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Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
You'll have to count Tina out too, since she has the mermaid outfit.

Damn, how can I forget that...

Welcome to my world lol. That's how I felt about the last time Mila got a contest design (nothing against the actual artist)

1st contest she got the exact costume I liked the least (aside from bikinis), rather than something cool. Second contest she didnt get ANYTHING fan designed.

That's my main concern, I know that my costume has a chance appearing on another character(or even being used a placeholder for a DLC pack...but I highly doubt that will happen) but since I cannot see how the outfit truly looks, I have to play the guessing game so fucking hard...

Don't get me wrong, I'm not salty because someone else's design won, if this was last years'
I would lose knowing I lose to the overall better costume, but this year since I cannot find anything on the costume atm for all I know this could be the result:

And that's driving me insane because this probably gonna be the first costume I won't buy for Nyo under any circumstance if that's the case.
I may respect the winner, but that doesn't mean I will have to like the costume if it ends up anywhere near like Mila's travesty...*shudders*


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Standard Donor
that pumpkin hat honestly makes me wonder if she lost a bet or something
mila made a bet with zack that she can get tina's autograph by the end of the day, and if she doesn't, she'll go as a giant pumpkin for halloween. tina was no where to be found that day.
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