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Well-Known Member
Well I don't need to that but I won't say why... because a certain someone will see it as me bragging >.>

But yeah I just buy Hitomi if it's £2.49 and Hitomi and Lei if it's normal price, although I'll buy a Rachel costume if you can use loose hair.

I still stalk their account every time they do it in case they give away more. ( lol trying to be subtle )


Premium Donor
I swear, if this stage doesn't have that LR launch trailer BGM they never added in, I'm not buying it....if it's payed for. I'm not gonna really buy any DLC since none of them this season pack have really caught my interest. I really only want the DOA festival 2016 Kasumi costume, that's gonna be my new TH outfit for sure, and it looks like it'll look good with her loose hair. :-D


Premium Donor
Try hard, It's something I heard Panic and Render coin once in a lobby I was in, it's an outfit you pick when the match is on the line and you try harder than usual. XD I figured since Killer could call his Kasumi "Hunni" when he plays more desperately and since the Falcom DLC Rachel outfit is Render's TH outfit, this one could be mine. :-D


Well-Known Member
Believe me, that's like the only thing I care about with this DLC business at this point lol

Its starting to look like the new paid stage really IS the big announcement they have planned. So long as its at least meant to celebrate the series' 20th, I may consider buying it. At the very least, it looks like it will release alongside a 30 character costume pack which I might buy.


Active Member
If the stage is the announcement for the 20th anniversary, sounds like it's another classic stage, possibly from DOA1. The 30 costume pack if I had to guess is classic costumes, possibly why none for guest characters.


Well-Known Member
If the stage is the announcement for the 20th anniversary, sounds like it's another classic stage, possibly from DOA1. The 30 costume pack if I had to guess is classic costumes, possibly why none for guest characters.

Given how stages worked from the first game, I personally doubt the new one is from doa1 since we already have Danger Zone. A 30 character throwback set would be nice but what would they give to the newcomers added in 5?


Well-Known Member
I doubt that the new stage is the "big surprise" because we already know that this stage is coming. How would that make any sense? I bet it is something else that will be seen in the future (after SP4).


Well-Known Member
I doubt that the new stage is the "big surprise" because we already know that this stage is coming. How would that make any sense? I bet it is something else that will be seen in the future (after SP4).

I was thinking its the big surprise since maybe there's something special about the stage that makes it a big deal and worth charging for. What kind of surprise, I have no idea but you do have a good point.

Maybe the big surprise is that after this current costume pass is done, all future dlc costumes will be fan created and they'll hold contests every month. They'll say its to encourage further fan participation but really, its just because they're too lazy to bother making their own costumes and they want to keep selling costumes so they'll have the fans design stuff instead.


Well-Known Member
Maybe the stage is Miyama and they made it so Nyotengu taunting changes the seasons which they decided is enough effort to charge for

But that would only affect one character, seems like a waste of both TN's effort and our money for them to charge for something like that.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Why is there suddenly so much talk about the new stage in here? o . O Has there been any news that is leading us to believe it is comig soon?



Aww...don't care what certain someones are saying. I say, go for it, tell us again! :D


Premium Donor
I want the new stage to be the destroyed depth stage concept they had cut where depth was supposed to eventually fall and break and you would have fought basically underground near a water bank or whatever.


Well-Known Member
I hope the new stage is the freedom survivor and the outfits with it are classic outfits for each character with the new ones getting new original outfits. Also I don't think the stage will be the big surprise since we already know its coming out so it isn't a surprise. ( I'm hoping the surprise is for Lisa characters getting added to doax3! )
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