New to FSD? Introduce yourself here.


Premium Donor
Heyo! 'kere' (kh‣ear) here. Or, uh... 'not kere' here, rather. I've been playing DoA for the lesser part of a year or so, but I've just recently been getting invested into the game (mostly because one of my friends was kind enough to want to gameshare with me [shoutout to Atsuymi/Cohru {on Xbox}]). I started out with DoA5LR, mostly because that one came out first as a F2P, but then switched over to DoA6 (which is, in my rather irrelevant opinion, has more braindead functions [like S-Rushing] than just H-mashing P/K), though I primarily play osu! and Warframe. However, I've recently been dipping my toes into some other F2P titles, like TERA and PSO2. Not giving games like Forknut or D-pics Legends a chance, largely because of toxicity that I'm just not down for ATM. I'm still a senior in high school (ass-mar to 'Rona-19), so I don't really have as much of, what I typically call, "hands-on" knowledge in rather typical stuff (like driving or how to budget any sort of currency [mostly because if I have the funds to do something, it's probably going to be towards making myself look cooler]), but I'd like to think that I'm a JoAT when it comes to stuff that seems relatively useless. Especially Photoshop (how I made my avatar). I'm also studying Japanese/日本語, so if anyone got any need for translation cross-referencing (and they don't trust Google Translate [not that anyone should in the first place]), feel free to hit me up!

And yes. I main Honoka because of the -booru.
Welcome to FSD!^.^


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Hmmm, welcome to the forum. It’s a shame that the game is almost completely dead. However, I hope you have a great time on this forum and meeting the members. I’d love to play with you, but unfortunately I’m on console (PS4).


New Member
Not entirely new, but I didn't see this thread until now, so hello all! I am BeeLy1011 (pronounced "Bee-lee"), but please feel free to just say Beely for short. I'm a more recent addition to the fandom (started 2017/2018 through Core Fighters on PS3) but I'm probably as passionate about the series as some of those who grew up with it and hope to do more fun things for the community sometime soon ;)

I main Kasumi and Ein most of the time, but Nico and Honk are fun in 6 so I use them sometimes in that one. Overall I consider my favorite entries to be 2 (including DOAO as well), Dimensions, and 5. Also I (half) jokingly call myself a Kasumi simp sometimes lol

PS: If you're curious, 18/M (I've had some people think I'm a girl in the past so just clarifying)

Steam: BeeLy1011
XBL: BeeLy1011
PSN (on PS3 only currently): BeeLy1011
3DS: press the arrow
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Not entirely new, but I didn't see this thread until now, so hello all! I am BeeLy1011 (pronounced "Bee-lee"), but please feel free to just say Beely for short. I'm a more recent addition to the fandom (started 2017/2018 through Core Fighters on PS3) but I'm probably as passionate about the series as some of those who grew up with it and hope to do more fun things for the community sometime soon ;)

I main Kasumi and Ein most of the time, but Nico and Honk are fun in 6 so I use them sometimes in that one. Overall I consider my favorite entries to be 2 (including DOAO as well), Dimensions, and 5. Also I (half) jokingly call myself a Kasumi simp sometimes lol

PS: If you're curious, 18/M (I've had some people think I'm a girl in the past so just clarifying)
Just added you on Steam.


Definitely not new to FSD, but didn't really visit here after the forum swap. I kind of want to play DOA6... but I don't know where the PC community is....


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Definitely not new to FSD, but didn't really visit here after the forum swap. I kind of want to play DOA6... but I don't know where the PC community is....
I remember you from the now-defunct DOACentral forums. I'm available on Steam, and I'll add you shortly.

EDIT: The Steam ID on your profile doesn't work.


Premium Donor
Definitely not new to FSD, but didn't really visit here after the forum swap. I kind of want to play DOA6... but I don't know where the PC community is....
You can find most of the pc community on PC dominated forums like LoverLabs(NSFW but it has a good bulk of PC users and good mods besides the nudes) and Deviantart also has a good chunk too, but there's people on here and Twitter who have PC too, you just have to ask them for it if they don't have their steam IDs up xD


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Definitely not new to FSD, but didn't really visit here after the forum swap. I kind of want to play DOA6... but I don't know where the PC community is....
Fairly regular lobbies. Hop on in the evening hours and you'll find the regulars. Some really chill folk, there.


I remember you from the now-defunct DOACentral forums. I'm available on Steam, and I'll add you shortly.

EDIT: The Steam ID on your profile doesn't work.

I put my steam page as my website and updated the name to be to my account. You can try now. I, of course, remember you Awemic. I was showing my wife some of our games from DoA4 from almost a decade ago. She was like, she [Christie] is destroying you. I was like, "This is what fun and learning looks like. This guy taught me that."

Casual Trap

New Member
Hello all, just figured I'd pop in here and introduce myself.

I've been playing the Dead or Alive series for many years now, and always enjoyed them greatly. I've not tried out 6 yet, but I've recently started playing around with modding some of the older titles. I'm no code whiz or anything, so it's mainly just shuffling around costume order and creating texture edits.

In terms of series mains, I never really had a main until I started playing online with 4, when I picked Jann Lee to be my main. The funny thing about that was that prior to that, I never really played him too much, so it felt a little strange at first. Eventually I got tired of always picking Jann, so I picked Tengu as a joke, since everyone always made fun of him, but I weirdly loved playing as him.

I was initially crushed that he wasn't in 5, so I gave Rig a shot and played him in Vanilla 5. Just before 5 Ultimate released I switched to Tina, who I'd never really played that often, and ended up loving her style. I mained Tina through Ultimate until Nyotengu was released, and then I was able to try her out. Thankfully I still enjoyed Tengu's playstyle, so she became my main afterwards. I can't say whether or not I'll keep maining her in 6 or not, if I ever do end up getting it, it really depends how I enjoy the changes to everyone.

Anyway, I suppose that's enough about me.

It's nice to meet you all!


Premium Donor
Hello all, just figured I'd pop in here and introduce myself.

I've been playing the Dead or Alive series for many years now, and always enjoyed them greatly. I've not tried out 6 yet, but I've recently started playing around with modding some of the older titles. I'm no code whiz or anything, so it's mainly just shuffling around costume order and creating texture edits.

In terms of series mains, I never really had a main until I started playing online with 4, when I picked Jann Lee to be my main. The funny thing about that was that prior to that, I never really played him too much, so it felt a little strange at first. Eventually I got tired of always picking Jann, so I picked Tengu as a joke, since everyone always made fun of him, but I weirdly loved playing as him.

I was initially crushed that he wasn't in 5, so I gave Rig a shot and played him in Vanilla 5. Just before 5 Ultimate released I switched to Tina, who I'd never really played that often, and ended up loving her style. I mained Tina through Ultimate until Nyotengu was released, and then I was able to try her out. Thankfully I still enjoyed Tengu's playstyle, so she became my main afterwards. I can't say whether or not I'll keep maining her in 6 or not, if I ever do end up getting it, it really depends how I enjoy the changes to everyone.

Anyway, I suppose that's enough about me.

It's nice to meet you all!


Well-Known Member
Hello all, just figured I'd pop in here and introduce myself.

I've been playing the Dead or Alive series for many years now, and always enjoyed them greatly. I've not tried out 6 yet, but I've recently started playing around with modding some of the older titles. I'm no code whiz or anything, so it's mainly just shuffling around costume order and creating texture edits.

In terms of series mains, I never really had a main until I started playing online with 4, when I picked Jann Lee to be my main. The funny thing about that was that prior to that, I never really played him too much, so it felt a little strange at first. Eventually I got tired of always picking Jann, so I picked Tengu as a joke, since everyone always made fun of him, but I weirdly loved playing as him.

I was initially crushed that he wasn't in 5, so I gave Rig a shot and played him in Vanilla 5. Just before 5 Ultimate released I switched to Tina, who I'd never really played that often, and ended up loving her style. I mained Tina through Ultimate until Nyotengu was released, and then I was able to try her out. Thankfully I still enjoyed Tengu's playstyle, so she became my main afterwards. I can't say whether or not I'll keep maining her in 6 or not, if I ever do end up getting it, it really depends how I enjoy the changes to everyone.

Anyway, I suppose that's enough about me.

It's nice to meet you all!


New Member
I´m not exactly new but for some reason I haven't introduced my self yet. My first DOA was DAOA2 Hardcore on the ps2 and I inmdiately fell in love with the franchise. The mechanics, characters, aesthetics, everything was great and awesome to me. Currently I'm playing DOA6 on PS4 and I'm looking for spanish speakers DOA fans.

Nice to meet you all!!!