DOA5U wanted Costumes


Well-Known Member
i havent really found any good lady luchador outfits, but im sure TN could come up with something! Most of the lady luchador outfits ive seen on google like ass lol


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Some of the wishes and complaints are really unreasonable... Basicly Team Ninja could never do it right.


Well-Known Member
I'd love to see Hayabusa's knight outfit from Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, along with some other Ninja Gaiden outfits. If we can't get THE OUTFIT, then the DOA Throwback outfit from Ninja Gaiden Black and Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Plus would be a nice consolation prize.

Question for you guys, when were the Special Sets released? If they're still doing those for Ultimate, but with the whole cast like the rest of the DLC, then we could see some more real alts.


Well-Known Member
Okay, did a little searching, and November had swimsuits (-_-) for the first half, then real alts (China, Formal, Special 3) for the second half. I'm going to assume that means this November we'll be getting either more swimsuits or more real stuff... or it could just be Gym outfits for Momiji and Rachel.

Back on subject, Bayman could use a commando uniform. I'd preferably like the one from DOA3.


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I think and I hope, for the next weeks they will focus on the 5 newcomers to Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate. They are the ones desperately in need of some more alternatives, especially the guys: Jacky, Ein and Leon. Come on Team Ninja, there's money to be made. I'll buy whatever outfits you come up with for Jacky and Ein!
I really, really hope they won't drop the ball on the newcomers to soon... :( I mean, we don't really know, how long Team Ninja will support Ultimate. I was SO upset, when Namco so suddenly stopped with Soul Calibur 5's DLC. They weren't even finished, with all they had announced...


Well-Known Member
I think and I hope, for the next weeks they will focus on the 5 newcomers to Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate. They are the ones desperately in need of some more alternatives, especially the guys: Jacky, Ein and Leon. Come on Team Ninja, there's money to be made. I'll buy whatever outfits you come up with for Jacky and Ein!
I really, really hope they won't drop the ball on the newcomers to soon... :( I mean, we don't really know, how long Team Ninja will support Ultimate. I was SO upset, when Namco so suddenly stopped with Soul Calibur 5's DLC. They weren't even finished, with all they had announced...

Yeah, why did Namco stop them ?

If DOA6 ever have customisation, you can be sure you will have to pay for seperate elements too (pantiiiiiies!).


Well-Known Member
I think and I hope, for the next weeks they will focus on the 5 newcomers to Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate. They are the ones desperately in need of some more alternatives, especially the guys: Jacky, Ein and Leon. Come on Team Ninja, there's money to be made. I'll buy whatever outfits you come up with for Jacky and Ein!
I really, really hope they won't drop the ball on the newcomers to soon... :( I mean, we don't really know, how long Team Ninja will support Ultimate. I was SO upset, when Namco so suddenly stopped with Soul Calibur 5's DLC. They weren't even finished, with all they had announced...
Agreed. Newcomers still need the following outfits:
Ein, Leon and Jacky - Swimwear and Santa suits
Momiji and Rachel - Bunnies, Cheerleaders, Santa dresses, players swimwear, hotties swimwear and hot getaway swimwear


Well-Known Member
I want Leons trenchcoat, and everyone should have the option to take off all headgear, noy just certain costumes. I wanna use milas outfits without the visor or pumpkin hat, and with the bandana on, and Leon with his camo jacket but no turban.


Active Member
Ein needs his Matrix outfit...Ive been waiting too long! Those handwraps from his DOA4 white gi should be toggled as an option too.


Well-Known Member
I want a black suit for Christie. She has a white one but I think the classic black suit works on any assassin type characters and ups the badass level imo. *Classic business style suit, not body suit* Christie doesn't need any more of those.
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Hoya Destroyer

Well-Known Member
I'd like to see...


...and I'd like to see them distributed between Tina, Lisa and Mila, ideally. Any order is fine, except I would want Lisa wearing a lighter colored outfit.
Considering Tinas personality, I think she REALLY needs something sexy that promotes her curves and confidence. All she has now is her rare swimsuit, which isnt that great, IMO.
Milas existing red swimsuit looks really good and makes me want to see her in similarly sexy swimsuits (especially after her Halloween disaster).


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Considering Tinas personality, I think she REALLY needs something sexy that promotes her curves and confidence.
You mean like every fucking costume in her wardrobe?

Admit it: You just want her to be buck-ass naked or wearing nothing but thin strips of electrical tape.