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The Enforcer

Well-Known Member
Remember TN threw out the book as to what's in/out of character in regard to player expectations' of character wardrobes a long time ago.

Characters in this game wear (or not wear) anything, lol.


Well-Known Member
Well she is an mma fighter :p

But she should have more variety

Her halloween costumes do tend to suck thus far
The baggy mma shorts to her knees were fine. The skintight panties variant is not.

Just so fuckinf sick of short shorts, especially since what drew me in to main inf her in the first place was that her c1 and c2 especially were the polar opposite of that crap.

At least in bedtime dlc she doesn't wear any of that :p
Also a waste because it should have been her c2 button up with the matching panty options instead of a generic nightie

Remember TN threw out the book as to what's in/out of character in regard to player expectations' of character wardrobes a long time ago.

Characters in this game wear (or not wear) anything, lol.
Sadly. They basically reverted back to them being the same girl after overhauling the designs to avoid that.

The Enforcer

Well-Known Member
Sadly. They basically reverted back to them being the same girl after overhauling the designs to avoid that.

Simple version is that I disagree. Longer version, is that I think all characters still have unique elements about them, but the DLC skews that due to themes and randomness.

At the core of all fighting game franchises is an amount of homogenization, reliance on common character archtypes. I'd be willing to bet it's because those archetypes are popular, infinite Bruce Lee clones, anyone? Within that, I think those ideas get stale, so they keep the core idea the same and then use costumes as an extension to shake things up, no matter how wacky, it deviates from the core character theme/concept. I think some of MK's recent character costume concepts were daft. They are certainly out of character, but those costumes are designed to extend fun (and make money of course) and just do something different without interfering with the core concept. I feel that TN is doing the same thing with the abundance of DLC. The character ideas have been well established, but continually re-establishing that core concept probably doesn't sell as well. The frequent re-use of Mila's mma costumes would be much like Ryu getting another Ninja costume.


Mila's costume could've been much better, but at least it doesn't look like this:


Well-Known Member
Simple version is that I disagree. Longer version, is that I think all characters still have unique elements about them, but the DLC skews that due to themes and randomness.

At the core of all fighting game franchises is an amount of homogenization, reliance on common character archtypes. I'd be willing to bet it's because those archetypes are popular, infinite Bruce Lee clones, anyone? Within that, I think those ideas get stale, so they keep the core idea the same and then use costumes as an extension to shake things up, no matter how wacky, it deviates from the core character theme/concept. I think some of MK's recent character costume concepts were daft. They are certainly out of character, but those costumes are designed to extend fun (and make money of course) and just do something different without interfering with the core concept. I feel that TN is doing the same thing with the abundance of DLC. The character ideas have been well established, but continually re-establishing that core concept probably doesn't sell as well. The frequent re-use of Mila's mma costumes would be much like Ryu getting another Ninja costume.
Nice theory but not relevant. I'm not asking for more MMA outfits. I'm saying I'm tired if the same old stuff every dlc.

Hell they don't even stick to AN archetype with Mila. Originally she came across as kind of a blue collar roughneck with her defaults, but all dlc from 5U on discarded that for generic cuteness/sexiness, which I fucking despise.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I agree with the comments on Mila TN seemed to lose direction for her instantly. I still prefer Mila's default costumes to any of her dlc when you match her wardrobe with her personality.
Basing her personality on what we were shown in the story mode and her default attire would match what Argentus said that she's a "blue collar roughneck".

In my opinion some dlc did manage to fit Mila's personality... just very few pieces of dlc.

big pictures in these spoilers.

I'd consider these to still fit her in terms of being sporty for the first one and for the cosplay ones she is a huge Armstrong fangirl so she could wear these.

I have to say though I really love this outfit even though It doesn't fit her.


Well-Known Member
Remember when Marie Tose was supposed to be dark and into horror and stuff?

I'm not sure Marie was supposed to be "scary".

I think she's more the kind of character who hangs out with a voodoo doll to manipulate her ennemies, but I'm not sure she was supposed to be that "dark" or "creepy". Her hobbies were just an excuse to match her gothic lolita costumes.

I wouldn't mind a freak girl in a future installment though. Something matching Tira (SC)/Juri (SF)'s personnalities. The video game version of Esther.



Well-Known Member
Yeah I agree with the comments on Mila TN seemed to lose direction for her instantly. I still prefer Mila's default costumes to any of her dlc when you match her wardrobe with her personality.
Basing her personality on what we were shown in the story mode and her default attire would match what Argentus said that she's a "blue collar roughneck".

In my opinion some dlc did manage to fit Mila's personality... just very few pieces of dlc.

big pictures in these spoilers.

I'd consider these to still fit her in terms of being sporty for the first one and for the cosplay ones she is a huge Armstrong fangirl so she could wear these.

I have to say though I really love this outfit even though It doesn't fit her.
Agreed on all points. Those are her only fitting dlc.

I have a personal fetish for her bedtime dlc but that's it. still wish they'd used her c2 flannel for that instead of a generic nightie though.

Remember when Marie Rose was supposed to be dark and into horror and stuff?
Remember when Marie Roses iconic outfit was a Gothic lolita dress instead of a skintight one piece swimsuit?


Well-Known Member
Was new mode mentioned at the same time as that? I know we heard the possibility of something new mode related and still haven't had any news on it... I had thought it would be something outside of costumes, but the possibility of it being come cross promotional thing makes sense give how many crossovers there are now. Plus even a new 'mode' or transformation during combat would be different, but I don't know who well that would go down for balance reasons.

No, if also the transformation feature was confirmed, this would be something different from the hypothetical new mode mentioned from in TN's interview pre DoA5LR release.

By the way doesn't get it as confirmed, maybe the costume will not see any new feature at all or maybe more simply, instead to be destroyed, the outfits will morph in their second versions corresponding to the cyber armor or schoolgirl outfit. We will see.


Well-Known Member
Might as well talk about the Halloween stuff, just to say where I come from.
:akira:I really like this one. It's very Akira-like, given his outfits in Virtua Fighter 5 FS, at least the customizable ones. I think the tiger pattern helps, too. Approve
Simple, but effective. I bet a mod could get rid of that horn and just leave the wings, so it could find a use. Approve
Absolutely beautiful. In fact, I'd like for this to be a recurring costume. Approve
Oh how I love this one. A great outfit with a lot of detail. I imagine this as being a special costume Bass wears for a theme match with Tina in her mermaid. Approve
I actually like this one a lot and want it to be in every new game. I'm not kidding; it acts as the perfect joke costume for Bayman, and I do think the cast could use some joke costumes. Approve
Downright dapper, and fits the theme well. Brad could very well have spiked the tea, which makes him so mad. Approve
Doesn't feel like a Christie costume. Looks nice, but isn't something she'd wear. Disapprove
I realize TN is going for some male fanservice, so I'm not surprised. The problem here is with the character they used. That, and the constant fashion choices like an incubus, a Yarinaika jumpsuit and fishnet make him out to be gay, which is the audience that is least likely to buy DOA. Disapprove
Very unique. The look makes him look like a great dashing rogue. Approve
A wise elder look. It goes along well with the fantasy Kasumi. Approve
The look reminds me of the Akatsuki from Naruto. I don't understand the ram horns, though, but they can be modded-out. Approve
Simply gorgeous. It really seems like something she'd wear at a masquerade. Approve
Uhh... no thanks. Too simple, and too sexy. It's kinda cute, but it doesn't seem very good for her. Disapprove
She looks absolutely adorable. I imagine this as the March Hare to Brad's Mad Hatter. Approve
Now this is something he could wear in Virtua Fighter 5 FS. It's a great look for him and want to see it in another VF. Approve
This is supposed to be Sun Wukong, hence the tail. With that in mind, the costume looks great. I actually think he looks badass while still being a "costume." Much better than the first one. Approve
Kasu-chan has some great stuff this year, probably the best of the set she's gotten. She'd fit very well in Lord of the Rings. Approve
Adorable as a wood nymph. There's kind of a fantasy theme going on with a lot of these, and she looks good with this one. Approve
:La Mariposa:
Probably my favorite female out of this year's set. They finally gave her something good for Halloween, and this really works out. Approve
Unfitting, oversexed, and generally bad. Probably the worst one of the set. Disapprove
My favorite male out of this year's set. The slasher movie villain look is great for Leon. Approve
Simply adorable, and goes really well with the Mad Hatter and March Hare. Approve
If you took out the bee features via modding, it becomes a leotard, in which case I Approve. With them, it looks out-of-place. Disapprove
:momiji:Not bad, but not outstanding. Could be better, but it's just bland right now. No Opinion
Another great one, if only because they changed the wings. Considering how rare that is for Nyotengu, I think that says a lot. Approve
Forgettable. Disapprove
I like this one as a counterpoint to Kasu-chan. It looks really good and the two complement each other well, which is perfectly in character for Phase. Approve
Another Pirate, but she pulls off the Pirate Queen look very well. Approve
I wonder if mods can remove the cyborg attachments. Otherwise, it looks like a kind of "Ultimate Evolution" for Raidou, with the red skin really helping. I'd love to see Akuma wear something like this. Approve
Too similar to his C1 with the chains of his C5. Not my favorite. Disapprove
Too unfocused. I'm sure mods can remove the ears, though, but it has three different directions and can't seem to pick one. Disapprove
Another Pirate, but, again, a good one. May get lost with Rachel's, though. Approve
I like this one. It feels like something she'd wear. Looks like a really good thing for her. Approve
Finally, this one has it where it counts. The mad scientist look is a good one for Zack, and since he and Bayman are partners, then it means you can have Zack as Frankenstein and Bayman as the monster. Approve


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Premium Donor
It would have been okay three years ago as her first Halloween dlc to get it out of the way early, but now it just feels too little too late, and a total waste.

Because she's she can't get anything g else apparently. Ugh.

Funny thing is that its the only costume I've been using for her.. actually I wish there were more animal/insect/fruit costumes in the pack .. lol
and I don't mean the bullshit they gave Hayabusa and Hayate, I mean full on animal outfits like Kappa Bayman. and last years Dragon Jann Lee.


Active Member
Notice regarding the end of new DLC for PS3 & Xbox 360.

After reviewing additional content capacity for DOA5LR on PS3 and Xbox 360, we have determined that due to specifications of the hardware, the Halloween Costumes 2015 set released today will be the last new DLC for PS3 and Xbox 360.
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