The Official Fall Classic Discussion, Reactions and Aftermath Thread


Well-Known Member
Poor XCal, I truly believe he had that. I knew it was over as soon as I saw the Rachel mirror. He should have stuck with Momiji as she was working for him or switched and went out with his guns, Helena.

I don't think Alpha would have worked for him with her supremely light weight giving Rachel even MORE damage and allowing Rachel to basically have advantage whenever she knocks her down without even doing the force tech.

It was an amazingly hype set but it's a bit depressing that Alpha/Rachel basically won the tourney, doesn't this more or less prove the competitive players right regarding these two? Maybe when everyone gets more accustomed to the game and used to the characters things will change but I'm not holding my breath.

You keep forgetting one thing: Xcal did not make it to GF because of Alpha, he made it there because of Helena and Momiji. Same with Lopedo, he made it to GF with Rachel.


Well-Known Member
You keep forgetting one thing: Xcal did not make it to GF because of Alpha, he made it there because of Helena and Momiji. Same with Lopedo, he made it to GF with Rachel.
Both of these players won during specific points of the tourney against certain players (Like SweetRevenge) by switching to alpha when it was 1-1 and using her to win.

That was the point I was making, both XCal and Lopedo did this. XCal just used Momiji against Master and Lopedo in the finals, but that was more character unfamiliarity than the character itself, even if Momiji is good. Neither player made it to GF using Alpha solely, but she saved them both in clutch moments where neither of their "mains" were getting the job done.

This eventually worked against XCal in GF when he decided to play the tier card instead of going with his guns which inevitably lost him the match.


Well-Known Member
Poor XCal, I truly believe he had that. I knew it was over as soon as I saw the Rachel mirror. He should have stuck with Momiji as she was working for him or switched and went out with his guns, Helena.

I don't think Alpha would have worked for him with her supremely light weight giving Rachel even MORE damage and allowing Rachel to basically have advantage whenever she knocks her down without even doing the force tech.

It was an amazingly hype set but it's a bit depressing that Alpha/Rachel basically won the tourney, doesn't this more or less prove the competitive players right regarding these two? Maybe when everyone gets more accustomed to the game and used to the characters things will change but I'm not holding my breath.

Rachel is just obviously good. Alpha is a gimmick. Lopedo and xcal typically brought her out against slower characters where all they have to do is mash, just like Kasumi, Christie, etc. The Alpha mirror was a sloppy mess, I couldn't believe all the dropped combos


Well-Known Member
First off, I'd like to say that I believe that Xcal is the best Alpha. That being said, him choosing to use Momiji on Master who uses an apparently mid tier character over Alpha, an apparently broken character says a lot to me about the best Alpha player's confidence in the character's ability. The only time he used Alpha (that I recall) was against Rikuto, someone he knows he can beat with Alpha. As for Lopedo, I don't remember him even using Alpha in the singles tourney until GF so I can't say. I only recall his match with Rikuto, Xcal and in the team tourney; PL. I'm not gonna comment more on Lopedo because I don't remember all his matches.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
The only time he used Alpha (that I recall) was against Rikuto, someone he knows he can beat with Alpha.

But that's just it in tournament XVI Rikuto creamed Xcal's Alpha with his Bayman in the first set of the finals leading to Xcal using Helena to win the next 2 sets with instead.

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
Pretty much.

Neither character even remotely trusted Alpha after awhile and gave up and switched to their other characters.

I don't really care how they used Alpha to get higher or whatever since using your better characters is obvious, nor do I care Lopedo won with Rachel, all I'm happy about is the extreme level hype throughout the Top 8.

Kayin Amoh

All I can say is that regardless of how strong Alpha is or isn't, she isn't winning, she isn't dominating, she isn't hurting the game.

On twitter, a twitbud was wondering whether to buy the game or not. I linked her the stream expecting to impress via hot tourney action, she watched the Alpha mirror match and said it looked like garbage before switching it off.

She's hurting the game all right, just by being playable. At least for some players and potential players.

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
On twitter, a twitbud was wondering whether to buy the game or not. I linked her the stream expecting to impress via hot tourney action, she watched the Alpha mirror match and said it looked like garbage before switching it off.

She's hurting the game all right, just by being playable. At least for some players and potential players.

I believe she's just being a spoiled sport, that's all

Drake Aldan

Well-Known Member
I linked her the stream expecting to impress via hot tourney action, she watched the Alpha mirror match and said it looked like garbage before switching it off.
If she was on PS3 you could have just shown her Core Fighters and called it a day. Oh, Microsoft :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
If Microsoft did that for DOA5u they'd have to let all games have a free option. They can't. Then they can't charge for nextflix and the like.


Well-Known Member
First off, I'd like to say that I believe that Xcal is the best Alpha. That being said, him choosing to use Momiji on Master who uses an apparently mid tier character over Alpha, an apparently broken character says a lot to me about the best Alpha player's confidence in the character's ability. The only time he used Alpha (that I recall) was against Rikuto, someone he knows he can beat with Alpha. As for Lopedo, I don't remember him even using Alpha in the singles tourney until GF so I can't say. I only recall his match with Rikuto, Xcal and in the team tourney; PL. I'm not gonna comment more on Lopedo because I don't remember all his matches.
To be fair, Xcal also used Alpha against Sweet Revenge's Gen Fu, who was in a lot of trouble once he brought her out.


Active Member
Same old ass players using their old ass characters, minus Lopedo and the Bladez. I feel like a good portion of the cast is being ignored at a high level.....Unless said old ass players are having long training sessions to establish that their crusty character is still legit...


Well-Known Member
Same old ass players using their old ass characters, minus Lopedo and the Bladez. I feel like a good portion of the cast is being ignored at a high level.....Unless said old ass players are having long training sessions to establish that their crusty character is still legit...
lol welcome to DOA community where most of the cast is ignore and when tier talks come most get thrown into the list either too high or too low.

Drake Aldan

Well-Known Member
Drake I think rabies was talking about the crumple stuns. You can't SE them, only counter or fall to the floor.
OK yeah, Rabies is gonna have to explain that one. "Three 60-frame stuns in a row", but I went and checked in practice, and only that crumple stun actually gives +63 advantage... when not tech rolled!

The way he was talking I thought I wasn't utilizing my tools correctly or something. :(


Active Member
Same old ass players using their old ass characters, minus Lopedo and the Bladez. I feel like a good portion of the cast is being ignored at a high level.....Unless said old ass players are having long training sessions to establish that their crusty character is still legit...
You do know there are changes made with each sequel to the gameplay and characters right? On top of that these aren't casual matches where players are practicing characters this was a straight up competitive environment. We saw Jacky quite a bit if I'm not wrong variety was just fine.

You stick to the character you know how to play or use a new character hoping your opponent doesn't have an idea of how to fully defend against that character. What did you expect everyone to use completely new characters when the game came out like what 2 weeks ago?

We saw plenty of characters being used more than you see online. I have yet to fight a bayman online yet you saw the best bayman on the planet (Rikuto) and I've faced one Leon who you also saw get some play time. What did you want everyone to just pick random?

These matches were hype as fuck.