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Well-Known Member
I like those but the hairstyles bug me lol.
1) Lauren had a short Bob cut, not sure why her ghost would look different from when she died
2) Leon looks terrible with a samurai topknot lol.

Other than that, cool outfits!

Does this mean the winners of the Halloween Contest will be announced next Saturday? :genfu:
(sorry, when I'm late with this)

+ a Special Announcement...
Hopefully its their awards for Halloween submissions, if not what's gonna be in-game.


Well-Known Member
Do people who main/care about those characters not matter as much? That's pretty much the message.

And TN has the whole sexy, sexy swimsuit women issue on top of that, where I'm not even sure many people on the outside realize that male characters exist in the game. I'm sure they're making tons of sweaty, sweaty nerd money by not wasting as much time on Jann Lee and Leon costumes. And, they do get a bone every now and again. But...they're still sowing some discord and animosity by being that biased and exercising that much favoritism. Hell, it even happened within the women. Poor, poor Lisa and Rachel. lol

In the end, costumes are just cosmetic. (Gameplay nerf/buff favoritism can be much more damaging.) It's all just a game regardless. But, it's still nice to feel catered to. And if they're not going to put forth any effort to market some of their characters (e.g. the men) or try to put them out into the public eye every now and again, why were they created? What are they doing there? How do they expect consumers to give a damn about them if they don't? Wouldn't they just be better off only having sexy women in the game if that's where the big bucks are? It just comes off to me as them trying to eat their cake and still have it be there afterward. Like, they know that just cutting off all support for/removing some characters (i.e. the men) would piss off so many people, but they still just kind of neglect them/treat them as second-class.

But, on the other hand we have examples of games where everyone gets fairer treatment across the board. Is that costing them money, though? Should they not be doing that? Why isn't everyone just following TN's lead on this?

Just spitballin' here...
Well put! Hopefully, they will someday include all their fans.


Well-Known Member
I hope they don't ask him ever again because the outfits look like he just wanted to show as much skin as possible and didn't care about how the outfits actually looked.


Well-Known Member
I don't know. Some designs are great, but it's not amazing.
It looks like he designed some of Marie-Rose costumes...
This man has a thing for spandex and ribbons and gears..

These totally look like Marie-Rose battle suits.



Well-Known Member
I don't know. Some designs are great, but it's not amazing.
It looks like he designed some of Marie-Rose costumes...
This man has a thing for spandex and ribbons and gears..

These totally look like Marie-Rose battle suits.


Now that you mention it they really do. But Marie's battle suit is my least favorite of her outfits. It does honestly look okay on Christie but on characters like Mila and Marie it just looks awful.


Well-Known Member
I don't know. Some designs are great, but it's not amazing.
It looks like he designed some of Marie-Rose costumes...
This man has a thing for spandex and ribbons and gears..

These totally look like Marie-Rose battle suits.

I'm just ticked that of all people, Rachel and Christie got actual pant legs, while MILA got stuck with just a metal bikini.

Now that you mention it they really do. But Marie's battle suit is my least favorite of her outfits. It does honestly look okay on Christie but on characters like Mila and Marie it just looks awful.


Well-Known Member
It's a shame though, because Phase 4 looks beautiful in the screenshot. It would have been a great costume for her in the future.

What do you mean with it? Why this could be a great costume for Phase in the future but not in the present? (by the way I like it, the visor is a pretty nice touch imo)


Well-Known Member
I'm just ticked that of all people, Rachel and Christie got actual pant legs, while MILA got stuck with just a metal bikini..

She always wear the same kind of stuff i
What do you mean with it? Why this could be a great costume for Phase in the future but not in the present? (by the way I like it, the visor is a pretty nice touch imo)

I mean that it could become one of her classic outfit because it fits her the most, but the fact that there are other color swaps remove the individuality from her outfit. It does not feel unique or special anymore.
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