I'm honestly getting tired of dealing with people's opinions on DOA


Well-Known Member
All facts. I remember I brought up the men need bulge for fan service and half of the community said it was too much. I’m like how can they say that, when certain female characters (cough Lisa) is wearing a diamond sting swimsuit. Yeah.. that isn’t too much.
silly you, clearly bc its a bulge! we all know staring at a bulge for 0,01 seconds makes you gay! /s

I just hope they look at the ceiling when peeing!


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Am I the only one that’s a bit triggered about the title of the thread? I understand the OP but this title just makes it seem like people can’t deal with others having opinions.
All facts. I remember I brought up the men need bulge for fan service and half of the community said it was too much. I’m like how can they say that, when certain female characters (cough Lisa) is wearing a diamond sting swimsuit. Yeah.. that isn’t too much.
Duh, because they’re sensitive straight guys... I think bulges are necessary because it’s normal for guys to have bulges. They don’t have to be big, but at least give them something..:(

Baji Breakdancer

Well-Known Member
"Subdued?" No.


Not to mention that it's especially jarring when juxtaposed with all the normal characters.
"Normal" characters? With the super ninjas and Alphas and Tengus and crap? There's always been weirdos in DOA, one the bosses literally fights with a Darth Maul lightsaber.

You can like or dislike whatever you want, but you can't act like these kinds of things are new to the series.


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"Normal" characters? With the super ninjas and Alphas and Tengus and crap? There's always been weirdos in DOA, one the bosses literally fights with a Darth Maul lightsaber.
Ah yes, Genra. An oddity who looked terrible and totally out-of-place in the game he debuted in.

By "normal," I mean characters who don't shit fire and lightning. That actually did used to include the ninjas for the most part, but they're gradually becoming more and more visually off-putting with each new game. So on the one had you have Bayman, who still looks great. And then in the same game you have all these distracting eyesores.

Tekken's visual design is so terribly incoherent that everyone is an eyesore, so no one sticks out in particular. In DOA, when the offenders pop up, they really stick out due to the juxtaposition with other characters.


Well-Known Member
"Normal" characters? With the super ninjas and Alphas and Tengus and crap? There's always been weirdos in DOA, one the bosses literally fights with a Darth Maul lightsaber.

You can like or dislike whatever you want, but you can't act like these kinds of things are new to the series.

DoA has always been a bit more grounded than most other fighters, but its never exactly shied away from super powered characters either. Though most heavy particle effects came from stages and not from characters in older doa's. Most you'd see was Hayabusa's leaves during the izuna animation and Kasumi's pedals from the parries.

I can understand people's worries though. The hit effects in DoAD were super annoying. DoA6 particle effects on hit seem pretty limited though. Busa is just off a few special moves and its hard to say with NICO, but from the few videos we've seen it seems like as far as actual hit attacks go its pretty limited to a few movies. Most of her move set was pretty normal looking. That kind of stuff doesn't really bother me anyway as its part of the animation. Its not like there's a flash on the screen every time you get hit like in Takken or DoAD.

With that said, Brute finds negativity in everything. Its best just to ignore him.

Dr PaC

Well-Known Member
>praises DOA5 as the best fighting game ever made
>worships Nioh nonstop for nearly two years
>criticizes one new game
>negative about everything

I understand you Brute. Ive been reading your comments since you came back, and it took a while, but I learned something from you. Whether a person is an upset fan , angry fan, or a concerned fan, they're still a fan. I appreciate your honesty, even if my fanboy-isms sometimes dont, lol
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>praises DOA5 as the best fighting game ever made
>worships Nioh nonstop for nearly two years
>criticizes one new game
>negative about everything


Can I say one thing? For the most part I agree with you... but I need you to get over the electric effects from NiCO and the effects from Hayabusa as well.

What exactly is so ugly about those? To me they look good. I would understand if it looked like the stuff that comes out of Tekken characters, but this looks better.


Well-Known Member
They liked the look of the game and the characters’ personalities the most. I had one friend say how she liked that “nothing was confusing,” in that there wasn’t a bunch of flashes or magic sparks on the screen like Soul Calibur and games like that.

Nobody was good at it, but they really liked the offensive holds and the general idea of a “counter button,” because it felt like something out of a kung fu movie. Because it was the beta they asked if every character was a ninja, so I pulled up DOA5 and showed the other characters.

Overall consensus was that the game looked exciting but also easy to follow. Nobody even made boob jokes.
I know you don't like particle effects, but you have to admit that there's a massive difference between Hayabusa having some fire in his hands for certain moves and the blinding lightshow of Soul Calibur or the endless sparks that fly everywhere when you do literally anything in Tekken.
VF is alone is plain effects, man. That is kinda lame... but that's also new shit. You didn't have that happen during the 3D renaissance. Just plain ol' realism. Even if that sometimes included a robot or a kangaroo.


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Standard Donor
Can I say one thing? For the most part I agree with you... but I need you to get over the electric effects from NiCO and the effects from Hayabusa as well.

What exactly is so ugly about those? To me they look good. I would understand if it looked like the stuff that comes out of Tekken characters, but this looks better.
But I think NiCO's effects are alright, they aren't overbearing, too flashy or are extremely annoying.
At some point I'm probably going to make a very long post or video about the subject that really breaks it down because it's actually a pretty interesting and complicated subject, but the short version is that effects like this are often used to artificially add weight and impact in fighting games that would otherwise struggle to portray these elements without them. Historically, DOA has had animation quality so far ahead of its competition that it never really needed to rely on these, since the raw model animations and SFX got the job done incredibly well (note those weird pause frames where Ayane's torso is seemingly broken--that's not an accident; it's deliberate and it's mostly very well done). Now, TN seems to lack confidence in their raw animations, whether it be due to a dry creative well for new moves or because they're simply trying to look more like the other (more popular) fighters to appeal to a larger market. But I definitely see that with Nico. Nico's "fighting style" (animations movelist) is not only stiffer than some of the other, more fluidly animated characters, but it's also just straight-up bland. There are a few moves in there that I can identify as having inspiration from silat techniques, but the vast majority are either so generic that they are entirely forgettable or only memorable because lightning sprays everywhere. The entire identity of the moveset is essentially "lightning." This is a shame, because you could probably make a pretty great moveset for a Silat character, one that people looked at and immediately thought "Silat!" instead of thinking "lightning loli!" But instead, we get this. And it's just a damn shame.

This logic can be applied outside Nico as well. Hayabusa's new high punch from ongyoin follows very similar beats, for example.

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
I can see your side but I don't believe I good chunk of her set even remotely fits the Lightning aesthetic you are talking about as past the trailer and the other gameplay footage I have seen, her moveset doesn't seem to be her depending on her Lightning more than Silat.


Well-Known Member
It's been retarded. Off topic but one of my request was blood effect back in the day. It always raised a meltdown as if I request the game to be MK.

Now it's realized! Ha!
Eat sh*t. I will buy Dee Ow Ay Six even though the P4 and Nyotengu scheme are bollocks.

Matt Ponton

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Nah, people would then just point to that it's made by Team Ninja and believe it will be exactly like DOA see Dissidia by them awhile back.

People still blame the problems of Metroid: Other M on Team NINJA, when TN only advised them on the fighting mechanics. The terrible story and entire rest of the game was done by Nintendo...


At this point I want them to go away for a long time and reboot without the shitty naked weebu characters. Every single other fighter knows how to sell sex without over shadowing the depth of their game. Im tired of this act that that DOA is unfairly targeted.

Baji Breakdancer

Well-Known Member
At this point I want them to go away for a long time and reboot without the shitty naked weebu characters. Every single other fighter knows how to sell sex without over shadowing the depth of their game. Im tired of this act that that DOA is unfairly targeted.
The thing is, though, I think DOA handles sexuality in a healthier way. DOA women just wear sexy outfits sometimes, and have agency over their own bodies. The “sexy” stuff in like SF or SC is super pervy where you’re forcibly stripping an opponent or creepy underskirt shots in character intros in SFV that were actually censored later.


Premium Donor
The thing is, though, I think DOA handles sexuality in a healthier way. DOA women just wear sexy outfits sometimes, and have agency over their own bodies. The “sexy” stuff in like SF or SC is super pervy where you’re forcibly stripping an opponent or creepy underskirt shots in character intros in SFV that were actually censored later.
I think DOA gets more slack for their sexuality mainly because they always focus on the women. In SC, all the characters are sexualized equally and everyone is basically catering to a certain fetish/trope. SF also gets a pass since although they're DLC heavy too, they sexualized everyone the same as well, like of course Chun Li gets swimsuits and Laura has underboob and an exposed thong but Ed has super skin tight spandex shorts and is super muscle bound and Vega shows a huge amount of his chest and even midriff in one of his outfits, and that's just talking about 4 of the characters in SFv

I think if DOA didn't make Xtreme which focused on the girls exclusively and if they gave everyone the same attention and didn't focus on revealing costumes and bikinis for the girls all the time during th Ulitimae and LR DLC era they would get a pass, but they're not really doing themselves any favors with the girls getting 5(15 with recolors) outfits and like 2+ hairstyles and the guys only getting 2(6) costumes and hardly any hairstyle customization in DOA6, the most that's been done is that the guys are more muscular and detailed and they seem to have at least some more sex appeal to match the girls now

Baji Breakdancer

Well-Known Member
It’s really not the same for both genders in those games. SFV was never forced to censor buttcrack shots of male characters, nor did they have to remove bouncing bulges or revealing costumes, like with Cammy’s overtly erect nipples (something you never see in DOA, actually). Likewise SC doesn’t have the same amount of strippage for the male characters, and they certainly don’t have a male equivalent of the alarmingly underage Talim. Even if it was the same for both genders in these games, though, I think DOA would still get grief, and I’ll explain why.

I agree that DOA’s stigma is closely tied to the Xtreme series, but I actually don’t think it would change even if men were given “equal time.” People would still just talk about boobs, because I think there’s a subtler kind of misogyny going on here. DOA is female-dominated as a franchise, and no other fighting game aside from Skullgirls can say that. I think it makes certain people uncomfortable, so they focus on the women’s looks instead, looking for a reason to dismiss them.