Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • I'll be dammed NRS actually made Ermac look cool and interesting, AND they're bringing back Mavado and his goofy ass grab, I luv it
    When you think about it, Team Ninja was just being ahead of the curve when it comes to terrible monetization with that whole hair color change fiasco, it looked awful at the time but now that all the big boy fighting games are practicing awful monetization tactics suddenly it doesn't look as bad
    Sorta? I mean, I think it's more of an issue of needing the DLC moreso than wanting to pay for it. And as good as MK11 and 1 are, I think it, SF AND Tekken 8 have DLC that's essentially the illusion of choice. Character DLC doesn't feel enticing if they'll be mid-tier at best and nerfed into the ground at worst.
    battle passes and premium currency in a 70 (seventy) US Dollar game is unhinged. this aint fortnite luv

    I can’t tell whether that or the DOA wig colors is worse. Just throw away the whole gaming industry at this point
    ah yes, this Stellar Blade "controversy" once again has a bunch of maidenless men arguing over how to properly represent a woman in a videogame, just throw the whole case out :/
    • Haha
    Reactions: TheHunterKiller692
    People who hate dark souls 2 will claim they love this game.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Ironic, I just bought DS2, and not that wussy Schoolar of the First Sin Edition, im talking gankfest around every corner, terrible lighting, fuck the shrine of armana, vanilla DS2

    it's alot better than I remember
    That's cause its a good game. It's just that its an RPG where stat allocation actually matters, not an action game and that pisses people off since they can't vanilla dodge roll through everything at level 1 without some hilarious consequences happening.

    Though I wouldn't shit on Scholar either, that ones just different. Both runs are janky and fucked. I like it.
    So according to Wikipedia, Kasumi's character was originally designed to be a guy; sadly the only reference for this statement is a 2002 Japanese artbook so it's hard to verify this info, but could you imagine DOA if it was lead by a guy from the start? hard to envision but I wouldn't oppose it
    Dragon's Dogma 2 looks amazing, shame my windows 99' can't run it for shit so it's back to Dragon's Dogma 1 for me :/
    • Star
    Reactions: deathofaninja
    Oh damn; the game actually is amazing. When I start playing it, I can't put it down.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs

    honestly might be time to upgrade, lest I get left behind in these current gen streets, Windows Vista here I come!
    You gotta find a way to play. The game slaps, and it's a total time sucker.
    made the mistake of talking about anime in public and got roped into a 15 min convo with some random into why JJK is the best shonen ever

    mind you I've never read or watched JJK so it's not like I could say much but at least mans got to gush about his favorite show
    hearing that A.K.I was originally planned to be a charge character but was swapped to motion at the last minute annoys me to my core, I mean I get that original charge characters aren't super popular (FANG, Decapre) but it'd nice to have options besides 30 yr old legacy characters :/
    fun fact, Bass's unique get up kick (2h+k), did u know that it was present all the way back in vanilla DOA2? it's unlisted so it's easy to miss, makes u wonder what other unlisted moves are floating around in this 20+ yr old game
    When anime fans talk about "warrior with terrible sense of direction" who's the first person that comes to mind?
    • Haha
    Reactions: TheHunterKiller692
    I would answer that question, but it's so old-fashioned and obscure that literally no one here will know who the fuck I'm talking about. XD
    Sakura from Naruto.
    Welp, Akuma's back in SF6, because of course, and while that's cool Im still holding out hope for Gouken and Oni to make their return to SF, since imo they were the more interesting variations of Akuma
    :) the face you make when your favorite 2D fighting game dev is releasing a new game
    :( the face you make when they're releasing it only in Japanese arcades, which means years before a western port or no port at all
    Looks like the new Hunter X Hunter fighting game will be 3v3, no info as to whether it's Marvel style 3v3, KoF style 3v3 or a EXAMU style 3v3, either way im hype
    It has to be EXAMU style.

    The only anime fighter I could see being a KOF style 3v3 would be a Sailor Moon fighting game, if Arcsys ever had the balls to develop a new one.
    6 months in and MK1 still hasn't given players a reason to not to abuse the hell out of Kung Lao low hat, fingers crossed the surprise balance patch does something about that
    leaks for the next VF game are out and about, while they don't go into specifics it's nice to know that SOMETHING is happening with VF
    • Wow
    Reactions: samuraihachi
    I don't like this... they said it is a reboot with brand new characters. Why Sega couldn't just use the original characters and EXPAND their backgrounds and development visually?!
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I interpreted that as the cast of the reboot will feature classic VF characters with some new faces sprinkled in, makes the most sense, reel in people with something familiar and then hit 'em with something new, also I don't know about you but, as much as I like VF5's cast, we've been playing that same roster for almost 20 yrs at this point, so I am 120% down for some new blood
    they can't use characters with outdated tropes or twitter gonna cook them
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