Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • So, Zack 2kkkkk string doesn't force tech like it Does in 5, kasumi 66k has a punch follow up, and there seems to be a new kind of bound
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Rig seems a lot more flamboyant now, which is good cause it'll be easier to read his animation and defend properly, and thisnew Diego guy looks pretty dope
    New Arc the Lad game being developed by the original team members is comming out!...for mobile
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    it's like a fucking meme at this point, next thing you'll be telling me japanese developer STING! has reformed and are developing the thrid installment of the Evolution trilogy to wrap up the series!...for mobile
    Playing Paladins cuz Overwatch 2 mainstream
    Overwatch is pretty awesome though.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    it must be, it wouldn't be as popular as it is if it wasn't awesome, but i just haven't found a hero i enjoy playing yet. meanwhile in paladins i've been playing Seris and I am in love with her, originally i was playing Furia but i dropped her when i realized she wasn't very gud :/, i will keep an open mind though, have to when you have so many choices for champions
    Have you tried every character? You don't enjoy Genji, Tracer or D.Va for example?
    so, if you ever so slightly delay between first 2 p's of kasumi's 5ppp and your opponent gets CH, you (the kasumi) are somehow -8 0_o
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    the screen will say "COUNTER STRIKE" but no critical hit. but if you just mash it out, they will always end up in the regular deep stun that the 3rd p of that string is supposed to inflict, what is this madness?
    I hope DOA6 has that RE: Extinction moment where Kasumi awakens the rest of her clones so they can fight an ultimate evil
    Don’t ruin this
    Kage bunshin no jutsu she shouts as Kasumi Alpha s surround her
    Honestly, what i would think would be really cool, is something that kinda happened in that Dead fantasy series, where Kasumi is alone in a big arena fighting all the alphas (now phases 4) by herself.
    if there's a franchise i totally wouldn't mind if they toned down the sexualization, it's Hyderdimension Neptunia
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    The only game I know that makes references and breaking 4th walls is Disgaea (since that's what Hyperdimension games are kinda doing if they are making reference ploy with 4th wall breaking (?).
    Disgaea is a good series by the way. Possibly the only Nippon Ichi Software/NIS games that genuinely doesn't feel low budget. Only issue is that it's a tactical RPG game with a milestone for grinding. But it comes packed with humor and occasionally 4th wall breaking.
    So was DMC4 considered a good game when it came out? cuz im playing it for the first time in 2018 and...yeesh :/
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    DMC4 has good gameplay? i dunno know about that one, im going through it and im having a hard time having fun with it. I'm still on the Nero campaign and im aware there's 4 other characters to play as so maybe 1 of them will appeal to me more, but as for the Nero part of the game, bleh...
    it really depends on what you want or expect, but out of the all the games so far yes 4 has the best gameplay. 3 is close but has a severe draw back with only one style at a time.

    you probably just don't gel with Nero, most don't tbh since he only gets 1 weapon and one gun.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    So that 1 sword is all he gets? Da fck? I was just putting up with it cause I was like "this sword sux but maybe the next weapon I get will be better"

    Man, bump nero, I'm gonna try out Virgil and lady, maybe they'll be more fun
    name a string that your main has that you've never used in match and why
    6H+KKK/6H+KK4K- Ein

    I've never seen a reason to, 6H+K doesn't even launch like Hitomi's version.(7K)
    Honoka: PPP (transitions into DS). Easily interrupted. Also, 9PPP, 9PKP and 9PKK. All too slow (esp online). Or perhaps I'm scrub. xD
    Marie 1PP into sidestep or parry, same for PP2PP

    Although this string is safe, on block its easily interruptable with a 2P
    i don't know what voodoo magic exists in Koihime Enbu where i can play lag free matches with Japanese players, but bring that shit to DOA!
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    like, I run into people with 1 bars or even 0 bars, i check their profile and it says japan, but when we play, i can whiff punish, i can react to fireballs, i can throw tech consistently, like what the hell is going on?!
    Tbagged and called a faggot by mutiple hayate mains? typical online session tonight i see :/
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    Ninja mains are edgelords confirmed
    You havent played DOA until you join a public lobby with no private slots, remain silent on your mic while listening to an effeminate male voice who doesnt know you personally call you a bitch and a scrub for seeing Lisa as your main icon and then kicking you from the lobby before you get a match in.
    i've never even been in a lobby i get kicked for my "bad connection" (i still have really good connection for my area, but that's not saying much) lmao so i just stick with ranked
    While I like the idea of progressive mode in Fighting ex layer, I hate that it can be used in online matches
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    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Can't have no execution scrubs feeling themselves just cause they can reliably pull off specials moves
    This probably isn't an unpopular opinion. I personally don't see the reasoning behind a high execution ceiling on moves. Techniques yes, but actual move inputs? I don't get hype from watching people execute difficult to pull-off moves, I get hype from seeing people apply themselves creatively in situations to shut the other person down or upset. Neither of those call for complicated inputs for cancels and supers.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    i am the complete opposite, seeing people pull of high execution combos that are mad hard to do consistently in tournament is crazy hype, especially when you know how hard they are. The daigo momochi combo, scarjumps, multishines, 80% hougeki combos, they wouldn't be the same if these situations were so easy to pull off do that any body could do it
    welp, if there's no one to steal tech from guess you gotta find it yourself :/
    I got some tech videos up on FEXL and some mini-combo samples on KOFXIV if you want to get some information
    Welp, got my Nintendo switch, but I won't be unboxing it until december. Cuz there ain't shit to play on this thing :/
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    Splatoon 2 is not a port in case you already played 1. It's a full fledged sequel with changes, new modes, longer single player and really great DLC that is probably the best thing I have played this year, but then again I love Splatoon......
    Oh and I guess you might enjoy Xenoblade 2 if you like JRPGs like Tales Of (story and character wise) and the usual Xenoblade stuff, but it takes a while to understand its fighting system. I know I did not understand chain attacks properly until like 70 hours in out of my 115...
    And also, it's massive in side quests content, I played 115 hrs just of doing usual stuff like upgrading my party and doing the bare minimum quests.
    If you do get it, download all the updates because the base game is very frustrating and unpolished due to its December 2017 release date.
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