Ryu Hayabusa: The Thinking Man's Super Ninja


Master Ninja
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1P+K isn't in anymore. That's his PB now, so you only have 2P+K to transition without using other moves. Shoho Izuna is still only from Ongyoin and that's good because I missed that crush from the older games. 3P+K is one of his best crushes and I'd hate to sacrifice it just so I didn't have to use Ongyoin to get the Shoho Izuna, which isn't worth the effort for the damage output. Much better to just use a different move into a short juggle into air throw. His new throw out of Ongyoin is cooler anyway and it's fun to bait with 4K.


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1P+K isn't in anymore. That's his PB now, so you only have 2P+K to transition without using other moves.
Good thing I've mainly been using the 2P+K, or I'd have to retrain that muscle memory over again.

Shoho Izuna is still only from Ongyoin and that's good because I missed that crush from the older games. 3P+K is one of his best crushes and I'd hate to sacrifice it just so I didn't have to use Ongyoin to get the Shoho Izuna, which isn't worth the effort for the damage output.
Damage output is low, but the "effort" is actually minimal as it seems that the initial strike sweep ducks below high attacks, making it ideal for certain running-kick combos that people like to spam at ranges. Then again, if you have the range, initiating the Ongyoin is fairly easy to do.

His new throw out of Ongyoin is cooler anyway and it's fun to bait with 4K.
Do you happen to have any videos of that throw? Very curious about it.

Other thing I was wondering: Can Ryu now counter-teleport like Kasumi? I recall seeing something that looked like that, but it could have been a quick Ongyoin teleport timed well that I just glossed over.

Sorry, I know I've been asking a ridiculous amount of questions. I'm just (obviously) very excited.


Master Ninja
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Good thing I've mainly been using the 2P+K, or I'd have to retrain that muscle memory over again.

Damage output is low, but the "effort" is actually minimal as it seems that the initial strike sweep ducks below high attacks, making it ideal for certain running-kick combos that people like to spam at ranges. Then again, if you have the range, initiating the Ongyoin is fairly easy to do.

Do you happen to have any videos of that throw? Very curious about it.

Other thing I was wondering: Can Ryu now counter-teleport like Kasumi? I recall seeing something that looked like that, but it could have been a quick Ongyoin teleport timed well that I just glossed over.

Sorry, I know I've been asking a ridiculous amount of questions. I'm just (obviously) very excited.

It's cool; fire away. My point about the Shoho Izuna is that the damage is comparatively low to his other options that require less setup, not that it's terribly difficult to do or anything.

I do not have video of the new throw, but you've already seen it: it's the same animation as his advanced mid-kick hold from the Alpha build. He no longer has an advanced mid-kick hold. i think I'm already mentioned the notation here somewhere but it's Throw, half-circle-forward Throw, 360 Throw from Ongyoin. It has next to no range and is a normal throw, not offensive hold, so you have to bait it from something like 4K. If the move you do steps back into Ongyoin you're only catching them if they try to run up and offensive hold or run up and counter, which people still do for some reason.

Ryu can counter-teleport in the Alpha build as well as the current one. Cancel Ongyoin with Hold and if an enemy attacks into the animation where Ryu is kind of circling his hands he'll teleport behind them. Since he got his normal teleport behind the opponent back after the Alpha build it's a bit redundant but it's nice to know you have that little safety blanket.


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Agreed on the Shoho.

For the Ongyoin counter-teleport, do you have to input the cancel like a typical counter (say they use a low attack, do you have to press 1Free), or will it scan any direction of incoming hit?


Master Ninja
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I honestly haven't tested it extensively because I'm not a fan of going into Ongyoin in the opponent's face in the Alpha and you have more options in the final builds. I believe it's only mids, but it may be punches similar to Hitomi's parry. I'm almost certain it won't catch lows but Rikuto generally just threw me out of it or triggered the teleport with 6P. The input to trigger it is simply Hold though, similar to free-cancelling things. No directional input required.


Master Ninja
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...and there we have it. Was it really all mids, though? Jumping attacks as well? Honestly it was just generally a bad idea to do on purpose in the Alpha so I didn't use it typically.


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Yeah I'm familiar with the cancel input, but when I tried to utilize it's teleport-counter functions, I always seemed to get struck so I was wondering if it was some more advanced input aside from the regular Free button. My timing must be off.


Master Ninja
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It triggers automatically if the opponent attacks during the window. You don't need to do anything for it, really. Just timing and it's more them than you.


Well-Known Member
I believe so. Unfortunately it didn't give you anything. I know someone who liked using it for wakeup kicks, but I'm not 100% sure what he did before or after.


Master Ninja
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I believe so. Unfortunately it didn't give you anything. I know someone who liked using it for wakeup kicks, but I'm not 100% sure what he did before or after.
By the time the animation finished you'd have no guaranteed punish lol. Recovery on wake up kicks is relatively high but that's not a fast parry by any stretch of the word and you're left at neutral, not advantage. More power to them though haha.


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Because it's come to my attention a certain Hayabusa player has gotten the game early, I wanted to ask:

Does our champ have more than 2 costumes, or did he get totally screwed?


Master Ninja
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He has four. Most importantly his final costume is my personal favorite: the red and black demon costume. It's been my standard since Ultimate and I was worried it wouldn't be in because it wasn't in NG3 or Warriors Orochi 3. His alternate from WO3 is also in DoA5: the white one. It's pretty sick, actually, but not enough to make me change from my beloved costume 4. I may grab capture some 720p footage of his costumes tomorrow, though just screen capping should be sufficient for costumes.

Since I'm on the subject of Busa in 5: Shoho-Izuna is in and can be performed without being in Ongyoin by pressing QCF+P+K and finishing as normal. His bowing appeal ("Gomen!" I think) is also in the game. You can do it by pressing QCF+H+P+K. I played more than is healthy today so I'll need time to gather my thoughts. If you guys have any questions feel free and I'll answer when I can. Likely tomorrow. Need sleep.


Active Member
Can you remove the mask from any of them? How else can I hope to give him aviators? If not chances are I will stick with the white one. Dang.


Master Ninja
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Uh...honestly I never thought of doing that. Never really done that for any characters. I'll try the usual assortment of holding RB and hitting X or whatever, but I sincerely doubt that you can remove his mask. I'll let you know tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
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So he doesn't have any unmasked ones or the DOA throwback?

Goddamnit Team Ninja...


Active Member
Thanks a bunch. Now I won't have to wonder till the 25th. I always have used his maskless costumes in the past. It is gonna be weird for me. Hahahah.


Well-Known Member
Kinda a shame that he only has 4, at least he has good ones. Hopefully stuff like shadow walker or doa outfit will be added later as dlc. And so glad to hear the Bow taunt is in for sure. I'll probably just stick with the white outfit.


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Am I the only one who thinks that the white/Joe suit is absolutely lame compared to the DOA throwback one?


Well-Known Member
He has four. Most importantly his final costume is my personal favorite: the red and black demon costume. It's been my standard since Ultimate and I was worried it wouldn't be in because it wasn't in NG3 or Warriors Orochi 3. His alternate from WO3 is also in DoA5: the white one. It's pretty sick, actually, but not enough to make me change from my beloved costume 4. I may grab capture some 720p footage of his costumes tomorrow, though just screen capping should be sufficient for costumes.

Since I'm on the subject of Busa in 5: Shoho-Izuna is in and can be performed without being in Ongyoin by pressing QCF+P+K and finishing as normal. His bowing appeal ("Gomen!" I think) is also in the game. You can do it by pressing QCF+H+P+K. I played more than is healthy today so I'll need time to gather my thoughts. If you guys have any questions feel free and I'll answer when I can. Likely tomorrow. Need sleep.
Does Ryu still has his dash kick? :6::6::K: