DOA5LR Top Players are Returning to Dead or Alive 5: Last Round


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This game man... So fucking good

Well it was definitely fun and memorable, wasn't perfect (imo on that) but most games are not perfect. Was pretty tolerable.

It makes sense why people got burned out from it, shit I did too. Though I see no reason going back to it if most people won't go back to it.
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Well it was definitely fun and memorable, wasn't perfect (imo on that) but most games are not perfect. Was pretty tolerable.
Yeah, of course there were things in DOA5LR that was messy or straight up BS, but the game made me want to put time into it. There was so much to learn throughout the course of the 3 DOA5 games (Though I do think that DOA5U was the pinnacle of the DOA5 experience), and a roster that felt unique as there were so rewardable playstyles. From 2012 to about 2016 I was putting in the TIME just to teach Zack, figure out stun-routes, find real unholdables since no one was doing it for the character at the time in addition to other characters. DOA5 was the first game I took seriously in any aspect. If I was done with one character, I'd just pick up another. The game worked really well for the most part. I had to fall back on the game when I made the bold manoeuvre to PC and we all know how that port is so I won't make a comment. Gameplay-wise, the game's pros outweighed it's cons, and we took it for granted back then with the way we complained about it. If we knew what the future of DOA would hold....

I figured out DOA6 within the first month or two and was already sick of it by that point. There was nothing to learn, and I most definitely was not having fun. The last time I properly played DOA6 (My last real online set with people within the community) was August 2019, if I judge the automatic replay saving function. I tried to provide learning content within that time and genuinely could not be bothered to do it since all the characters do the exact same thing in the same way. There was nothing new to find. Mixups were essentially killed and we were given crutch mechanics. It's all a bit mad with that game at the moment, but if DOA6 isn't truly dead TN can change things by doing the one thing they seemingly swear not to do:

LISTEN to its player base.

But because I'm bored, I may just make another "Fixing DOA6" PDF and share it on here this time instead of a Discord somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Didn't jann lee dragon gunner mix-ups and alpha-a doa4 character- carry you in doa5? 3 critical bursts, easy combos and a half health grab. And apparently if we're not tournament players, we're not players and therefore not worthy of contribution. ?? Like you don't think we all want to go to a tournament. That we had perfect connection to at least play online.

If you don't like doa6 why does it keep being brought up. Talk about doa5 and why that game is better or how it should be the standard. And where does this idea that doa is yolo shenanigans/ a guessing game come from? because of what? one thing- counters. Force techs/overall tech reduces the guessing. Certain stuns reduces the guessing. Reliable throw punishment reduces the guessing. Stagger escape while holding block reduces the guessing. The frame data reduces the guessing. PB and PL being comeback mechanics isn't even a bad thing. That's all they are-comeback mechanics. Not a replacement for playing the game itself

The only thing that carried me in DOA5 was inability from people like you to stop me. :)

And since you want me to talk about DOA5 and why its better, well, people like you COULDN'T stop me. But in DOA6 y'all are world champs. :)


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
It isn't a competition but telling the guy who's probably helped out the most to sit down-over doa6?. C'mon.
Doa6 BB and BH aren't even really comeback mechanics. More like assets, more like a convenience. The game can be played just fine without using them at all.
Break blows and breakholds pretty much are get out of jail cards when someone has momentum and put pressure on you. They feel a bit extra and unnecessary when we already got a fully fleshed out hold system, parries, sabaki’s and offensive holds. They just should make the breakhold so that it can only be used to escape fatal stuns. They also need to remove the sabaki frames from break blows and make them a slower attack people can’t mash when you’re putting pressure on them.

I prefer 5 because it is less rewarding for mashers. 6 just is too mash friendly, especially with this new SS attack.


Premium Donor
Break blows and breakholds pretty much are get out of jail cards when someone has momentum and put pressure on you. They feel a bit extra and unnecessary when we already got a fully fleshed out hold system, parries, sabaki’s and offensive holds. They just should make the breakhold so that it can only be used to escape fatal stuns. They also need to remove the sabaki frames from break blows and make them a slower attack people can’t mash when you’re putting pressure on them.

I prefer 5 because it is less rewarding for mashers. 6 just is too mash friendly, especially with this new SS attack.
I personally feel Break blows are fine but I think the pushback and the safety needs a nerf, you shouldn't be + from an attack that can absorb a hit and that has massive damage and cancel potential, a decent -6 on block would be good imo. Break holds I think should cost the same as break blows and side step attacks could cost half a meter so you really have to think when you use the meter. As of now, you can sidestep and break hold frequently but you'll gain that meter right back in less than a round xD

I think people should just play the game they feel more secure with, 6 imo isn't much different from LR but if the new mechanics scare a player because they think they'll lose to someone who's supposedly weaker than them, play LR xD but the same will happen even in LR too since I've seen multiple players complain and get mad when they get beat by supposed weaker players in that game too, but I guess most players are secure with LR because the artificial difficulty gap is more in their benefit.

If they start playing at tourneys in stuff idk if I'll watch since I'm over the LR era, even when we watched matches on twitch and stuff before 6 came out, I felt like i was watching a less refined downgrade like how a tekken 7 player would feel watching something like T6, but again I suppose players favor the older games because it's easier for them to win there. That's what I'm taking from the whole thing, people are more quick to shift to LR because either their character thrives in that meta or because it's less "cushioning" for players to rely on even tho again imo BBs are like super sabakis imo and you can just punish them like how when you're - and you know a mila would 66T you a Lei or Bayman will OH you, you just throw or crush. BHs are no different from a regular hold imo although I think they should cost as much as a break blow imo


Well-Known Member
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Imagine believing that people played the previous entries because it's easier to win there? imagine believing that fear is the reason as to why people avoid 6? is this a marketing tactic to make players try 6 because it's the latest trend? lol. People avoid 6 because of how KT doesn't truly respect their latest entry.

The only thing artificial was SE and that wasn't even a big problem. The struggle was real in DOA5 for lots of reasons, with some that are pretty genuine. A not-so-great SS on top of it, but the work struggle was extremely real in that game.
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Well-Known Member
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I personally feel Break blows are fine but I think the pushback and the safety needs a nerf, you shouldn't be + from an attack that can absorb a hit and that has massive damage and cancel potential, a decent -6 on block would be good imo. Break holds I think should cost the same as break blows and side step attacks could cost half a meter so you really have to think when you use the meter. As of now, you can sidestep and break hold frequently but you'll gain that meter right back in less than a round xD

I think people should just play the game they feel more secure with, 6 imo isn't much different from LR but if the new mechanics scare a player because they think they'll lose to someone who's supposedly weaker than them, play LR xD but the same will happen even in LR too since I've seen multiple players complain and get mad when they get beat by supposed weaker players in that game too, but I guess most players are secure with LR because the artificial difficulty gap is more in their benefit.

If they start playing at tourneys in stuff idk if I'll watch since I'm over the LR era, even when we watched matches on twitch and stuff before 6 came out, I felt like i was watching a less refined downgrade like how a tekken 7 player would feel watching something like T6, but again I suppose players favor the older games because it's easier for them to win there. That's what I'm taking from the whole thing, people are more quick to shift to LR because either their character thrives in that meta or because it's less "cushioning" for players to rely on even tho again imo BBs are like super sabakis imo and you can just punish them like how when you're - and you know a mila would 66T you a Lei or Bayman will OH you, you just throw or crush. BHs are no different from a regular hold imo although I think they should cost as much as a break blow imo
Personally I would watch. When i watch DOA6 tournaments I mostly see people breakholding and go back to neutral. DOA6 is less dynamic and is just straight up boring to watch. DOA6 tournaments don't live up to the hype DOA5U/LR tournaments did. The main reason why I am going back to 5 is the fact that the skill gap between good players and mashers is bigger, in 6 people that I frequently bopped back in 5 to the point they RQ actually are up to par with me or even beat me because they can mash Breakholds and Breakblows. That's something that irks me because they're not good players yet they get constantly get rewarded for mashing and pulling off YOLO breakholds, breakblows and sidestep attacks.


Well-Known Member
By reading all of you guys, I feel I would have fun playing with this system :

- BB (less damage, camera searches for DZ)
- BH (cost full meter but remains the same)
- SSA (stuns instead not to ruin the fluidity)
- PB (stance-mashing sequence a la Momiji)
- CB (just use the FS animations and effects)

So basically I don't mind keeping the Break Gauge and there is no more need to have half-life comeback mechanics rewarding the loser. Universal SSA was not a bad idea but I hate the knockdown. Critical Bursts were really exciting imo for creative varied setups. "New" Powerblows could be what gets you the most damage compared to Break Blows, but it's harder to pull, is linked to stances and not guaranteed ; also they come with cool effects and a nicer cinematic sequence. Power Launchers were epic as well but looked weird so I really don't know...

Help me improve this cause I'm no technician or whatever & I love you all.
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
By reading all of you guys, I feel I would have fun playing with this system :

- BB (less damage, camera searches for DZ)
- BH (cost full meter but remains the same)
- SSA (stuns instead not to ruin the fluidity)
- PB (stance-mashing sequence a la Momiji)
- CB (just use the FS animations and effects)

So basically I don't mind keeping the Break Gauge and there is no more need to have half-life comeback mechanics rewarding the loser. Universal SSA was not a bad idea but I hate the knockdown. Critical Bursts were really exciting imo for creative varied setups. "New" Powerblows could be what gets you the most damage compared to Break Blows, but it's harder to pull, is linked to stances and not guaranteed ; also they come with cool effects and a nicer cinematic sequence. Power Launchers were epic as well but looked weird so I really don't know...

Help me improve this cause I'm no technician or whatever & I love you all.
Meter doesn't belong in 3D fighters that don't got amplified special attacks and or projectiles. It's a strange concept that you have to use meter to actually sidestep while characters like Christie, Marie, Hayate, Rachel and Helena got built in sidesteps. I wish sidestep were as quick as in 6 but with the options of 5 and not costing any meter. it's a unbalanced mess, these new mechanics really don't make sense when you think about it. Shimbori tried to make DOA like Tekken but they failed, miserably. Honestly, he shouldn't create 3D fighters because he's simply unqualified for that.

Also, I love you too daddy <3
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Well-Known Member
Meter doesn't belong in 3D fighters that don't got amplified special attacks and or projectiles. It's a strange concept that you hyave to use meter to actually sidestep while characters like Christie, Marie, Hayate, Rachel and Helena got built in sidesteps. I wish sidestep were as quick as in 6 but with the options of 5 and not costing any meter. it's a unbalanced mess, these new mechanics really don't make sense when you think about it. Shimbori tried to make DOA like Tekken but they failed, miserably. Honestly, he shouldn't create 3D fighters because he's simply unqualified for that.

Also, I love you too daddy <3

I don't mind Christie, Helena and Marie having built-in sidesteps because it's part of their stances and individualities (stealthy/evasion/kitty bitches). So they "deserve" that bonus. Regarding Rachel, well, that stance is boring af and I don't see why it was randomly designed for her, and Hayate could actually get his old 88K from DOAD which was badass.

I don't understand why meter would not work in 3D game. Please help me understand. With a fix, meter belonging to our DOA that got BB and BH could work, right ? :)

Also I'm actually not against a few characters having projectiles (only 1 or 2 like Genra, Ryu or Honoka if that makes them unique, I mean why not?). Regarding amplified moves, hmmm no. I'm not ready yet.


Premium Donor
By reading all of you guys, I feel I would have fun playing with this system :

- BB (less damage, camera searches for DZ)
- BH (cost full meter but remains the same)
- SSA (stuns instead not to ruin the fluidity)
- PB (stance-mashing sequence a la Momiji)
- CB (just use the FS animations and effects)

So basically I don't mind keeping the Break Gauge and there is no more need to have half-life comeback mechanics rewarding the loser. Universal SSA was not a bad idea but I hate the knockdown. Critical Bursts were really exciting imo for creative varied setups. "New" Powerblows could be what gets you the most damage compared to Break Blows, but it's harder to pull, is linked to stances and not guaranteed ; also they come with cool effects and a nicer cinematic sequence. Power Launchers were epic as well but looked weird so I really don't know...

Help me improve this cause I'm no technician or whatever & I love you all.
Critical bursts I don't think are needed since fatal stuns are essentially critical bursts for the 6 meta, plus in LR it was kinda predictable since for the most part the stun game revolved around fishing for a CB and it gets repetitive after a while, where with fatal stuns you can only,use them after specific stuns since most characters fatal stuns and the S one are slow so if you're hit by one that's on you


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I don't mind Christie, Helena and Marie having built-in sidesteps because it's part of their stances and individualities (stealthy/evasion/kitty bitches). So they "deserve" that bonus. Regarding Rachel, well, that stance is boring af and I don't see why it was randomly designed for her, and Hayate could actually get his old 88K from DOAD which was badass.

I don't understand why meter would not work in 3D game. Please help me understand. With a fix, meter belonging to our DOA that got BB and BH could work, right ? :)

Also I'm actually not against a few characters having projectiles (only 1 or 2 like Genra, Ryu or Honoka if that makes them unique, I mean why not?). Regarding amplified moves, hmmm no. I'm not ready yet.
Well the thing is 3D fighters don’t need a meter system. What does a 3D fighter truly need meter for? In tekken some characters have meter because they can amplify some moves like Geese and Eliza for example. It makes sense for them to have meter. Characters that basically don’t have special moves or projectiles don’t need meter for movement, or holds or an special attack. Being able to do a special when you have only 30% life should be a standard tbh. It would be a comeback mechanic and not everybody is a fan of it, but at least it’s balanced. That’s why I like powerblows so much because they could only be pulled off at the very end of a fight or mid fight to turn the tide. With breakblows you can just mash them randomly. Which is sad af.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
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Honestly, he shouldn't create 3D fighters because he's simply unqualified for that.

He designed DOA5's system mechanics and balance as well as half of DOA6's initial system...
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Well-Known Member
nah stun is wack, side attacks "resetting the neutral" is one of the few improvements brought by DOA6

I m sorry but I still don't trust you with doa5lr. There are other people who I m still 50/50 about but you are on the top of my list. Go back to doa6. XD