Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • Wedding dlc seems like an odd choice for a first pack of dlc :/
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    You'd think they'd start with something like swimsuit dlc, casual clothes, maybe even classic costumes,but starting off with wedding dlc? That's seems more like a season 3 dlc pack
    Macca Beam
    Macca Beam
    well they wouldn't start with things people actually look forward to
    Waifu and husbando costumes were the perfect first DLC choice.
    not gonna lie, kinda bugs me that lows that trip in this game are 0 to +1 on NH, something that harmless shouldn't have such an elaborate animation on hit
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    Reactions: Mama and human013
    @Camel with 2 thumbs Also check Raidou's 1P on NH, took a huge hit, but if you land that on slip on CH it's a free launch into air throw. 102+ of damage, from one low on CH. Imagine no SE and retaining that same stun on any level? lows would be pretty scary.
    Lisa's is -2
    I think the most laughable one was Ryu's 3K2K in DOA5, though.
    and then you have NiCO who's +6 lol
    dude, nyotengo 3p+k fly cancel into 5k is a frame trap!? and can mix it up with her flying throws!? oh my gosh! the more i learn about this character the more i love her :)
    say what you will about the old costume unlocking algorithm, it solved the age old problem of having friends over to play but having none of their costumes unlocked cause you don't use their characters
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    Reactions: N1ce Dreams
    its still better now, once you unlock your characters costumes you start gaining parts for other characters.
    everytime i sign up for these limited stress test for NRS games i never get in, presumably cause i don't have a youtube or twitch following to advertise the game to :(
    you know, they call them lobbies in doa5, but they're really KOTH rooms, hope that changes in 6 and we get legit lobbies where multiple ppl can play each other like in KOF14 or MKX
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    Reactions: Mama
    @Camel with 2 thumbs Rest easy the lobbies in 6 have multiple rooms. No one has to wait for matches anymore
    There are some mild improvements. Probably the biggest one is that you can limit how many consecutive wins someone can have before they're queued up again, so one person doesn't just dominate the lobby forever.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    @NewWestFan awesome, no more bouncing form lobbies when they get too big due to ungodly wait time

    @Juihau what? what kind of communist bullcrap is that? playing too well gets you booted to the back of line, madnes! oh well, at least it's an option, i'll be sure never to enter any room that has it active lol
    helena players! what's the most optimal combo for damage after BKO throw?
    I don't play Helena but random guess: SSSS....
    TRI Mike
    TRI Mike
    4PPK, 7PKP is the one I use. Near walls I’ve seen P, 66KPP.
    Oh snap, sekiro shadow the hedgehog dies twice is comming out next week! :0
    If From thinks they can pry me away from DMC to play another one of their shitty games, they're mistaken.
    so technically they nerfed Nyotengu, but they took away stuff i didn't even know she had lol
    It more than likely wasn't intentional for her to stance transition on whiff.
    Don't worry bro at least it isn't as bad as Hitomi's nerf.....

    6P is now -12 on block and on hit........... Fucking BS nerf! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
    I mean, -8 to -12 is whatever to me. I rarely free cancel 6p anyways.
    I come back to Senran Kagura Burst and they've released 13 new characters, which means i have 13 more ladies to max out, ughhhh.....
    run up break blow has a 100% hit rate on me, but when i try and do the same, naw...
    See, you're trying the run up break blow. What you need to do is the walk up slowly break blow.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs

    actually that would be quite the mind fuck, just slowly freewalk with no fear then bam! break blow to the face
    I've found it's actually bizarrely effective. I have a rather disproportionate number of matches that ended with me doing that.
    I love how the Internet has decided that the new Pokemon girl is scottish af, prepare for disappointment when she has no speaking lines in the game and has an American English accent in her anime debut
    accepting 5 bar wireless opponents was a mistake, now i have even more reason to only accept only wired
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    Reactions: N1ce Dreams
    The amount of quality 5-bar wireless matches I've had I can count on one finger. Every time I think it'll be better, it never is.
    N1ce Dreams
    N1ce Dreams
    Only time you accept that shit is by mistake or when you're drunk.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Even the best Wi-Fi connection will randomly dip just due to how Wi-Fi works. So fighting a person with 5 bars doesnt mean shit. If you can handle a mostly smooth match that randomly tanks here and there then 5 bar Wi-Fi is no problem, but I'll take a match being consistent over being choppy anyday
    i will say one thing doa5 does way better than doa6, costume breaking. yeah it's unrealistic that a whole outfit gets shredded cause of one powerblow, but having just a patch of clothing broken at the navel just looks kinda silly
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    Reactions: Kasumi-Phase-X
    I agree, when DOA5 collaborated with Senran Kagura (which was included on few other costumes & DOA6 had clothing destruction for some costumes like DOA5) they had outfits that looked completely damaged with pieces of clothing remaining (similar to Senran Kagura & some SC costumes not counting customs), while DOA6 only show their bellys (and accessories gone) thats about it.
    Macca Beam
    Macca Beam
    i've never once seen costume damage that doesn't look pants-on-head stupid
    They could of just called
    Smash Ultimate "short hop aerial the game" because at mid to high level that is all you do 90% of the time
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Need to approach? Short hop aerial. Need to retreat safely with a hit box? Short hop aerial. Need to stall and wall your opponents out? Short hop aerial. Need to safely apply pressure? Short hop aerial. Need to wax your car? Short hop aerial. Need to fix your failing marriage? Short hop aerial. It's crazy!
    question, does helena have any good relaunching moves when she's FT? or do i just have to commit to a string after I launch?
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    that move's kinda slow, am i gonna be able to hit that on anyone heavier than lightweight? or can i only get it after bound-like laucnhers like max threshold CH 3p?
    When I'm at a wall and land a BKO throw: 4PP 9K lol midscreen 4PPK is my go to relauncher
    i was getting it on threshold bounds and a well BKO cancelled 8K. That one was mirrored vs. Helena and I'm almost certain she's midweight. Will go back into it.
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