Team NINJA Social Media Updates for DOA6


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Kiryu would sell twice over in Tekken, wherein in DOA he would likely sell roughly more than the male DLC costumes do.

This is very true, however it's merely just the integrity of it all and DOA to feel more authentic with his inclusion, not because he's a dude.

I'd rather someone from Tekken like Jin or Lili or just an original character who uses an older moveset refined like a Genra one

I too prefer more fighting game character inclusions. Fighting games work better with other fighting games because they can have a vision behind it with whatever it is as long as the companies are competent with their decisions. It's perfectly fine to not be a fan of a certain character entry. Mind you that I played the heck out of Kula and I still think this character just wasn't a good fit for this game's integrity, I play any character female or male as long as the character looks good. Was she fun? sure, I think she was fun to use in DOA and I enjoyed it. Did she help DOA to grow up? no, it did not.

Least with Kiryu, there is actual effort behind that character and respect put into it. You look at Diego and everything looks immensely bootleg with him being the epitome to TN's laziness. It's just the general base of taking these characters serious, and I already can't take most of the cast serious for DOA6 lol, I chuckle every time they appear in story mode but I suppose that's the charm of it (or so it seems). In previous DOAs and some of it in 5, there was some life to them, but the cast at this present time for DOA6 just seem lifeless and the overall writing for them in current present time speaks ass.

It's like if they had Geese in DOA, he'd sell poorly compared to Tekken 7 where it's Male dominated central.

Might have to stop you there. That series Tekken goes for all types and not catered to a specific gender. A reminder of Julia, Anna, Zafina with Harada mentioned on how well they also did etc. Fun information here, Julia and Zafina sold more than Armor King despite Armor King is the most picked at the time, he still did less than them.

Geese sold well in Tekken not because of some male/female assert your gender controversy shenanigan. He sold well because Tekken didn't matter on which character was introduced as long as it tries to be hype no matter what gender it is.
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Premium Donor
This is true, however it's merely just the integrity of it all and DOA to feel more authentic with his inclusion, not because he's a dude.

I too prefer more fighting game character inclusions. Fighting games work better with other fighting games because they can have a vision behind it with whatever it is as long as the companies are competent with their decisions. It's perfectly fine to not be a fan of a certain character entry. Mind you that I played the heck out of Kula and I still think this character just wasn't a good fit for this game's integrity, I play any character female or male as long as the character looks good. Was she fun? sure, I think she was fun to use in DOA and I enjoyed it. Did she help DOA to grow up? no, it did not.

Least with Kiryu, there is actual effort behind that character and respect put into it. You look at Diego and everything looks immensely bootleg and him being the epitome to TN's laziness. It's just the general base of taking these characters serious, and I already can't take most of the cast serious for DOA6 lol, I chuckle every time they appear in story mode but I suppose that's the charm of it (or so it seems). In previous DOAs and some of it in 5, there was some life to them, but the cast at this present time for DOA6 just seem lifeless and the overall writing for them in current present time speaks ass.

Might have to stop you there. That series Tekken goes for all types and not catered to a specific gender. A reminder of Julia, Anna, Zafina with Harada mentioned on how well they also did etc. Fun information here, Julia and Zafina sold more than Armor King despite Armor King is the most picked at the time, he still did less than them.

Geese sold well in Tekken not because of some male/female controversy shenanigan. He sold well because Tekken didn't matter on which character was introduced as long as it tries to be hype, no matter what gender it is.
The girls did well but that's because they were demanded legacy characters that their fans were making death threats over xD If Lili was excluded the same result would have happened with her or even more or so since she's almost if not more popular than the veteran girls excluded and Geese sold well more because of his already established popularity and hype with older veteran type players who grew up with KOF, if Geese was someone else like say Kasumi from DOA or say Kula from KOF, there would be hype and alot of crossover fans but it wouldn't likely amount to what Geese has done since he's a more established and more generally received character

And that's mainly because the story of DOA6 was bad and the design for Diego was basic and not really inspired, but if the story was fleshed out more on his end he would have been better received. And Kula didn't exactly help the community grow but she did overall get the sales and revenue TN wanted which is what matters most to them, and on top of that Kula is simple enough for anyone to use which adds to that since no one wants a character that while cool and popular is difficult to use. That's why Honoka is probably one of the most popular characters casually but you won't see her too often because of how she's designed to play compared to Nico or Kasumi who's more accessible


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A fleshed out story won't be some magic remedy to make characters popular, Its all about the design, uniqueness, how they're promoted, and fighting style. Look at Leroy Smith, he's infinitely more popular and hyped than any DOA character and has no story other than his bio on the Tekken website. He got a high budget reveal trailer with a bad ass theme specifically for him, he got rappers like T-Pain cosplaying him and is a huge hit among the black community where a vast majority of fighting games have black men relegated to being a basic thuggish boxer arch-type like balrog/TJ Combo or comedy relief like Zack who after 6 games is still the only black representative in DOA which is a joke.

In the end current TN has no idea how to promote any of their characters to make them appealing and since their fanbase consist of loli-lusters and waifu worshippers they have no need to promote the female characters other than showing TnA and panty shots to satisfy them where as they can't rely on that for their male characters thus why females will forever be more popular than males in DOA.


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I don’t like this “male characters sell less than female characters” discussion. Especially since we didn’t get a proper Male DLC release. Let’s not forget that the males don’t get marketed as the female cast and that the only ever paid male DLC is the most unpopular in the series (Raidou).

If DOA actually made a male character with a hype trailer, design and fighting style I’m sure that such a male character would sell more than female characters. Honestly, it’s just the way current TN barely markets Male characters. A fighting game can have more female characters than male characters but what TN doing is dirty. They only market and promote their female cast and leave the male cast in the dark. They forgot that the male characters are as much a part of DOA as the female cast. If they marketed the male characters more the males would do better. When you think of DOA you think of the girls because that’s what TN is marketing.
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Yeah basically DOA has to grow up, but as long as KT is around and it's marketing team, that's basically what you are going to get from TN's DOA with how they want to market the game and let me tell you, their marketing is absolute ass with how they want to promote the game. Fighting games gotta have some type of equality, and putting too many letter X's on a basket that says "letter X's and Y's go here" will just cause issues except to fill one's pockets.

But hey i'm chilling. Nioh 2 is in two months so i'm good lol. If DOA wants to envelop themselves in a false sense of hype at your common tournament goings with stream chats typing like it's the best game in the world with characters and designs that you can't even take serious, then by all means feel free. Thank the heavens i'm not a sheep for this series lol.
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I think they just suck at marketing, period. It’s why there were people out there who didn’t even know for months that a 6th DOA game existed. The new female character’s trailer will most likely not be interesting at all, and will probably take place in Hidden Garden (if she’s Asian/uses Asian martial arts) or Throwdown (anything else) like the rest and end in her Break Blow like the rest. Formulaic set up we’ve seen already way too many times.

TN doesn’t want anything cool anymore, they’re just here to grab player’s money the best way they can: blatant fanservice, which is something males cannot offer to their main audience. Diego existed to fill a quota and I’m sure if they could they definitely would have given us two females. They need to take more risks instead of playing it safe.


Well-Known Member
If DOA actually made a male character with a hype trailer, design and fighting style I’m sure that such a male character would sell more than female characters.

I honestly disagree with this; even IF TN made an effort to market a new male character, in DOA, I'm sure a female character will ALWAYS sell better. If there are statistics for the core fighters that say otherwise, I am willing to admit I'm wrong but DOA has always focused on female characters and I doubt no amount of marketing would make a new male DLC character sell better than a female.

The only exception to this is if they had a male guest character but it would have to be a very big name character.


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Obviously, and that's precisely the point with why DOA in itself is to blame for that. Moreover KT.
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I didn't say his story was bad, I said that his design is nothing to get excited about for a fighting game. Diego looks boring af and so does Kiryu.

It's not really fair to misinterpret my post and spoil the story for people who haven't finished in the process btw. XD

I wasn't sure about what you meant by design.

His aesthetic is like that at purpose. When you first look at him you know he's a tough guy, they want you to think he is a brainless powerhouse and nothing more and if you played the games, you know that's what all NPCs think about him at first.

It's the moral about his look, don't judge a book by its cover. But Diego ... Diego is just that, a powerhouse with not brain at all.

Combat-wise is the same. Kiryu evolves a lot through his games. He starts as a thug with near to zero skill (Diego) but through the games he becomes a master of a lot styles, being way more than just a powerhose.

That's why Kiryu is so popular, he's way more than he looks in every single sense.


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They could imo pick a more recognizable or cooler looking character. I'm not constituting personality or the magnitude of the story.


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Every single character would sell more on Tekken. Not only Kiryu or Kula.

Just look at this:

Kula for T7 would be way more welcomed than she was for DOA6.

I understand that people want more than just female characters but this goes in both directions, when they actually put some effort into the game (Mai and Kula) and they do a good job, they also get undeserved criticism.

NiCO is near to zero effort character (she's a bit better than Diego but just compare her animations to Marie Rose) so I can understand the criticsm sorrounding her but with Mai and Kula, mainly Kula, I think DOA community went too far as well.

So my policy since years ago is just looking at the product quality more than if what devs do is with me in their mind as the main target. I don't have to like every single character in a game but look at SoulCalibur VI, the first DLC male character will be Haohmaru and he is the second SP2 character.

I don't care if a game has more or less male/female characters, I just want quality and if the team is committed to the game sooner or later they will make both male and female characters. Maybe more male characters, maybe more female characters ... but if they put effort and they are interesting, who cares?

Just look at SC VI thread in this forum, there are several people that also play SC VI but unlike with DOA6 you won't find so much criticsm about Project Soul only releasing female characters.

So ... why?, well, DOA 6 issue for me isn't TN only releasing female characters, if that would be the case then me and others wouldn't be playing SC VI. DOA6 main issue for me is TN puts zero effort into it.

Just look at Rachel and Momiji in DOA6 and compare them to SC VI DLC female characters. In SC VI everyone got new gimmicks and mechanics. In DOA 6 ... TN just removed DOA5 properties, several moves and to compensate that they only gained a few new moves. DOA6 characters lost way more than they got unlike SC VI characters.

The effort that Project Soul and Team Ninja put to bring character from previous games isn't even similar.

So that's why SC VI community is way happier than DOA6 community. It isn't because SC VI isn't a waifu game unlike DOA6, because female characters are also a BIG appeal in SC VI, no one will deny it. It's because even if it's evident that female characters are super popular in Soul Calibur and devs aren't afraid to hide it, Project Soul is committed to the game and they put a lot effort into them at least.

So that's why even if in DOA I like more female characters in general (it's not like I don't like some male character tho) and the eye candy was never an issue for me, even if these things are the only focus in DOA6, that being the only selling point isn't enough for me.

If the fanservice is this game main and only selling point ... does that makes sense?, because DOA5 is both a better fighting game and a way more fanservice product. That is my issue with DOA6, I still can't understand what both TN and Koei are thinking because 10 months after release I just can't think a single reason to play DOA6 instead DOA5. Whatever you want DOA5 has it and better.
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Standard Donor
Yeah basically DOA has to grow up, but as long as KT is around and it's marketing team, that's basically what you are going to get from TN's DOA with how they want to market the game and let me tell you, their marketing is absolute ass with how they want to promote the game. Fighting games gotta have some type of equality, and putting too many letter X's on a basket that says "letter X's and Y's go here" will just cause issues except to fill one's pockets.

But hey i'm chilling. Nioh 2 is in two months so i'm good lol. If DOA wants to envelop themselves in a false sense of hype at your common tournament goings with stream chats typing like it's the best game in the world with characters and designs that you can't even take serious, then by all means feel free. Thank the heavens i'm not a sheep for this series lol.
I doubt the series will grow up with the people at KT and TN. The older DOA games were more mature than DOA6.

Anyway, I can’t wait for Nioh 2. That game is just so good, and got me hype. I am gonna grind the hell out of that game when it releases.


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Trust me. If I could give Kula a one way ticket to Tekken I would stuff it up her ass and boot her out myself.

I'm genuinely happy with DOA6. It needs work but it's a fun game and gets better for me as time goes on.


Every single character would sell more on Tekken. Not only Kiryu or Kula.

Just look at this:

Kula for T7 would be way more welcomed than she was for DOA6.

I understand that people want more than just female characters but this goes in both directions, when they actually put some effort into the game (Mai and Kula) and they do a good job, they also get undeserved criticism.

NiCO is near to zero effort character (she's a bit better than Diego but just compare her animations to Marie Rose) so I can understand the criticsm sorrounding her but with Mai and Kula, mainly Kula, I think DOA community went too far as well.

So my policy since years ago is just looking at the product quality more than if what devs do is with me in their mind as the main target. I don't have to like every single character in a game but look at SoulCalibur VI, the first DLC male character will be Haohmaru and he is the second SP2 character.

I don't care if a game has more or less male/female characters, I just want quality and if the team is committed to the game sooner or later they will make both male and female characters. Maybe more male characters, maybe more female characters ... but if they put effort and they are interesting, who cares?

Just look at SC VI thread in this forum, there are several people that also play SC VI but unlike with DOA6 you won't find so much criticsm about Project Soul only releasing female characters.

So ... why?, well, DOA 6 issue for me isn't TN only releasing female characters, if that would be the case then me and others wouldn't be playing SC VI. DOA6 main issue for me is TN puts zero effort into it.

Just look at Rachel and Momiji in DOA6 and compare them to SC VI DLC female characters. In SC VI everyone got new gimmicks and mechanics. In DOA 6 ... TN just removed DOA5 properties, several moves and to compensate that they only gained a few new moves. DOA6 characters lost way more than they got unlike SC VI characters.

The effort that Project Soul and Team Ninja put to bring character from previous games isn't even similar.

So that's why SC VI community is way happier than DOA6 community. It isn't because SC VI isn't a waifu game unlike DOA6, because female characters are also a BIG appeal in SC VI, no one will deny it. It's because even if it's evident that female characters are super popular in Soul Calibur and devs aren't afraid to hide it, Project Soul is committed to the game and they put a lot effort into them at least.

So that's why even if in DOA I like more female characters in general (it's not like I don't like some male character tho) and the eye candy was never an issue for me, even if these things are the only focus in DOA6, that being the only selling point isn't enough for me.

If the fanservice is this game main and only selling point ... does that makes sense?, because DOA5 is both a better fighting game and a way more fanservice product. That is my issue with DOA6, I still can't understand what both TN and Koei are thinking because 10 months after release I just can't think a single reason to play DOA6 instead DOA5. Whatever you want DOA5 has it and better.
Exactly right


Well-Known Member
For whatever reason Koei are kinda like overprotected parents to Tecmo and Team Ninja. Let them grow up and be mature Koei!


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'It needs work but it's a fun game and gets better for me as time goes on'

This. When DOA6 released nearly a year ago I was underwhelmed. 6 out of 10. Mediocre.

Now DOA6, with costumes and characters added, and technical and graphical touch-ups, 7.5/10. Pretty good.

That lighting though. Woof... keep going TN, give me Gen Fu back, boom 8/10.