DOA6 interviews


Well-Known Member
his character design had so much potential, sigh.
shimbori said(in some interview i dont remember) they put a lot of research into his design but sis, his fav food is tacos and his hobby is soccer, then they just slapped the name diego on him giving him the ugliest outfit and ugliest hair...lookin like a rooster.

and yeah diego isn't the product of research... they lowkey just went for the basic stereotypes in a very "out of touch foreigner" kind of way. if they knew better they wouldn't have made their token hispanic brownie point character as default as possible when it comes to his interests, overall appearance and even name. were they trying not to offend anyone? who exactly were they trying to win over with him sine they made him so boring?

also i agree, the outfit is h o r r e n d o u s, double whammy considering that it's his ONLY one. how do you make a jacket n' jeans combo look tacky? after that nico picture i need to see diego's concepts to see how they butchered what was probably originally a decent design.
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Baji Breakdancer

Well-Known Member
I'm not going to defend Diego's weak design, but I don't think they're pulling from any hispanic stereotypes for his look or personality. I'm latino and I've never seen a latino dude or even a stereotype look like him. Ratty jeans, tight jacket, and peacock hair really make him look more like a modern Japanese pro wrestling character.

Dr PaC

Well-Known Member
I'm not going to defend Diego's weak design, but I don't think they're pulling from any hispanic stereotypes for his look or personality. I'm latino and I've never seen a latino dude or even a stereotype look like him. Ratty jeans, tight jacket, and peacock hair really make him look more like a modern Japanese pro wrestling character.
Agreed. Outside the "tacos" thing, I never thought Diego was a stereotype in his character design either. But really, who doesnt like tacos


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
his character design had so much potential, sigh.
Not really.
I mean, technically you can claim anything has potential, but literally every element of the character shown from the get-go has been "blah."

shimbori said(in some interview i dont remember) they put a lot of research into his design
This makes a lot of sense, actually, since he seems like some factory-produced, focus-tested basic bro instead of a living, breathing character envisioned by a writer or artist.

I'm not going to defend Diego's weak design, but I don't think they're pulling from any hispanic stereotypes for his look or personality. I'm latino and I've never seen a latino dude or even a stereotype look like him.
You mean latinos don't hold their hair up with jizz? Who knew?

*cough* remember chinese guy named lee who loves fighting very much *cough*
I pick on him a lot, as well.


Well-Known Member
by stereotypes i didn't exclusively mean Hispanic stereotypes, but i also should have mentioned since he's supposed to be an American tough guy (they mentioned America before when talking about him iirc) its like they were inclined to make him a copy some generic baddie from a beat-em-up lol. everything about the man is generic and inoffensive.

Baji Breakdancer

Well-Known Member
I actually have a theory that they liked having Jacky Bryant from Virtua Fighter in DOA5 and wanted to have their own "street fighter" character in DOA6. Diego's not really far off, aesthetically speaking.

I don't really have a problem with Diego. he's a good beginner character for new players (like Jacky) and has a pretty neutral presentation and style that appeal to some people (like Jacky).


Dr PaC

Well-Known Member
I am convinced that I am the only one who doesnt have any problem with Diego :( i even like his play style
I dont have a problem with Diego either. In fact, the fact they added a new male character at all surprised me. His design may not be the most "inspired", but I like a good brawler character and I hope TN keeps adding more dudes to the game down the line. I think characters like Diego bring more people to DOA, honestly.


Premium Donor
I used to not like Diego at all but aside from his generic design I don't really mind him tbh, I'm actually gonna use him too when DOA6 comes out xD I think they played it safe with his design so that Western players could have a character to flock to if they're newcomers like how Rig and Mila were designed.

I'm just thankful we didn't get another Honoka or Marie Rose since they could have did that too, but they did a good thing making someone for the West and someone for the Japanese demographic

Lycanthrope -R-

Active Member
View attachment 27519
This is not okay, like no joke. Seriously only 6 costumes? Why does TN think DOA is only about the girls? DOAX may be only about the girls, but the fighting DOA isn’t. TN needs to quit with this sexism, seriously.
Yeah, clearly the "new image" thing was BS if they're going to going to shaft the male characters like this. The funny thing is that DOA2(not U)-DOAD had pretty decent costume parity. And then...something happened.

No Jann Lee suit and sunglasses? No Zack alien outfit or DJ look? No Hayate white and blue? No Rig TKD dobok or prisoner outfit? No Bass cowboy look? Hell, Eliot didn't even get his DOA5 default. I knew it was in the cards since the beta (and I feel odd complaining about outfits at all) but, no. This is stupid. They had so many cool outfits to pull from.

And poor Diego. Why do I also have this feeling that he's going to just be a throwaway character during the story? He's just going to have no ways for character insights if he's shallow during the story and, let's be for real, he gets only the 1 outfit.

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
View attachment 27519
This is not okay, like no joke. Seriously only 6 costumes? Why does TN think DOA is only about the girls? DOAX may be only about the girls, but the fighting DOA isn’t. TN needs to quit with this sexism, seriously.

You need to see more fighters if you think this is anything new anymore...
Just look at how many more costumes the females have gotten than the males... and this is the game people say isn't all about it's fanservice.

Chun Li and Cammy ALONE have more costumes than a good chunk of the male roster COMBINED.
People just flock to the females ultimately for easy cash, that's the cold, honest truth.

Dr PaC

Well-Known Member
You need to see more fighters if you think this is anything new anymore...
Just look at how many more costumes the females have gotten than the males... and this is the game people say isn't all about it's fanservice.

Chun Li and Cammy ALONE have more costumes than a good chunk of the male roster COMBINED.
People just flock to the females ultimately for easy cash, that's the cold, honest truth.
As a member of that fandom, it's already a meme at this point that if Chun doesn't get a new costume each month of each season, we riot. ALso, that there are more Chun costumes than Chun players

Lycanthrope -R-

Active Member
You need to see more fighters if you think this is anything new anymore...
Just look at how many more costumes the females have gotten than the males... and this is the game people say isn't all about it's fanservice.

Chun Li and Cammy ALONE have more costumes than a good chunk of the male roster COMBINED.
People just flock to the females ultimately for easy cash, that's the cold, honest truth.
DLC costumes are one thing. But baseline costumes everyone had the same amount in SFV. Everyone had at least comparable amount in T7 at the start as well (as in the set outfits you can customize onto them, not the generic stuff).

We know how the DLC for DOA6 is going to turn out, but even for DOA5 at the start, it wasn't this bad. The amount of costumes at the start is basically the only bone fans of male DOA characters are going to get thrown, and it's worse than the last game.


Well-Known Member
About the overall amount of costumes, i'm actually kinda shocked they would really only give the guys only 2 outfits, mainly because I thought they knew better than to make the female/male preference so obvious now, plus that's so low compared to what vanilla 5 had and I was bitching at that game's selection years ago. Hayabusa didn't even get his iconic blue ninja outfit, nor did Hayate get his original DOA3 outfit? And i was really hoping that the 5 outfits shown for the women wasn't everything either because that means that a lot of good looks for the girls will be MIA. Kasumi and Ayane only get one casual outfit, like where's Ayane's china dress from NG? :/ Guess i put too much trust in them in that category. How is every fighting game this gen killing it with the gameplay but dropping the ball almost everywhere else?

I don't know why the game is counting these corny primary color texture swaps as separate outfits. that in particular screams "rushed" if anything else since I know they could have been more creative than that. They gave Leifang a whole plaid skirt with one of her panda jacket recolors and i think Hitomi's white tank top got the DOA3 and 4 textures back soooo where's all the effort for the rest of the outfits? Anyone think they might do free costume DLC a month after launch like they did with vanilla 5? Or DLC soon in general??? I need more outfits than this, man.

Baji Breakdancer

Well-Known Member
Do we actually know for certain those costume numbers are for what’s going to be at launch, or just what’s in the current build journalists, etc. are playtesting?


Premium Donor
Do we actually know for certain those costume numbers are for what’s going to be at launch, or just what’s in the current build journalists, etc. are playtesting?
A few reviewers(or at least one that I recall) said he had the final game copy but idk since him and a few others made it seem as if there were dozens of "new" costumes in the game

I also don't think the costumes seen in the beta and the recent builds are likely the final ones either since there's hairstyles and accesories that were missing and they always add more in the newer builds, or at least that's what I'm hoping. It'll be pretty dumb imo if Eliot will basically only have his old casual DOA5 outfit and his new DOA6 costume and their recolors as his base game costumes. I'm hoping that they're still not fully finished with everything and that maybe a good deal of content will be unlockable like in other games and they haven't finished adding content so that the reviewers won't show everything.

If these really are the final costumes, it'll be funny since the males will only be wearing two outfits in story mode and the girls will wear like 3-4 different costumes

Baji Breakdancer

Well-Known Member
A few reviewers(or at least one that I recall) said he had the final game copy but idk since him and a few others made it seem as if there were dozens of "new" costumes in the game

I also don't think the costumes seen in the beta and the recent builds are likely the final ones either since there's hairstyles and accesories that were missing and they always add more in the newer builds, or at least that's what I'm hoping. It'll be pretty dumb imo if Eliot will basically only have his old casual DOA5 outfit and his new DOA6 costume and their recolors as his base game costumes. I'm hoping that they're still not fully finished with everything and that maybe a good deal of content will be unlockable like in other games and they haven't finished adding content so that the reviewers won't show everything.

If these really are the final costumes, it'll be funny since the males will only be wearing two outfits in story mode and the girls will wear like 3-4 different costumes

Yeah exactly. I feel like too many people are ready to lose their minds over the tiniest bit of unconfirmed "news." How many times have we seen folks go "I can't believe they didn't put X in there" despite X being in every DOA game ever and also two months later X is in the next DOA6 build. The game's in development. Like, they literally pushed it back because they wanted to add more things, folks gotta chill a little bit.

I wouldn't be surprised if there were people going "there's no holds in DOA6, I can't believe it" after watching the very first cinematic teaser.


Premium Donor
Yeah exactly. I feel like too many people are ready to lose their minds over the tiniest bit of unconfirmed "news." How many times have we seen folks go "I can't believe they didn't put X in there" despite X being in every DOA game ever and also two months later X is in the next DOA6 build. The game's in development. Like, they literally pushed it back because they wanted to add more things, folks gotta chill a little bit.

I wouldn't be surprised if there were people going "there's no holds in DOA6, I can't believe it" after watching the very first cinematic teaser.
Yeah I think overall we just have to be patient, I feel like they'll add more content as the game draws nearer, they delayed it for a reason after all. Plus I don't think they'll really leave the males out to dry like that with only 2 costumes(6 counting recolors), that's as crazy as flying down to Germany or something just to sleep with a stranger you barely know xD(....if I'm wrong and we really DO only get six costumes for the guys, please don't quote this saying I told you soo_O)

Either way I'm gonna remain hopeful until more confirmed stuff from later reviewers comes out, and if the costume count really is that small for everyone it is what it is, Kasumi at least will get two with her preorder and then we still have the deluxe preorder DLC too :p and we should have plenty of hairstyles and glasses to spice up certain costumes