DoA5U Hayabusa

Nameless Sama

Well-Known Member
Ahh Aka welcome to the Hayabusa Clan ;D and thanks Godly ;D For me is a Epic K.O so = You have so little heatlh but stay cool and wait for the cool moment. After waiting you are preparing for the Countahhhhhhh + Izuna + Cliff Izuna (lost world , Lorelei ) = High Damagae = K.O . The opponent thinks "wtf happend" you are like " Preparing for the most epic shit right now " or " dont get so coky shit happends for you " and then Hayabusas "TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" into the ground.

Juan The Man

Active Member
That's the worst part about it once u realize how easy it is.....or the trick to it then u go n u miss it 3 times in a row after u've landed it 10000 times in one match


Im on Xbox. I have a video on here of me using busa. What is this Hayabusa clan im reading about? Anybody wanna learn some good stuff with busa just hit me up. XBox GT CHARISMA218

Nameless Sama

Well-Known Member
Underworld Drop. Nah this Izuna belongs to Genshin. Genshin is a badass mofu character in NG2. He is a better leader of his clan than Hayate :p. He has so much honor I love this guy. If TN would add him to DOA6 ( maybe) uffff. I have no word for this awesomeness.

Fiend Busa

Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Underworld Drop. Nah this Izuna belongs to Genshin. Genshin is a badass mofu character in NG2. He is a better leader of his clan than Hayate :p. He has so much honor I love this guy. If TN would add him to DOA6 ( maybe) uffff. I have no word for this awesomeness.

As his followers would say: Death to Lord Genshins enemies!

Nameless Sama

Well-Known Member
Kasumi was never a good shinobi because she can´t beat strong opponents alone. She is fast and quick but in the NG world she would die without a strong Partner In my opinion. Her personalty makes her weak too if you know what I mean. I like Ryu nah I love him too much. Not because he can kill enemyies alone or he is called the super ninja. I love him becuase he has a strong character which makes him tooo BADASS MOFU . The personal character plays an important role too. BTW: The only thing what I hate on Kasumi is that she isnt thankful to Ryu although he has saved her life for 2 Times and that she doenst noticed that Ryu is like a personal guardian angel for her. In my RL there are people too who arent thankful too. What I want to say is. There are people who arent thankful for that you do for them. They dont estimate you and estimate others who are better than you in their eyes without seeing your good friendly character. That makes me sad.

Fiend Busa

Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Hey, does anyone know the BT combo? I seen Master do it quite a few times but I can't remember in which videos
