What do you want for NG4?


Well-Known Member
That's a cool idea. Kureha as a reanimated boss would be freaky.

What I'm curious about is why TN introduced a fictional Tairon in NG1, and then brought NG2 to actual cities like NYC and Tokyo. NG1 had a lot of lore about that setting, too.

Julius Rage

Well-Known Member
Well, Dead or Alive acknowledges real cities and countires so it kind of stands to reason that NG would get with the program.

But its not much of a problem - comic books generally speaking reference real cities, states and countries. Yet you'll never be able, as a tax paying adult, to book a flight to Metropolis or Genosha.

But I do agree that in NG4 they need to get creative with their urban enviroments.


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That's a cool idea. Kureha as a reanimated boss would be freaky.

What I'm curious about is why TN introduced a fictional Tairon in NG1, and then brought NG2 to actual cities like NYC and Tokyo. NG1 had a lot of lore about that setting, too.

that was one badass Tokyo though,then we go back in NG3 and everything is normal....booooo fuck reality i want more sci fi fantasy.maybe that was just a specific part of Tokyo thats like that?
Hello Im new here. But I have playing ninja gaiden since I was little. If I had to say anything about how ninja gaiden 4 should be I hope they take everything from NGS2 and NG2 and combine them. Bring back all the weapons from the previous games and bring a new ones. I have sever ideas for the dual swords. set one is obvious the tiger fang and the dragon claw, set 2 is Archfiend blade and True dragon sword, and the third set would be the kitetsu and the archfiend blade, and for shits and giggles have the kitetsu and true dragon sword be a option. I would have the tonfas become bladed the to make the decapitation ratio make more sense( NG2-NGS2 the decapitation ratio was insanely high for a non bladed weapon.

As for dodging I say get rid of the ng3 dodge. I hate it. But keep it for those who like it. Bring back the dodge for ng2 and ng1. having more options make the game more interesting.

As for ninpo bring everything back for ng1 all the way to ng3. Yes that means bringing back the fire wheels.

I also say since team missions seem the be the in thing have dual OT's. I can only imagine what Ryu and and other partner he has can do with bladed weapons. Also give ryu a male partner and bring back Rachel (shes fun to look at)


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The Tonfas didn't decapitate you,they crushed your skull like a watermelon.

If they brought back the roll,I'd also want the back flip back,that was literally my favorite thing about NGS XD


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set 2 is Archfiend blade and True dragon sword, and the third set would be the kitetsu and the archfiend blade
So when the sword changes from the True Dragon Sword (the most canonically powerful weapon in Ninja Gaiden) to Kitetsu, it becomes more powerful? lolwtfno

As for ninpo bring everything back for ng1 all the way to ng3. Yes that means bringing back the fire wheels.
I don't really think ice shards needs to come back.

I also say since team missions seem the be the in thing have dual OT's. I can only imagine what Ryu and and other partner he has can do with bladed weapons.
OTs are meant to be fast and brutal to finish the enemy before one of their deadly desperation grabs. Waiting to time them with the other player would sorta defeat the purpose, imo.

bring back Rachel (shes fun to look at)
Oh God, no. Anything but this.
So when the sword changes from the True Dragon Sword (the most canonically powerful weapon in Ninja Gaiden) to Kitetsu, it becomes more powerful? lolwtfno

I don't really think ice shards needs to come back.

OTs are meant to be fast and brutal to finish the enemy before one of their deadly desperation grabs. Waiting to time them with the other player would sorta defeat the purpose, imo.

Oh God, no. Anything but this.

I dont think I made myself clear and I apologize. When I say Set I mean different swords have different levels. The BOA and dragon sword are a different set than the Archfiend blade and kitetsu the each having their own levels to upgrade. Hell if anything just giving the option to choose what swords to dual wield would be nice(True dragon sword, Kitetsu, or the Archfiend Blade) But to question you, why not?

I don't really think ice shards needs to come back.
You dont have to use them they are just their for more options. like I said more options creates more versatility

OTs are meant to be fast and brutal to finish the enemy before one of their deadly desperation grabs. Waiting to time them with the other player would sorta defeat the purpose, imo.

I understand but when both characters just so happen to press the OT button near a fallen enemy it would be cool when they both do something brutal. If the person wants to stand around want wait for his partner to do a double OT and risk dying thats his fault but having the option is nice to have. I would say make it a spurt of the moment idea.

I also say bring back the essence charge. I like that idea. It was good in ng 1 and 2 and needs to come back.
I also say bring back the amulets from ng1.


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Don't forget the exclusive ninpo from dragon sword, the hurricane art was amazing in that. Also the healing ninpo, plus the meteor version of piercing void.


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God, yes, they need to bring back essence! They should introduce some new ninjas, too. Or make Sanji a bit older and more badass.


Here are my thoughts on what we should see in NG4. In general, I think Razor's Edge moves the series in a good direction and introduces some good things that I hope Team Ninja further develop/enhance/refine:

- the dismemberment and Steel on Bone system works great for NG moving forward. Now, I think the challenge for TN is to further expand upon and enhance these mechanics, perhaps in a way to give the player some more variety and control over these features. I do NOT think that NG should mimic the Blade Mode cutting feature of Metal Gear Rising, something that I thought was cool but not necessarily great. I think they just need to build off the of dismemberment and SoB....perhaps give players distinct control over what part of the body is dismembered by mapping combos in a more specific way. Another idea might be to give players more control over a specific Steel on Bone counter-cut and/or to allow player control once the blade is buried in the enemy so that you can control in what manner and what direction you cut out of the enemy's body. This can then allow you to fluidly flow into cutting other nearby specific opponents in the direction you want.

- the combat system can be added to as well by allowing you to perhaps seamlessly integrate wielding two weapons at once or even better, to dynamically blend both unarmed combat ability and maneuvers with also weapons based moves. This could allow some great unarmed combat integration, including the possibility of disarming enemies and using their weapons to kill them and also iai fast-draw type techniques.

- keep the focus of NG on Ryu and on the single-player campaign/experience. I want a long, well-developed single player campaign with a great story (NG3 goes in a nice direction in at least attempting a more complex, character-driven narrative) and the focus on should be on Ryu in the game and on NG characters (I like some DOA character cameos but I prefer the two series remain somewhat distinct). I like the idea of other playable characters but keep them for Chapter Challenge and Ninja Trials.

- it goes without saying---- incorporate several weapons and Ninpo.

- greater variety of stages and mission types within each stage, giving nice, diverse context to the combat situations.

- the KEY area I think NG needs to go into next is creating more complex, dynamically different environments. The combat gameplay must remain the focus but give us more complex environments which the combat is set in and which will actively affect combat. Environments where Ryu can more actively use parts of it in combat, environments that actively change and environments that are large and which allow perhaps multiple paths through them (while still remaining overall linear). The stealth aspects which NG3 just barely introduces are a great example of how this can be expanded upon----imagine a huge fortress type stage which Ryu has to infiltrate.....he can infiltrate the fortress in different ways and use the environmental factors (smoke, fog, darkness, sand, snow) to surprise attack enemies within the fortress. So, stealth gameplay in NG becomes not about sneaking around and sneaking up on enemies, etc. but more about surprise attack where Ryu bursts out from unseen to take on an enemy cluster. NG could also introduce more complex enemy AI states----so enemies that are confused, blinded, terrified and how that could affect their combat behavior (think Mark of the Ninja but in an action context).


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I dont think I made myself clear and I apologize. When I say Set I mean different swords have different levels. The BOA and dragon sword are a different set than the Archfiend blade and kitetsu the each having their own levels to upgrade. Hell if anything just giving the option to choose what swords to dual wield would be nice(True dragon sword, Kitetsu, or the Archfiend Blade) But to question you, why not?
Not exactly sure how your system would work, but I love the idea of being able to choose what weapon apperance you want. I just don't like the idea of a system which indicates swapping out the True Dragon Sword to become more powerful.

You dont have to use them they are just their for more options. like I said more options creates more versatility
Every feature that's in a game requires money, time, manpower, and ideally a lot more time spent on balance. Even if you want a useless ninpo in there that no one will likely ever use (which I think is excess clutter, but nothing to get too worked up over), it still consumes resources that could be spent making another aspect of the game even better. Ninpo is already near the bottom of my focus in the NG games, so having them put even more time into adding something like Ice Shards just doesn't make sense to me.

You dont have to use them they are just their for more options. like I said more options creates more versatility
I understand but when both characters just so happen to press the OT button near a fallen enemy it would be cool when they both do something brutal. If the person wants to stand around want wait for his partner to do a double OT and risk dying thats his fault but having the option is nice to have. I would say make it a spurt of the moment idea.[/QUOTE]
Manpower argument. Lots of extra effort for something that really won't be used much (or practically), and opens itself up for bugs/glitches unless executed properly. Sorta needless complication, unless they actually gave it purpose (ie: a dual OT rewards double karma, etc.)

I also say bring back the essence charge. I like that idea. It was good in ng 1 and 2 and needs to come back.
I also say bring back the amulets from ng1.
I really want items/consumables to make a return. Miss them sorely in NG3.
But I can't say I miss essence at all. I like the invisible karma-currency system much better than the essence system.


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i want essence back,it never felt broken until NG2 imo...not sure why either

im not a big fan of the twin swords interchanging just seems like a waste of time,maybe if it actually changes the move set like giving you a heal-sap attack if your using the kitetsu for instance.

how to build the stages really does seem like the biggest question and its the one i cant answer,what is best for not just NG but the next NG of which we know nothing about


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Ninja Gaiden 4 must have less story. Trying to fit in some heart-felt, long winded bullshit is what REALLY killed my experience with NG3. Somebody was ALWAYS talking -- even the mute wouldn't shut up with her text messages.

Nobody like Regent of the Mask as a boss ever again. Fighting that fast fucker was only half the battle. Before the match you'd hear him talk, and typically again after -- and it's not like it was brain boggling stuff. He made it seem important, but I had already thought a lot of his statements hundreds times over before the idiot ever came into the picture. Horrible character (awesome design).

And where the fuck is Hayate? I'm pretty sure he will be in NG4, and if he's not -- Team Ninja really fucked up (in advance).


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Why didn't you just skip? I was able to skip every cutscene the first time through.

Good point, but even the horrible intel from Cliff comes into play.

Not to mention good sources and money are going into an absolute shit story. They really tried to make story seem essential for this Ninja Gaiden, and it was far from that.


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The thing about the story for me was that it dictated the gameplay. The story in NG should be an excuse to take you to cool-looking places to kill cool-looking things and feel like a badass the entire way. But NG3 decided to limit you based on the story (only Ryu, only one weapon, usually being the horrible Blade of the Archfiend, one costume, weird scripted events, etc.). RE fixed a lot of that, which I love. The story intrudes less on the gameplay.


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Yes I'll agree with y'all there,the gameplay took a back seat to the story and that ain't right for an NG game.if they want to tell a story fine I can't tell a shit VG story from a good one anyhow and it takes quite a bit for me to hate a character deseign wise and even if I do I usually just joke about it.id rather get more backstory or lore than a story.