Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • Wanna get hype for K rool in Smash but he's a big body thats not Rosalina or Capt. Falcon so he's gonna suck, unless he has ding dong
    why do you want K Rool's dong?
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    No silly, ding dong is not a reference to pen15, it's the name of a technique where you up throw into frame perfect double jump into an up air, allowing you to kill opponents at medium percents off of a throw. It's a technique heavily used by big bodies and is the only thing that keeps them relevant in the competitive scene
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I have fucking clue why it's called ding dong though, it was popularized by donkey Kong so maybe that had something to do with it? I'm not sure
    Do my eyes deceive me or does Helena now have a command sidestep in bokuho stance in doa6?
    Yes she does.Bokuho will be more annoying than ever.
    She has one on 5 too, you double 2H when in Bokuho and she automatically does a sidestep. This was figured out by Aqua
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Cause Helena be struggling on the defense, gotta give her even more tools!
    huh, so despite 5pp being a 2 in 1 for most characters, it loses that property on HCH, that's kind of random :/
    A lot of attacks are 2-in-1 on NH but holdable on CH such as Christie's 6PP.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    huh, interesting, i was just testing jabs and for some reason they only lose the 2 in 1 property on HCH, on NH and CH they're still 2 in 1's
    Yeah, it's to balance out how ridiculously good a 5P stun is on HCH.
    dmc2 is the NG3 of the dmc series, right down to it being too easy, mad boring, and filled with too many helicopters
    I liked DMC2 -_-
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    playing through the HD collection and i can say with confidence that i am not enjoying the experience that is dmc2, but im not finished with the game yet so maybe it picks up towards the end, or on the 2nd playthough, or maybe lucia is more fun,
    Uhhhh it does not pick up. The story is complete ass and made no sense, but for some reason I enjoyed DMC 2 lol.

    Edit: Not that it really matters. "Lore" wise DMC 2 takes place in the far distant future and has basically been wiped out of the overall story. Right now the order of timeline is 3,1,4,2.
    Why do ppl like Bakugo :/
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    I always thought it's because how similar he is to Asura from Asura's Wrath lol
    My friends who watch MHA say his attitude and looks are hot. So there you go.
    Same reason people like Vegeta, or Sasuke? Some people like the anti-hero character. They tend to be more interesting than the generic goodie goodie main characters.
    Gentlemen Theif plays virtua fighter? man, the things you learn watching Top 8 vods
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    Not only does Gentleman Thief play VF, he's arguably the best Western VF player. Crazy Jean he has.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    and here i thought he was just a juri player. apprently alot of top SF guys play or played virtua fighter, Itabashi Zangief, Fuudo, Gamerbee, Ryan Hart, all vf players at some point , who'd a thought
    after the whole "Terry Bogard turns into a woman to join the roster of the all female Kof Spinoff", maybe the next DOAXBV can take note...
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    like say, Ryu and Hayate visit the island for...reasons, then some magical mumbo jumbo happens and they get trasnformed into girls, Hayate becomes Hayame and Ryu turns into Ryu-chan, bam, suddenly you got DOA male cast members in your all female game..kinda, sorta :/ i dunno
    yes.. YEsss.... YESSSS!!!!
    imagine they could click their fingers and switch from guys to girls and vice versa whenever lmao that would make hilarious scenarios
    Finished DmC1, I have to say it was a lot better than I expected. Now moving on to dmc2, the game I've only heard bad things about
    so, in the IGN footage at 0:58 Diego does a moves that looks like a 6p or a 4p, but it OTG'd and hit Rig when he was grounded. da hell?
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    or maybe that was a 1p that (visually) hits very high, and apparently can transition into his shoulder charge
    That looked like a 1P to me.
    Probably a quick tech window though. Unless that through does low damage it has to have a tight tech window.
    I wanna see Diego and Leon get in a fight, see who's more brutal
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    English VA for Diego better add some Spanish phrases and accent! He better cuss like an hot-headed Papi!
    Leon will throw his ass into a breakable object and do it again
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    but then Diego will grab him near the wall and punch him 4 time in the face (i do srsly love that animation)
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