Team NINJA Social Media Updates for DOA6


Well-Known Member
This "apology" feels really insincere. You can tell this was just PR damage control. They knew what they were doing and thought they could get away with exploiting us.

Unfortunately, there are going to be people who will buy into this and will forgive them for this.


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Well if you ask me, it's a positive sign, but there's no reason to be relieved yet. We should accept no less than the feature being free and on all platforms, otherwise we respond just like we did before. And even if they do the right thing in this case, it would be just the start of fixing their rep with fans. Maybe the sad fact is that there's some root causes for why DOA6 turned out the way it did and we can't have any affect on that, because it would take KT to fix those root causes, but we have to try. We got this much out of them. I'm thankful to @deathofaninja and @Matt Ponton for rallying whatever fans they could to get on social medias and get the word out to gaming sites and youtubers rather than just sit and take this new low from KT. Even if they knew they weren't going to get away with this, at least we did our part to make that true.

At the very least, they can hopefully now see a clear line has been drawn and they won't go this low again, and they realize they've really been pushing it with their schemes and tactics.

I am a little concerned with how different the Japanese reponse reads from the English one, though. The differences might simply boil down to how two different social media reps decided to relay the message they were told to relay, or it might be something more. I don't want to read what some PR person or social media worker is relaying to us from KT or TN, I want words directly from a dev or publisher.
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So will more fans actually start to be critical of KT's scams from now on or prove they learned absolutely nothing from all this by buying whatever overpriced rehashed costume set that's thrown at them next?? stay tuned for the new 'Surviving DOA'

How many in here or on social media will go, after they now get from KT what they personally feel is fine for them, instantly back to "This is fine" mode while the house that is DOA6 is still burning and crumbling around them, while attacking others that have been for a long time pointing out and warning of this, as just negative and even questioning their "loyalty". This conversation we had one day before whole "Hairgate" started aged really poorly, and not on my part:

I'm honestly intrigued to find out what KT cooked up there and what they will charge their dwindling number of loyal fans for these hair recolors...


Answer to my post:

I wouldn't say their loyal fans are "dwindling" just because you're one of the several people who only posts here to complain about whatever it is they do for cheap laughs

And it's already been shown that it'll cost 1 ticket which means that's roughly 1.99 for two tickets iirc.

Answer to that post:

This. Spot on.

There are a lot of people like this forum like this. These people could get the list of stuff that they want in the game and still bitch about it. Yet somehow a lot of these same people are highly respected in this forum. It’s so backwards here versus other game forums. I’m used to other forums hyping the game and making every addition exciting, but here even the exciting things get immediately picked apart by “loyal fans”.


Premium Donor
How many in here or on social media will go, after they now get from KT what they personally feel is fine for them, instantly back to "This is fine" mode while the house that is DOA6 is still burning and crumbling around them, while attacking others that have been for a long time pointing out and warning of this, as just negative and even questioning their "loyalty". This conversation we had one day before whole "Hairgate" started aged really poorly, and not on my part:

Answer to my post:

Answer to that post:
I'm confused, what are you saying?? :-|

And I am critical of what TN does, I'm just more reserved and respectable about it than most which isn't hate towards them but I don't have the time to really hope about their mistakes, I did make a post on twitter on what TN could do to fix their issues without being vile and rude to them and alot of people agreed with me. But just because I'm not roasting the game or outright saying what I don't like doesn't mean I'm being a sheep.

I actually find it kinda unnerving when people curse TN or @ doatec official with all that rude stuff since that is a bit much imo. I don't wish to rely on being foul and nasty or funny or trying to go viral when I say what I say, I'm just me and people like that which I'm grateful for


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I'm confused, what are you saying?? :-|

And I am critical of what TN does, I'm just more reserved and respectable about it than most which isn't hate towards them but I don't have the time to really hope about their mistakes, I did make a post on twitter on what TN could do to fix their issues without being vile and rude to them and alot of people agreed with me. But just because I'm not roasting the game or outright saying what I don't like doesn't mean I'm being a sheep.

I actually find it kinda unnerving when people curse TN or @ doatec official with all that rude stuff since that is a bit much imo. I don't wish to rely on being foul and nasty or funny or trying to go viral when I say what I say, I'm just me and people like that which I'm grateful for

Why make out critics, or most of them, out to be "vile", "rude", "foul", "nasty" or "trying to go viral"...? At least it sounds like that is what you are saying. Most of us are not that!
Funnily enough one of the actual rudest things towards them was calling KT "imbeciles" on Twitter and that came from a FSD member who had been on KTs side for a long time and who had been for a long time complaining about those that were more critical of them.
There are plenty people inbetween being rude and being sheep. It is not as black and white and partisan.

Since you were confused about my last post: For me being critical your were trying to paint me with that black and white brush, accusing me of being overly negative and just doing it for cheap laughs. Then you were even followed by someone questioning the respect we critics should get in this community and questioning our loyalty. Seriously? That sounds like something Trump would say to silence his critics.

Eventually I was right about my initital post calling KT's plans and motives for the hair color feature into question. I had a hunch this was coming, because it had been coming for a long time. In the last year they basically turned DOA6, a game many of us paid full price for (I actually paid 80 bucks because I got the DDE and I wanted to support them), into a F2P game-like monetization machine. It in some cases is even more outrageous than many F2P games.
And in my disappointment and frustration, because the DOA series was once one of my most favorite game series, I will keep pointing this out, even if some will once they get their pretty hair colors for cheap or even free this time go back to their former state, eating up any other lazy and overpriced DLC KT is dishing to them while at the same time attacking critics.

I really hope most have learned something from this and this will be a turning point for a more critical (without being rude or nasty), a more proactive fanbase and for an ultimately better DOA series.


Well-Known Member
I might have been pretty much insolent and cheeky myself, because the emotion of feeling disrespected by greedy characterd and seeing my most-favourite-ever-since-forever franchise die/dye (hihi) kinda overwhelmed me. I had to put my negativity somewhere!
And trust me, I also did my best not to insult the whales/mugs who ruined our actions.

So guys please, now that things can be a "little bit" more quiet, let's make love, move on from that anger and keep on fighting towards the same direction. I truly enjoy reading both of you! Let's have sex over KT's dead body! Yeahhh! *nervous breakdow* #Marie-Antoinette



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As much as I’d like to keep hope for DOA, it’s getting very hard to see how KT is setting new heights to milk out a small and passionate fanbase like this. The current DOA series is not the DOA I fell in love with.

Every time they come up with an apology, but it doesn’t feel sincere at all. After some time passes they will launch or do something else that’s outrageous. At this point it’s just a vicious cycle of the same old crap. Like every pro comes with a con that outweighs the pro completely. I honestly think this’ll be the last DOA if they don’t get their act together from now on.


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Let the gropie gropie begin, lol.

Well so far it's just famitsu, but I bet you at least doa6jp will retweet that soon, just going by what they said in their response to the situation. Not that I was sold on her anyways, but if I was, that Japanese tweet would have turned me off from her completely. As for DOATEC, I wouldn't be surprised if they tweet promoting her too, but it's gonna look pretty bad following that "apology" until they hold off until they sort this issue out first.

Hmm, seems like she'll be a Judo-ka. I don't know why I never considered that. Perfect groping opportunities there. Too bad any chance of her turning out to be a great addition has been so tarnished with the surrounding controversy.
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Oh, didn't see the edit till now. It's confirmed to be specifically Aikido then? I was just going by how she look in the screenshots. Judo and Aikido are known to be similar anyways. I wonder why they went with Aikido over Judo.


Well-Known Member
Oh, didn't see the edit till now. It's confirmed to be specifically Aikido then? I was just going by how she look in the screenshots. Judo and Aikido are known to be similar anyways. I wonder why they went with Aikido over Judo.

From the itw (sorry for my poor translation)

"Being a former model and a fashion designer, she was inspired by the beauty of standing behavior and her hobby, yoga, where the rationality of her skills and powers come from. I chose "Aikido" because I wanted to use a Japanese traditional martial art.

The name is similar to Momiji's fighting style, but it is completely different. Based on the real Aikido this time, we have arranged the form of the body and throwing techniques for the taming (?) of DOA6."

Judo might be more agressive, less feminine, maybe ?


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Judo might be more agressive, less feminine, maybe ?

True, that would fit with her character more. But I've read that Aikido is more defensive than Judo is, as it's more about defending yourself with minimal damage to your opponent. I'm guessing she'll be low tier already? lol. Would have been interesting to find out ways to get damage out of her though.


Well-Known Member
Here is my translation of the Shimbori interview in the article about Tamaki. F is Famitsu, and S is Shimbori:

F: Why did you choose Tamaki out of the XVV characters?

S: At first, I didn't plan for any characters to join from XVV. However, as we had countless requests from both domestic and overseas players, we decided upon it.

When deciding, first of all we narrowed it down based on 'who looks as if they could be a fighter'. Also, as all characters added to 6 so far have had powers beyond the ordinary person, we decided on a different approach this time.

Among those remaining after that, we decided on Tamaki, whose composed adult personality shone among them. All the girls have their charm, and we felt some pressure in deciding amongst them, but seeing the response to Tamaki, we felt relieved that we'd managed to meet their expectations.

By the way, Tamaki called this contest 'the festival of venuses', but she thinks this because because that's what Zack came up with for her invitation. This is a familar method that Zack uses in the Xtreme series in inviting the girls.

F: Why make her fighting style Aidido?

S: As an ex-model and designer she has a beauty in her deportment, and we also considered her nationality and interests such as yoga, and thinking as well of a reasonable mix of power and technique, we decided on Akido: a 'traditional Japanese martial art that relies on beautiful and graceful movements without straining the body'.

The name resembles that of Momiji's style, Hayabusa-style Aikijutsu, but is entirely different. Based on the real Aikido, we've arranged elements such as the throwing forms and strike atemi to match Tamaki.

F: This month DOA6 had a its one year anniversary. What is your message to fans?

S: Thanks to you all, DOA6 has come to its first year since release. While we implemented a number of things, many of them did not work out. We are truly grateful to have come this far, being supported even while causing such troubles for our fans.

Tamaki's costume design and attack design, among other things, I was involved in deeply up to completion. I believe her, as a DOA character to be a complete and well-made character, as a result of our hard devoted effort. I believe her style is enjoyable in a quite different way to other characters. I hope Tamaki fans and others will enjoy her.
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Probably should of gave her Wing Chun. Aikido is already in DOA (Momiji), but the difference is that Tamaki uses it completely in the form whereas Momiji is a mixture of everything exaggerated.

Looks alright but nothing mildly massive. Rikuto was right lol


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Honestly, her doing true Aikido caught me by surprise, although in hindight I should have been kinda obvious. Just for that alone I'd consider buying her, but I'm sticking to my boycott. But that's good.... before I wasn't going to buy her anyways, but now they've lost a sale.

S: Thanks to you all, DOA6 has come to its first year since release. While we implemented a number of things, many of them did not work out. We are truly grateful to have come this far, being supported even while causing such troubles for our fans.

I'm also surprised by this. I mean, hell no would Famitsu ever ask a tough question, even if it's the most relavent question on fans' minds, but I didn't even expect Shimbori to speak to the situation himself, honestly. I thought the interview would just be all Tamaki-gushing and that's it. I appreciate that, even if it's not nearly enough.
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Well-Known Member
TN right after apologising: "Here's Tamaki, Tamaki likes boobs you like boobs too don't you? Oh wow she's really naughty and sexy right? Please buy Tamaki! hair thing what hair thing look it's Tamaki look!!!"

Seriously Aikido is a fighting style I wanted in DOA for a while especially as an Asuka/Jun Kazama fan but.... Nope I can't bring myself to fall for this obvious ploy to get us to buy her as a distraction. Fuck you KT.