New DOA5 version announced (Momiji!!!)

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Well-Known Member
Prediction time...
- 2 new stages: NG2 Tokyo, Rainy Miyama

Hell no, if this is an updated version of the game, I won't accept just 2 stages. there better be more than 5 new ones. Stages are what make DOA really fun, and the current ones are too bland. Only ones that I like is, scramble, flow, beach, dragon temple, house. Fuel rig is an okay one too, but the rest are just bland, too many boxed stages Compared past DOA games 5 is the weakest for stage design, I loved the seaside level on DOA4, it was hugee, you'd never get bored fighting on it cuz you had so much room to cover. We need more like it.

Julius Rage

Well-Known Member
Include the option to change the music.for each stage Al la Tekken Tag 2.

Or do it VF5FS style and have the swap be random but either way I want to swap out Vigaku for the ho hum elevator music on the Street stage.

I also need the crash club back with Helenas blazed up remix. That shit gives me a woody to this very day.


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well i'll put it simple i hate how they get everything from a gameplay standpoint.
Oh yeah, 'cause they're overflowing with expert holds, parries, floor throws, string cancels into stances, offensive holds & stances that crush.

Wait, on second thought, nope. Ninjas are no longer top-tier and certainly don't have anywhere close to "everything" from a "gameplay standpoint." Yes, Ryu has one stance-dependent parry & some expert holds but not for high/low kicks, and it comes at the price of speed, terrible low-trip string mix-ups, etc. Other ninjas have independent pros/cons as well. If you want to bitch about a character having everything, at least do it right and bitch about Lei Fang.

I would love more ninjas and I feel like Momiji has a lot of potential. If she's even 1/8th of what Ryu is, she'll easily be the second coolest character in the roster.
Obviously I'm super-stoked at the prospect of Leon returning as well. If he makes it, he will likely return to being my primary sub-main, unless Momiji impresses me more.


Well-Known Member
Well it wouldn't serve to bitch about Ninjas in a DOA game.

That's like bitching when they introduce a shoto into a SF game.

Just have to take it in stride and hold faith in recognition that PRO WRESTLING WILL ALWAYS PREVAIL!

Funny thing is, even though they are scattered through different games SF has a lot more wrestlers then shotos.


Active Member
I'm happy Momiji is in DOA, of all the NG characters that could come into the series she fits the most imo. Hoping Leon makes a return too, he's never been a personal favourite of mine but he does have a following and is a decent enough character to stay on the roster...


Active Member
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An improved netcode, with extra characters, extra stages, and such would be alright, just please for the love of all things holy, let me be able use to the DLC costumes I paid for. Or have a survival mode with zombies. Yeah, that's the ticket.........zombie survival mode.......


Well-Known Member
And a thong, don't forget the thong. Or a fundoshi! :eek:


Forlorn Penguin

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Premium Donor
I'm hoping we'll see a full version of that match soon. Like how when DOA5 was first announced, they showed an incomplete Hayabusa x Hayate match, then showed the full thing shortly afterwards.


Well-Known Member
I'm hoping we'll see a full version of that match soon. Like how when DOA5 was first announced, they showed an incomplete Hayabusa x Hayate match, then showed the full thing shortly afterwards.
I remember I thought that was all just fancy CG stuff with the power blows and cliffhangers. I didn't know it was actual gameplay.
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