TRI Mike
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  • I might be going to NYC in early Feb. Anyone near the city want to play DOA5 offline with me¿ We should meet and have a few matches.
    I really have no idea what to do about this game...
    ? enlighten me on what you mean :eek:
    TRI Mike
    TRI Mike
    read my previous comment and its replies )=
    yeah read those after i posted my first comment : /. all i can really say is try and enjoy the game with your friends and hope for them to get more competitive with it.
    I might have to quit the game entirely...
    It sounds not as bad as I thought. I think you did a good job getting some people to play, too bad they are not yet ready. There are not many people ready to "play for win" mentality right away, they need time and practice to get to understand and start enjoying it.
    Also, trying (mixing in) other fighting games during your offline sessions may help to fix "too much DOA" issue.
    TRI Mike
    TRI Mike
    I'm currently just working on my backlog of single-player games. Which is quite big. But the DOA5 thing is really frustrating. I love the game but I refuse to play against the AI.
    I haven't played online during the week. I'm too pissed off at my situation with this game.
    Your situation?
    TRI Mike
    TRI Mike
    I live in Latin America, there's no one interested in the game where I live. Not in the city, but in the country. I have no one to play with and my internet connection doesn't give me a constant good performance in either Live or PSN to play online all the game. I have lag with everyone here. It's sad and it pisses me the fuck off.
    Aw man, that does suck. :(
    Josiah France is the best proof that not everyone should have the right to talk.
    Is Josiah France Max Drago?
    TRI Mike
    TRI Mike
    Yes, Josiah Franco. The "France" there was a typo on my part.
    The only players I had to enjoy the game offline with decided to quit. You can imagine how depressed I am... I was kind of expecting it.
    The world is full of quitters. Personally I never understood the mentality behind "quitting" a game. I mean it's there forever, why ban yourself from playing it? Stupidity.
    I'm in the same boat dude, everyone i know quit. Sucks because i figured out some new lisa tricks too, dammit.
    TRI Mike
    TRI Mike
    My friends just have this shitty mentality of switching from game to game as they get released. I'm not asking them to be full-fledged DOA fans like me but they did show a lot of interest during development. Now, a month after the game is out they decide they're "saturated" of DOA and want to play something else.
    Most of you guys can't even imagine how fortunate you are when it comes to opportunities to play. Simply do it, for the sake of us who can't
    I'm loving Tina and I simply can't stop playing Hele, Jann and Busa but I'll seriously start training with Kokoro and Fang tomorrow.
    What the fuck can Tina do against Bass and Bayman¿
    TRI Mike
    TRI Mike
    How exactly do we fuzzy guard in DOA5¿ Is it anything like SCV¿ I know it changes a lot from game to game.
    Fuzzy guarding works after you use a fairly safe, but disadvantaged, attack. Something that is like -3 or -4, for example. The easiest notation for it on a non-parry character would be 335H. What this does is, its a quick crouch dash puts you into a crouch state instantly and avoids quick, incoming standing throws between the ranges of 5-10 frames typically. You then rise up slowly block against slower mid attacks.
    It's odd to think about, but its finding a mathematical sweetspot that just happens to avoid most of the options in the game all at once by transitioning quickly between crouch and standing.
    The sidestep glitch is still there. At least in lobby matches. Happened several times to me fighting DOA Eater.
    What's the sidestep glitch?
    TRI Mike
    TRI Mike
    The game randomly changes your sidestep settings in online matches from 88/22 to 8P+K+G/2P+K+G and viceversa. It's very frustrating.
    GGs to DrDogg. Fought him a few times in ranked a while ago. I wish the netcode would be better.
    This has to be another fucking glitch. I can't find any matches in Xbox 360 no matter what options I use.
    Doug Nguyen
    Doug Nguyen
    Same, i cant find any matches and sometimes i cant even create lobbies.
    Well, in that case... it can be two things: 1) nobody plays this game 2) the matchmaking is fucked up. Go figure...
    TRI Mike
    TRI Mike
    It's impossible for no one to be playing. The game just came out and is doing good in sales. I can find matches even in DOA4 and Xtreme 2 but not in 5¿ Gotta be a fucking glitch with matchmaking.
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