't even download Core Fighters), transaction for VV also isn't available. They didn't announce it, the reason is obvious, but its kinda late, lol
    Pure hipocrisy
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    Reactions: KasumiLover
    I'm sorry for your inconvenience, I pray it can be changed soon for you tho!
    Unfortunately It'll only change when Putin is kaput. I'd easily give up buying new games for however long necessary if I thought it would help end a war.
    I really wanted to purchase Wo Long, for sure. But Koei Tecmo made their choice, even if they will return to market it will be late. sorry Team Ninja, I won't buy your future titles, i will try it only via torrent, no matter what. DOA7 or NG4. Donations for refugees was great move, but not that. Political situation shouldn't have influence on gaming
    You can use a vpn to get around the block
    @gfg$ Can you buy any other game on Steam? Because there were plenty of game companies that were blocking sales in Russia due to the whole Ukraine nonsense, where its a business job to denying people access to services over political stuff.
    @Kasumi-Phase-X its 50/50, some products are available for purchase, some aren't, with KT it was kinda shock since they didn't leave the market during first months of conflict
    For some years I was sure that the middle guy in white suit in doa4 box art is Leon. Of course I watched Helena's ending a lot of time and knew that Zack saved her but I can't recognize him at box art
    Team ninja released a patch for NGMC in Steam, come on, it's been more than a year since release, guys
    People able to predict TN plans or know something from them or people with good sixth sense, question for you: when we see DOA7 Reveal Trailer ?
    A bit weird, but still
    Lots of love <з
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    Reactions: KasumiLover
    When DOA comes out again it will be exciting and fun, but some of you kids don’t even know the struggle. DOA4 to 5 was almost a decade wait and some people are tearing the house down over 2 or 3 years. Welcome to being a DOA fan. Got what it takes?
    Yeah I remember that sorta (though I wasn't part of the community back then). Honestly maybe it should take another 7-8years so they can figure out what they want to do with the series. Ideal time to announce a new DOA imo would be when PS6 and whatever the heck Xbox calls their new console(s) are coming out and have it launch as a day 1 next gen game.
    a team should be establish to get current gen version running in order to smoothly transition to next gen.
    Wo Long feels like big project with only attention to it. Wondering how Yasuda and team are planning to reveal another thing this year (according to his words)
    last year Team Ninja only focus on that final fantasy game right
    Is everything ok with Team Ninja? They're quiet since spring, although I saw in article about Sangokushi that they planned to reveal it in early 2022 and one more project during this year. I know about usual delays and so on. Maybe not good sales of FFO had influence or something else ? Problems with management? Just worrying. Still hope to see them on Nintendo Direct or somewhere else this summer
    They probably just don't have anything really to announce atm, I think the live stream they said said alot about what they were focusing on but it's likely not anything major
    My real birthday is this week and my eating disorder getting stronger with bigger health problems (even with physical ones, like stomachache and nail breaking). I feel guilty after every eating. My family wants to take me to restaurant to celebrate my birthday, want to refuse but it may hurt them. I am not sure even if I can eat a piece of birthday cake with no guilty feeling and more self-restrictions after.
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    Reactions: KasumiLover
    I'm gonna pray for you, I hope you can heal and find a way to overcome your eating disorder since I can't stand to know someone is suffering like that, especially on your incoming birthday
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