Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • Since Capcom has remade RE1-3, you think they're gonna remake 4-6? will there be giant zombie T-rexes in our future?
    • Haha
    Reactions: VAND1TA
    I only want more RE4 versions hahaha
    But realistically, RE code veronica and Outbreak deserve to get a remake.
    i want new RE with new story
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Code Veronica remake would be nice, but i'd prefer if they left the over the shoulder RE games alone, but i doubt they will, these remakes are too successful
    Remember kids, having multicolored hair and a wacky T-shirt is not a substitute for a personality
    It would be hard to have a personality in a world in which being different in any way possible, typically opinion-wise could cost you your life/career. Everyone also has to like the same things, otherwise said person is lame.
    while being way overexposed atm, "Your Turn to Die"is definitely worth a play through if you like VN's and murder mysteries, plus it's free so you aint got no excuse
    So if you end a CS combo with a high that causes crumple stun, you get oki off it, this was a thing in 5 but it looks like it still works in 6
    didn't realize Nyo got oki after landing mid punch hold, guess that's one way to improve her craptastic counters w/o changing them entirely
    Some of the highest non-expert hold damage in the game. Craptastic. K.
    fun fact, you can meaty with Honoka 5h+k post 6t wall splat and turn her regular -2 tracking mid kick into 0 on block, don't think I have to explain why that's good
    • Wow
    Reactions: SaihateDYNAMO
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    timing's a bit finicky but with some practice you can get it consistently, best way I've found is to whiff 5p, wait for half a microsecond and then press 5h+k (if you mash it 5h+k whiffs), or buffer 333 during recovery and then do it
    oh snap, i didn't realized they pulled a SF5 Juri with Rachel's fiend outfit "let's just put a black catsuit underneath the revealing purple outfit and boom, family friendly!"
    Reinstalled RE5 and RE6 recently, and i'll be gosh darned ppl still play the online of both those games in 2019, crazy
    RE5 was fun as co-op. Currently playing RE6 and it has got me frustrated many times already. But at least Jake is bae. How was online btw?
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    It's fine, it's very active during late evening/early morning but it's fine, although I prefer doing the campaign with a computer since they'll actually save you when you're dying lol, but for other modes like Mercenaries, Agent hunt, etc the online works great
    Code Vein got a new update, in it there's new Christmas gear, new maps for the Depths, you can adjust the height of your custom character (finally), and they added a photo mode, it's pretty sweet
    Eliot players! is [3]p into bear stance into 16p the most optimal post bound combo ender or that just done for style?
    It's the most optimal from my knowledge.
    But how do you access them lol? I always use combos that end in 33P2P close hit 6P+K. Guess it depends on your routes
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Just replace 33p2p close hit 6p+k with 33p2p [3]p bear stance 16p, you can always get a bear stance transition after you do a bound thanks to [3]p refloat properties and it can transition into bear stance by pressing 4, the only thing that sux is that it's an easy ender to mess up, so alot of times I just end up doing 236p or 6p+k, but I just started playing the character so with time I'll get it right
    Now that there's a heavyweight out that ppl are actually playing, its time to learn muh heavyweight conversions
    I'm sorry, I thought DoA6 threw Heavyweight juggle states out the window. It feels the same still really across the board. Like the way the launches are for me. If you get an FS to land. DoA5 actually took weight more into account.
    Since we got new moves to equalize fatal stuns across the cast, fingers crossed TN does the same with bounds, cause I'm still miffed how some characters can get a bound off any launcher and others can get it off only one or none
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    But since bounding offers so many options at the end of a combo (you can restand with full meter, you can sidestep attack to change launch trajectories to extend combos, you go for pseudo force tech, or end with close hits for dmg) that type if utility should be available to everyone, not just a few who were blessed to have good bound moves
    I actually find Honoka really fun to play in 6 in part because of that aspect. She has loads of different ways to go into a juggle and different things she can do with each. It actually feels like I have freedom to just kinda do whatever I want. And because her bound is so situational, it actually feels satisfying to get it.
    Also, yeah, you can restand, and what? If they don't have meter, you're just gonna fatal sitdown them, launch, and do the exact same combo again. If they do have meter, it's just a guessing game where you either throw them...or launch and do the exact same combo again. Or, if you're playing a character with a launcher throw, you do the same combo again either way.
    Capcom filing for a Darkstalkers trademark have ppl speculating about a possible sequel being in the works,but I wouldn't get your hopes up. Pretty sure they're just doing it so Darkstalkers stays as a Capcom property
    I wish they make a 4. The series has an interesting lore but we know Capcom is lazy because how well-animated and gimmicks used that possibly couldn't work in 3D. I enjoy the franchise better than the Marvel Vs series, which ironically the gameplay derived from Darkstalkers.
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