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Well-Known Member
I dont know anything about AoT. But Phase 4's costume isn't that bad. Why wasn't it copied to others? There are three designs here. A bunch with no cape. Some with a cape. And random Phase. I don't get it.


Well-Known Member
sorry forgot to link it
Hot Teacher Nyo anyone?

@GreatDarkHero @Project Bokuho
Teach me please, Nyotengu sensei :oops:


Well-Known Member
As always I would prefer original creations but I'm equally truly excited by the news of such collaborations with SNK and AOT franchises! =)

I dont know anything about AoT. But Phase 4's costume isn't that bad. Why wasn't it copied to others? There are three designs here. A bunch with no cape. Some with a cape. And random Phase. I don't get it.

Actually for me she got the best outfit of the pack xD One of the main characters of the work is Captain Levi, considered the strongest soldier against the titans available to the mankind. Despite the character' serious tone and role, from time to time the author like to contrast it through comic reliefs with him, so in a circumstance it's revealed that he is a maniac of cleaning - very likely caused from his childhood passed in an underground city - at the point to force his squad to clean their new headquarter using appropriated "uniforms" as the one worn by Phase:


I could be wrong but from the trailer and the picture it's seemed to me that Hayabusa wear a white cravat - peculiarity of Levi's look - so if this is the case he is cosplaying him in his soldier appearence.
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Well-Known Member
The AoT outfits are pretty much what I expected, a bunch of the same thing with a few different colored capes on a few of em. Kinda lame imo.

Stage is also eh, just another big box.

Imo Mai is really the highlight here.


Well-Known Member
I don't watch the show, but I'm pretty sure that Kasumi/Ayane are Mikasa and Hayabusa is Levi.

I just noticed the scarves, good catch. Even alpha looks like she has a scarf so she may be dressed as Mikasa as well. Shows just how uncreative this pack is if they're making characters cosplay as the same character...


Premium Donor
Ironically better than they will in the AoT stage.
Exactly! Idk why, the outfits just seem to have a sort of military type vibe that fits hotzone more, the Aot stage strangely just doesn't seem to have that vibe, maybe because it's somewhat desolate besides the floor and that weird looking titan just...looking at you menacingly.


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lmao the characters are from different garrisons (Squads in easier terminology), look at the emblems on their outfits.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I also won't buy any of the AoT DLC, even though I was honestly a bit hyped for a second when I heard about it a few days ago. Especially the stage got me exited. But it turned out to be so bland...and ugly even (have you seen the ground textures?) that I won't touch it. Nope. :/
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