Official DOA6 Costume Thread


Well-Known Member
So do we know if the costumes shown in the beta are going to be the only costumes for those characters or are the guys going to get at least a 3rd (not counting color swaps) option?

I mean I know we will get dlc frequently, but I’d like to see more options on disc. I am also hoping for secret costumes, something unlockable that is a major surprise, like what they did with the swimsuits for Tina, Lisa, and Christie in vanilla.

Side note: would be cool if the dlc costumes also get 3 different color options.


Well-Known Member
So here are some cool Designs ( Costumes as DLC) in my Opinion from Art Station Boggie Pitrell =)


Well-Known Member
So what Ive noticed from the Beta is this that Diego has in his Winning Pose is Mouth the half way open . We see teeth and the otherside seems closed. Looks totally weird and i do not know if its supposed tho reflect anger =?
And still I think The Leather Jacket he is been wearing should move and not hang stiff to his Body . The same as for Zack in his Suit.


Premium Donor
It’s going to be disappointing if Diego only had two options for costumes at launch: option 1. Jeans, tank, and leather jacket. option 2. Jeans and tank.

Pretty weak for a new character.
Those aren't the only final costumes that'll be in the base game, there's definitely gonna be more. Nico has her default, her thong leotard schoolgirl uniform, and her new coat costume so he'll likely get 2-4 more. The beta was a month old or so build iirc so I think they just basically used the latest build they've been doing promo with and they locked out all the modes and characters besides the ninjas and Diego and just left in the costumes they had ready at that point.

Diego also has a shorter hairstyle that they didn't have in as well in the beta and Kasumi only has her ponytails and loose hair in there too, I doubt TN will just leave out her other hairstyles and such while Nyo and Kokoro get new hairstyles xD I think as time goes on they'll show more, there may even be hidden costumes that become unlockable after you do missions in quest mode too


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it hurts my heart but maybe it's my karma for me making that Lisa graveyard picture last year xD and Ayane I think will still have a chance, I think they're trying to make Eliot a pimp or something with how many girls he's got coming at him xD

Oh my GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD:oops::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: Nico's was already gonna be a knock out for me but Eliot SHIRTLESS and muscular too??? Jesus.... I am not ready at all when March 1st comes <3

Also these costumes for Kasumi and Nico are everything, I love the colors
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I really like the direction TN is going with the costumes. Hope they release more GOOD quality costumes in the future.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I guess at that point it's safe to assume every female will have 15 costumes (5x3) at launch… in the beta the guys only had 6 (2x3) though. So at this point, I'm actually wondering, if they will get more than that.

I'd assume there will at least be a third costume since the green Busa costume exists… I doubt they would port the costume and then not recolor it.

Will probably be interesting to see, if DLC costumes will have recolors, too.


Well-Known Member
Do we have to buy each recolor costume ?

And I don't understand why each recolor take a slot. that's a waste of slots!
Youre right . Why cant there be a Slot for the Original Costume and after you choose it you can turn left or right to get the recolors ??? WOuld save Space . And yes I noticed that when you have customizised your character you turn left in the Select screen and all your created Costumes appear.
You get me =?


Well-Known Member
Thank you, thank you bows you're too kind xD
I miss the other two old school costumes with the single bun, I'll link them down below. Man this is so nostalgic, I love the whole design. I almost forgot, the maid costume with the short hair is also a honorable mention. What do you (or anyone else) think of short hair/ Pixie Cut like that being a returning option for our girl Lei Fang?
She NEEDS it, honestly everyone needs it! I love short hair ngl. Her hairstyles could use a little more variety now considering they all have the same bangs!!! (yes im responding to this 4 pages late... its how i do)
So do we know if the costumes shown in the beta are going to be the only costumes for those characters or are the guys going to get at least a 3rd (not counting color swaps) option?

I mean I know we will get dlc frequently, but I’d like to see more options on disc. I am also hoping for secret costumes, something unlockable that is a major surprise, like what they did with the swimsuits for Tina, Lisa, and Christie in vanilla.

Side note: would be cool if the dlc costumes also get 3 different color options.
this post basically covers all of my concerns too! 2 unique costumes for each of the guys would be a really low number. Like Hayate and Diego's current offerings are practically just the same outfit. I’m kinda okay with the current 5 we have for the girls but at the same time that would mean every outfit would have been revealed months before launch... yeesh! Hope this isn’t everything and that the beta just had all the outfits they were able to reveal so far. Christie and Ayane need more thot gear!

N1ce Dreams

Well-Known Member
He said something about costume destruction being toned down compared to DOA5. I think someone reported that it was more to appeal the female audience but Shimbori said he never said that. And I can't read Chinese, so...
It's sad that this article or post true or not is actually enough to get them annoying little spammers something to complain about. They're like cattle being directed. Someone has to direct there rage or crys in one way or another.