Team NINJA Social Media Updates for DOA6


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They could update it to an 8x4 grid for 32 slots, or center the bottom 3 and have random as a button like in LR.
Or just add Gen Fu, Leon and Ein but who knows
Or just you know, add some actual new fucking content. I love Mai and Momiji but honestly they weren’t needed in 6 as DLC. Same with Rachel, Nyo and Phase 4. Rachel and Momiji should’ve been in the main cast anyway. It’s sad that out of 7 dlc characters 5 are reurning ones.

I’d rather see new faces for this game so it actually feels like a new fighter instead of an updated version of DOA5LR. Adding characters back that didn’t make it till launch is just dumb. Especially when they were playable in the previous instalment. If it was up to me I would’ve taken Raidou, Honoka, Marie and Diego out too. Since they really add no value to the series.


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Or just you know, add some actual new fucking content. I love Mai and Momiji but honestly they weren’t needed in 6 as DLC. Same with Rachel, Nyo and Phase 4. Rachel and Momiji should’ve been in the main cast anyway. It’s sad that out of 7 dlc characters 5 are reurning ones.

I’d rather see new faces for this game so it actually feels like a new fighter instead of an updated version of DOA5LR. Adding characters back that didn’t make it till launch is just dumb. Especially when they were playable in the previous instalment. If it was up to me I would’ve taken Raidou, Honoka, Marie and Diego out too. Since they really add no value to the series.

I at least agree with Diego. Honoka -they had a chance to make things right from her DOA5LR experience. Same goes with Raidou. They screwed the pooch with him.

The only thing I can say I loved about 6 was Tina I thought she was near perfect. If I had more time to play I would have put more effort into effectively using Bass and Lisa.

I'm going back to 5 if I feel the need for DOA. But with VII and my enjoyment of Nioh 2 I question if I would have time anyway.
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Well-Known Member
Or just you know, add some actual new fucking content. I love Mai and Momiji but honestly they weren’t needed in 6 as DLC. Same with Rachel, Nyo and Phase 4. Rachel and Momiji should’ve been in the main cast anyway. It’s sad that out of 7 dlc characters 5 are reurning ones.

I’d rather see new faces for this game so it actually feels like a new fighter instead of an updated version of DOA5LR. Adding characters back that didn’t make it till launch is just dumb. Especially when they were playable in the previous instalment. If it was up to me I would’ve taken Raidou, Honoka, Marie and Diego out too. Since they really add no value to the series.
well yeah lol but we're assuming this is the end of the game, or at least this version, so I doubt they'd add some original fighters now
was just pointing out that if they needed those empty spaces filled just port those characters over to at least end on some kind of positive note

on the subject of new characters though I've been preaching that pretty early on, even agreeing with TN leaving out Momiji and Rachel


Well-Known Member
Sacrebleu ! Maybe it was better to turn off life support. The reputation was too damaged. I'm relieved because hope to see creativity for this game was dead and I'm curious to see TN's new IP now. This is fate...

Hopefully TN still have fond memories of this franchise and is secretly working on DOAD² for all platforms with the old anime style, solid gameplay, tons of stages, many fan designs from the last contests, plenty of unlockables and a meaningful story. Is the anime style less expensive actually?
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Honestly, if they really are just shutting the whole thing down, I can't be super happy about it. I wanted things to get better. I'm sure we all did. But, the main reason I'm sad is that we have no ideas what lessons TN/KT are learning from this. Will they actually put in the work needed to make a (not sloppy) DOA fighting game? Will they focus more on character passes like other games or keep going with the costume deluge? Is the next game going to just have Kasumi revealed in pasties and a thong to try to make the game sell more?

Not to mention, the KT exec in that interview pretty much called Westerners cheap. Companies are moving more and more toward the mobile and whale model. I feel kind of pessimistic.
Inb4 a new DOA does happen but like Xtreme they make it Japan and Asia exclusive and put all the agregious shit they can think of in it.


So, DOA6 will be history soon. I heavily doubt they will ever restart a new DOA cycle for this console generation. Since killing DOA6 now seems premature for me with this thought in mind, I guess they didn't made enough money to keep the engine running and called it a day for good.

I expect one of two alternatives: Maybe we will see a boxed DOA6U or DOA7 next year, when PS5 and Xbox Series X are out. Or - more in spirit with KT's business liking - we will get a freemium game, only playable online. First 3 fighters are free, everything else needs to be paid or gambled for ("limited time, pay 100 gems each for a loot box that can unlock Gen Fu for the lucky ones").


Well-Known Member
I'm not surprised by this at all, I even said It back when DOA6 was launched.
The DLC clearly didn't find It's right audience, back in DOA5 people were actually excited about new costumes etc.

Also the endless re-colors and asking full price, I dno.

It's clear that the DOA franchise itself Isn't going anywhere, they make crazy $$$ with DOAX3/VV.
It's just the actual fighting series that Is in danger right now q_q
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With DOA5 I was worried I played too much... with DOA6 I dulled it out in increments and then it could be fun for a while before once again becoming kinda boring. I witnessed really dedicated players like @Onryoki begin to hate it, and he played a lot. I had spurts of fun thanks to the deciding factor on that... I really despise the close hit damage and I can't really look past that after a year now.

Not to mention Dead or Alive 6 World Championship was an absolute failure. How about those famous online tournaments. Like what in the actual fuck. They actually hired people to make a rule book for those. I seriously think that KT is awful at money management they take odd risks & then they waste money.

Like the Main Event. Who in the actual fuck produced that garbage. I didn't get to see Crazy vs BladeZ but I got hours of other things. By the end of it I felt bad for players and felt like they were kinda screwed over on that end. Even if they did score trips to Japan the whole point of a tournament is to showcase your fucking gameplay.

KT is like treading the Sega waters now of why they fuck are you doing this. I would compare the main event to the Sonic 25th Anniversary on their production end.



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I don't know if it's me just being busy with other issues right now, but I was expecting to get back on the twitter horse if KT came back to us with a mediocre solution to the hair situation like they inevitably did, but instead I found myself feeling too depressed about it to get mad like before, tbh (might also be due to other factors though, personally). I haven't checked to see what the level of backlash was on twitter, I kinda am treating it like a no-mans-land since I decided to log off a few weeks ago (got sick of twitter a week or two after they said they were going to do something after the backlash).

But then, they didn't really give me much time to muster up the power to try helping them understand things once more, did they? I wasn't expecting this tbh.

I see 3 possible scenarios right now (kind of consolidating some things others have already said):

1. KT's "fix" for the hair colour dlc was only to try to save face, at least with some easy fans I guess, but really the backlash had them decide they were done dealing with the franchise and now they're pulling the plug on the series, for who knows how long. Could we be back in the post-DOA4 days again? I don't think it's too unreasonable to think that. From a purely business perspective, they don't need the base series anymore to milk the franchise, they can keep doing that with VV (kinda looks like they're milking its corpse that way though, imo), and throwing around Honoka/Marie/Kasumi/Ayane as usual.

2. KT was always planning an end to updating vanilla DOA6 like this just as they did with DOA5, atlthough in DOA6's case they decided to stretch things beyond a year, maybe planning to coincide a DOA6 Ultimate release with PS5/XSX. It'll be a few months of nothing and then a DOA6U announcement. The argument against this is those empty character slots.. I could have sworn it was pretty much a given there was supposed to be more coming to DOA6, right? Or was there really nothing concrete to indicate that besides empty spaces on the select screen?
I have said it before and I'll say it again, I'd be fine with a DOA6U if it justifies its self in terms of fixing all or at least the majority of issues with DOA6 and being a good deal in terms of on-disc content.

3. KT decided to pull the plug on DOA6 to rethink their strategy with the DOA series, which could mean the next entry will be DOA7, not a DOA6U, maybe finally realizing they had something good with DOA5 and clearly squandered all they had gained with DOA6, and think it's worth giving it another proper try.

I hope it's the 3rd scenario the most, but I'm sure most people will see it as the most unlikely one. I think I have it right in that we were all hoping for KT to get their act together and fix DOA6, not just kill it. Or at least, not kill the series. Maybe DOA6 was too far gone in one way or another. They may have to start again from scratch if there's a chance for things to get on the right track again. All I know is, I'm tired of seeing all my most favorite classic game series die. If it really is dead, then fine, maybe it's for the best, but I have to take it as a sad, empty victory.
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:/ ...
What does this mean for doa6/doa now? Is this just like them fulling over doa6 entirely until years down the line we MAYBE get a doa7? Or is this them ending support for doa6 to release doa6U next year or something? Honestly I feel like this is for the best, Doa6 vanilla has just been a damn trainwreck from day one so its best to just move onto to like doa6u or something and lift off from there. Although obviously that will only actually work in the long run if moving forward from doa6U they actually make smart decisions.

Lycanthrope -R-

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Major F.

They screwed up so many things with the game. I had even forgotten about the World Championship terribleness. Maybe it is for the best that they lay low for a while and comeback with the new console generation. But, will it just be more of the same then, too? I hope not.


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Maybe they were expecting their dedicated fans to be like :


But no, most of them are just disgusted at this point. Gross.


Is it too simple to say KT killed our favourite franchise ?

Anyway... enough with the predictions, suggestions, community. I will stay on FSD because I just love its atmosphere.
But it's less painful to move on and discover new things I believe! Damn... what a weird way to end this epic journey...


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@Denis Peixoto - As far as I understand it, if we buy hair colours now, they are permintent... the problem still is that we have to buy them at all. They only made a terrible decision less than terrible.

@Tyaren -

To be clear, it only says they well be ending DLC updates... I guess that doesn't include patches and fixes? But somehow I doubt those will continue on much longer past the last DLC either.


Premium Donor
I did not understand the hair color function is still rented or do I buy it permanently and alternate the time I want?
No, they changed it so once you buy a hair color for a single hair style, all colors are available for that one hairstyle and you can keep and reset the color without the money being deducted but it still will add up if you wanna have the ability to customize all possible hair styles on all characters xD


Well-Known Member
@Denis Peixoto - As far as I understand it, if we buy hair colours now, they are permintent... the problem still is that we have to buy them at all. They only made a terrible decision less than terrible.

@Tyaren -

To be clear, it only says they well be ending DLC updates... I guess that doesn't include patches and fixes? But somehow I doubt those will continue on much longer past the last DLC either.

no point on making patches if the game is not making money