Characters Do you miss the anime-styled pre-DOA5 games had?


Well-Known Member
Ok so maybe their outfits were upscaled and the swords too to make it HD, but I'm saying besides that the models weren't all that improved. When something is greatly improved, it's easy to notice, you guys are looking at fine details to try to make it seem like my opinion is an abomination or something xD

Sis, other people think she's mid tier so get that straight. And idgaf how long you been using Marie, just because you been "hard grinding" with her don't make my opinion any less than yours. And I WAS going by capabilities, I was also weighing in her drawbacks as well. Naotora can do alot but she's one of the worst and I can admit that even as somone who likes and uses her, you and whomever that other guy is refuse to accept my justified opinion because of character bias, if anything you guys are trying to force your opinion of her on me

And I'm not tryna force my opinion under any of you guys throats, I stated my opinion and now you guys are just tryna jump me acting like I'm wrong all because im not sugarcoating anything and saying what you guys want. And you are being rude, you're making false assumptions about me, belittling my Marie Rose knowledge as if your opinion is more important than mine, and overall implying that I'm not a good player which i refrain from accepting. All I'm saying is talk to me nice or don't talk to me twice, I'm over all this rude crap. I've been trying to be nice but you just sitting there acting as if I'm beneath you and I'm over that mentality and this argument
Obviously you have no comprehension skills at all, I wasn't trying to belittle you or come for you blablabla so dont get into the victim complex. IT was more so to assure my and your credibility. This argument is more than this thread, you once made a status post where you basically said Marie was a downgraded version of Leifang without recognizing her own tools where literally everyone told you they were difference but you didnt want to believe that and deleted the status for some reason?? and then you come here with this: "But I'm not discussing this anymore, aren't you that same guy that didnt want to accept that Marie Rose wasn't all that great and was average/slightly below average?". << this is what I meant by u forcing your opinions down everyone's throat. And I'm simply disagreeing and questioning your credibility, since you never gave a legitimate argument why you think she should be in that tier. Except for that other people think so. But izz cool, not worth arguing anymore

Shirataki Tsume

Well-Known Member
And I'm not tryna force my opinion under any of you guys throats, I stated my opinion and now you guys are just tryna jump me acting like I'm wrong all because im not sugarcoating anything and saying what you guys want. And you are being rude, you're making false assumptions about me, belittling my Marie Rose knowledge as if your opinion is more important than mine, and overall implying that I'm not a good player which i refrain from accepting. All I'm saying is talk to me nice or don't talk to me twice, I'm over all this rude crap. I've been trying to be nice but you just sitting there acting as if I'm beneath you and I'm over that mentality and this argument
He's not talking about this topic only, he meant how you generally respond to others' opinions. You have a habit of disagreeing with people despite how factual their opinions are and trying to counter-argue with even a less factual opinion. Anyone who has talked to you for quite a while probably know that already, and they're probably tired of it but they're trying their best to hold it in.


Premium Donor
He's not talking about this topic only, he meant how you generally respond to others' opinions. You have a habit of disagreeing with people despite how factual their opinions are and trying to counter-argue with even a less factual opinion. Anyone who has talked to you for quite a while would know that, and they're probably tired of it but they're trying their best to hold it in.
You don't know me at all so all you're saying is false. I had my opinion, point blank period, if you disagree, ok but I call it like I see it. DOA may have been greatly improved but I'm saying that it's look over the years doesn't really show it. Textures and all that, yes they may have been improved but it's not greatly improved, if anything its more upscaled. And like I said you barely know me so don't belittle me as if I've spoken to you for a super long time, you did that in the SC thread and that was distasteful
Obviously you have no comprehension skills at all, I wasn't trying to belittle you or come for you blablabla so dont get into the victim complex. IT was more so to assure my and your credibility. This argument is more than this thread, you once made a status post where you basically said Marie was a downgraded version of Leifang without recognizing her own tools where literally everyone told you they were difference but you didnt want to believe that and deleted the status for some reason?? and then you come here with this: "But I'm not discussing this anymore, aren't you that same guy that didnt want to accept that Marie Rose wasn't all that great and was average/slightly below average?". << this is what I meant by u forcing your opinions down everyone's throat. And I'm simply disagreeing and questioning your credibility, since you never gave a legitimate argument why you think she should be in that tier. Except for that other people think so. But izz cool, not worth arguing anymore
Wasn't getting a victim complex, didn't realize wanting to be respected like how I do others was me playing victim. And I deleted the status because you and that guy Raansu were basically looking for any reason to make it seem like my opinion is blasphemous and it was annoying, I could argue and give examples but it wouldn't be worth it since you have it set in your head that she's super good when she also has drawbacks. And yeah, move on, your underhanded insults are really growing tiresome, and this is not the thread for that. Lacking comprehension skill? Like for real, get outta here with that


Well-Known Member
You don't know me at all so all you're saying is false. I had my opinion, point blank period, if you disagree, ok but I call it like I see it. DOA may have been greatly improved but I'm saying that it's look over the years doesn't really show it. Textures and all that, yes they may have been improved but it's not greatly improved, if anything its more upscaled. And like I said you barely know me so don't belittle me as if I've spoken to you for a super long time, you did that in the SC thread and that was distasteful

Wasn't getting a victim complex, didn't realize wanting to be respected like how I do others was me playing victim. And I deleted the status because you and that guy Raansu were basically looking for any reason to make it seem like my opinion is blasphemous and it was annoying, I could argue and give examples but it wouldn't be worth it since you have it set in your head that she's super good when she also has drawbacks. And yeah, move on, your underhanded insults are really growing tiresome, and this is not the thread for that. Lacking comprehension skill? Like for real, get outta here with that
"Were basically looking for any reason to make it seem like my opinion is blasphemous and it was annoying" All we did was disagree but apparently you don't like different opinions so you basically deleted it cause you are an elitist entitiled to your own opinion and any other opinion is automatically deemed wrong. And on a sidenote you have a victim complex, gotcha. It's sad because multiple people on this site have told you that you have this unhealthy habit (including Shirataki) but instead of maybe listening and trying to fix that instead you choose to be in denial and make yourself look even more deluded. Last reply from me, unwatching thread, have a nice day fellow FSD members and sorry that it had to be in this thread lol

Shirataki Tsume

Well-Known Member
You don't know me at all so all you're saying is false. I had my opinion, point blank period, if you disagree, ok but I call it like I see it. DOA may have been greatly improved but I'm saying that it's look over the years doesn't really show it. Textures and all that, yes they may have been improved but it's not greatly improved, if anything its more upscaled. And like I said you barely know me so don't belittle me as if I've spoken to you for a super long time, you did that in the SC thread and that was distasteful
Say what you will, nothing can be further from the truth. Everyone knows who should they believe between me and you. No wonder why you got banned for six months. I wonder how you behave towards people in real life, your schoolmates or coworkers.


Premium Donor
"Were basically looking for any reason to make it seem like my opinion is blasphemous and it was annoying" All we did was disagree but apparently you don't like different opinions so you basically deleted it cause you are an elitist entitiled to your own opinion and any other opinion is automatically deemed wrong. And on a sidenote you have a victim complex, gotcha. It's sad because multiple people on this site have told you that you have this unhealthy habit (including Shirataki) but instead of maybe listening and trying to fix that instead you choose to be in denial and make yourself look even more deluded. Last reply from me, unwatching thread, have a nice day fellow FSD members and sorry that it had to be in this thread lol
I don't have a victim complex! Stop accusing me of things that I do not have. And I am not an elitist, just leave me alone because you're really annoying me with all these things that aren't true. I'm tired of you being rude to me and hiding your hands when you know what you're doing
Great thread to have an argument like this in.
I'm not even arguing, I said my opinion and they're dragging it out. Last I recall this thread was about people missed the old art style. But it's fine, I'm done here, I'm tired of people being rude to me and making untrue statements about me


Well-Known Member
I mean, speaking personally, I was just pointing out that Kasumi's default outfit was redesigned from 3 to 2U in a manner that can't simply be chalked up to graphical enhancements. For that matter, I think the 2U design is the one that they've used since; obviously they've modeled it several times since then, but the outfit's design itself has largely stayed the same with the exception of her brief appearance in Ninja Gaidem Sigma 2 (don't worry, @Tyaren, it was a thing that actually happened, you didn't dream it).


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
The last 2 pages are a mess. In the end everybody has his own opinions and all of you should just agree to disagree. When I look at the older designs it does kind of look the same but slightly upgraded. There are noticeable changes but it still looks the same in a strange way.

Say what you will, nothing can be further from the truth. Everyone knows who should they believe between me and you. No wonder why you got banned for six months. I wonder how you behave towards people in real life, your schoolmates or coworkers.
Shirataki know your place. Seriously, why do you gotta bring up his ban? It’s not the time, place or thread to discuss his ban. It happened like 3 months ago, move on. FYI his ban was caused because someone provoked him and he went overboard, that’s why he got banned. Do some research before you speak, have a nice day.


Premium Donor
The last 2 pages are a mess. In the end everybody has his own opinions and all of you should just agree to disagree. When I look at the older designs it does kind of look the same but slightly upgraded. There are noticeable changes but it still looks the same in a strange way.

Shirataki know your place. Seriously, why do you gotta bring up his ban? It happened like 3 months ago, move on. FYI his ban was caused because someone provoked him and he went overboard, that’s why he got banned. Do some research before you speak, have a nice day.
That's exactly the point I was trying to make, the game got improved yes, but like you said the game strangely looks the same besides all the HD additions and other stuff and new models which look nearly identical

And thank you for defending me Brad. And tbh Shira I'm a very nice, polite and kind person irl and here, anyone besides those I've cut off can attest to that, I just don't tolerate disrespect, especially when you say nasty things about a friend's mental health and mistreat me like an old bat. I also DMed you already so you can keep any other false stuff out of the thread, this thread is derailed enough because of misunderstanding and arguments

DOA4 still holds a place in my heart tho since the artstyle was still cutesy and I did enjoy the hair physics xD


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
It's much easier to hand out warnings or bans to all parties than to go diving through multiple threads since these tiresome arguments are spanning the whole site at this point.


Only warning from me on this. Clean it up, with no last minute jabs, or we'll do so for you.

Shirataki Tsume

Well-Known Member
Shirataki know your place. Seriously, why do you gotta bring up his ban? It’s not the time, place or thread to discuss his ban. It happened like 3 months ago, move on. FYI his ban was caused because someone provoked him and he went overboard, that’s why he got banned. Do some research before you speak, have a nice day.
Tell him to improve his attitude and the way how he responds to people. Moderators don't ban people for not being offensive. They know what they're doing.
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Macca Beam

Well-Known Member
i was initially all WOW NEXT GEN MESHES AND TEXTURES when 5 was released but that quickly wore off. the bleak, dusty military shooter color scheme is shit when western games do it, and it's still shit when japanese games do it.

character model wise, the new characters and guests introduced in 5 were all fine (VF guests even gave the original creators a run for their money for how close they matched the CG art). some old characters survived the transition well (kokoro, christie, hitomi, ayane, the males), but some didn't. the cover girl of the series got turned into a generic DETERMINED ACTION GRRRRRRRL Lightning clone with a pissed off expression and an elongated face. orange was also a better color than auburn. leifang now has a duckface and looks somehow less chinese than before. and since TN doesn't have the same swagger as team tekken who changes up the models every game, all of that is here to stay for as long as their laziness allows it. oh well.

also this "more realistic but never really realistic" approach ended up putting it squarely in the uncanny valley, as opposed to a decidedly stylized artstyle where your mind quickly comes to terms with the fact that it isn't realistic and doesn't try to be realistic. now everything looks like skyrim/illusion fuckdolls when you stare at them long enough.

and another nice thing that was slowly gutted with the transition
If anything, the more extravagant aspects of the franchise have simply been toned down. For example, you won't be high kicking prepubescent girls into spinning helicopter blades during stage transitions
reminds me of some dipshit on gamefaqs who complained about being able to knock people into the train in doa5
oh noes da pixels r hurt
when did video games lose their last backbone?

and no, there's no nostalgia-related bias here. as a matter of fact i only opened up to the older style AFTER spending some time with 5 and going back to them for a change of air.
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Well-Known Member
I wonder how much recycled content the new models will have, at this point. For all we know they could be different... @Tyaren was did you magic eye see so far?


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I wonder how much recycled content the new models will have, at this point. For all we know they could be different... @Tyaren was did you magic eye see so far?

I don't have magic eyes, I actually have bad eyesight, lol. I am just (maybe unhealthily?) obsessed with character models/character modelling) because it is art and basically the modern form of classic sculptures to me. Me working exclusively as a 2D artist, always striving to get anatomy, plasticity and shading as correct as possible, also reinforces the awe I have for 3D art.

I have indeed looked very closely at the models, as far as the available HD videos and 4K screens allowed. I did directly compare them with DOA5 footage and I made the assessment that the models are actually completely new, even though they look on the surface pretty much the same as DOA5 models. Team Ninja uses the exact same art style and they use the exact same character looks (facial features, hairstyles...), but the character models are still completely remodelled with a significantly higher polygon count. Texturing and shaders are also completely new.

The new costumes are obviously completely new, duh. :p The character base bodies are also completely new. You easily see that on the men's bodies, which look completely different to DOA5 and finally feature the same care and detail of female bodies (excluding Zack's missing belly button, lol).
Female bodies are remodelled as well as Helena's legs and arm modelling suggest. Both male and female characters also have very detailed hands and feet now. Helena's hands are especially frail and elegant.
Let's get to the heads, faces and hair:
They do look the same at a first glance, but everything is remodelled here as well. Hair features much more polygons now to move more fluidly (though Helena's pony tail still behaves strange physics-wise), ears are rounder and Zach's bald head is now completely rounded. It had very obvious polygon edges in DOA5.
It's hard to judge in-detail facial modelling with the footage that we have so far, but the smooth and realistic face deformations of the face punch animations suggest that they significantly boosted things here as well. For deformation to look this good it needs an extremely detailed face rig and bones. The DOA5 models didn't have that detail and physics.

The only reused assets that I could make out was the hair texturing of characters, it is of higher resolution now however and should still look good.
Last but not least there are Hayabusa's, Hayate's and Kasumi's swords (minus the strings and tassles on Kasumi's sword which are new). It looks as if they use the exact same DOA5 assets. They were already back then of very high quality though, leaving Soul Calibur 6's reused weapons far behind even today.
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