Community Flawed Mindset in the FGC


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no but seriously that was supposed to be inspiring

I can see the point you were trying to make, but you pretty much presented it in the dickish way you could. If that's your idea of "inspiring" people, I'd hate to see how you rag on someone...

There's a difference between snarling "GIT GUD SKRUBS", and actually helping someone improve at the game.

-My $0.02


Well-Known Member
I can see the point you were trying to make, but you pretty much presented it in the dickish way you could. If that's your idea of "inspiring" people, I'd hate to see how you rag on someone...

There's a difference between snarling "GIT GUD SKRUBS", and actually helping someone improve at the game.

-My $0.02
This thread is the perfect place for scrubs to gather and make up excuses for being shit at video games. There's literally nothing constructive that could be added to the discussion other than GIT GUD. Here, have another wisdom pill: GIT GUD Bruce Lee version.


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This thread is the perfect place for scrubs to gather and make up excuses for being shit at video games. There's literally nothing constructive that could be added to the discussion other than GIT GUD. Here, have another wisdom pill: GIT GUD Bruce Lee version.

I already have this image on my computer and it is pretty cool. I'll be sure to take your "GIT GUD" advice to heart and GIT GUD ;)! I also think you missed the point of the thread if you think that this is a gathering place for scrubs. That would be the "Competitive Dead or Alive Group" on Facebook.


Premium Donor
I wouldn't call it a demonstration, he's just a total dick in general, it's his only reason for being here, his only existence.

You can't exactly "git gud" anyway unless you actually know what you're doing wrong, which is something you'll have to discover yourself. It's all part of the learning process, the daily grind.


Well-Known Member
It's satire, people. Get over it.
It would be if we didn't all know he's normally like that anyway lol.

From anyone else it would be satire. From wazaa? Par for the course.

But anyways the point remains. Its attitudes like wazaa is displaying that drive a lot of people from respecting, let alone wanting to contribute to, the fgc


Well-Known Member
Its funny because wazaa is demonstrating exactly what kind of person drives people AWAY from the fgc lol
I'm no tournament player nor an elitist.
When you join any competitive game (or sport) you'll have to accept the fact that some people may have played that shit before you were even BORN and that you're going to eventually GIT REKT LIEK A SKRUB. You win and you lose as predictable. If you want to win more you need to GIT GUD, if you don't want to that's perfectly fine too, as simple as that.


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It would be if we didn't all know he's normally like that anyway lol.
You mean he's normally satirical and hyperbolic?

From anyone else it would be satire. From wazaa? Par for the course.
Sounds like you're biased and not really treating what he actually said reasonably as a result.

But anyways the point remains. Its attitudes like wazaa is displaying that drive a lot of people from respecting, let alone wanting to contribute to, the fgc
And in your mind what would the alternative look like?


Well-Known Member
As an artist (very amateur), i see a thing simillar happening on the FGC, or just people that aspire to be really great at something.

Like, seeing someone, that overcame really difficult odds, and became amazing at something, for sure is inspiring, but at the same time is crushing.

"HE got that far, so anyone can do it!"


"He got that far, how the hell i'm not in that level, maybe i'm not supposed to be good at this"

are thoughts that plague my mind everytime i see someone's art that looks amazing and the person has around my age, or started later than me, or when i see someone doing extremely well in a FG, and so on.

What keeps me in place, is that I am who i am, and i may have a slower rhytm, or not that same set of skills, but i'll reach what i want if i keep pushing it.


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I feel that I do believe a huge hindrance in the Western FGC (as opposed to the Eastern/Japanese FGC) is the lack of a "community mentality" and too much emphasis on individual success. I respect people that contribute to the advancement of the FGC more than those that simply "win". It's why I contribute stuff to the community as opposed to just toting tourney wins.
It goes deeper than that. The idea that individual success is "needed" in the FGC is rooted in confirmation bias and/or the lack of actual appreciation for what they give back to the community, whether it's setting up a tourney scene, streaming for charity, tutorial videos, etc. If one feels mistreated or ignored long enough, they will be led to believe winning is the only way their efforts will actually be in anyone's radar, or they will give up altogether. Not everyone is fortunate enough to get sponsored, much less have a stable offline crew to reach such accolades.

This doesn't necessarily happen here, but on the internet in general, I observed that most people are so caught up on idolizing certain players (or those in their cliques) to the point where they are quick to discredit any lesser player who gives factual info - and sometimes even good advice in general - by pulling the tourney results card or using online wins over said contributor. Other times, it just falls on deaf ears and nobody seems to care at all. But when a top player (or someone in that circle of a similar caliber) says or does the exact same thing, THEN it's treated like unchallenged gospel... see how this gets problematic for some people who feel like they're being swept under the proverbial rug for so long?

Anyway, this narrow way of thinking among the crowd is why sometimes people may feel it's a "necessity" to focus on winning tourneys before sharing useful strategies, if only to be much better received about their knowledge of the game without putting up with that nonsense... and it shouldn't have to be the case, 'cause that's enough to drive anyone mad. I understand that not everyone cares for recognition, and there are people who will respect one's efforts to contribute regardless because they know their heart is in it, but on the other hand, there are some others that do have a breaking point... and when they feel like everything they do is for naught and their time is being wasted based on the lack of feedback when compared to others who do or say something similar much later on, that's how the imposed need to win before doing anything else manifests itself. And this - if not one's overblown ego - is where I believe the problem lies as far as the lack of community mentality is concerned.

Obviously, I've come up with my own solutions to that by following up criticism with compliments were available. I feel this method works best in general to make people feel at ease as opposed to being too harsh or abrasive. If you ask me, the need to have thick skin is just an excuse for those who have no self-control when it comes to being a dick... but I digress.


Well-Known Member
And in your mind what would the alternative look like?
Obviously, the alternative correct attitude is complaining about "combos, force techs, teleports, turtles, spammers" and making sure to put the controller down immediately when you get hit by any of them


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What keeps me in place, is that I am who i am, and i may have a slower rhytm, or not that same set of skills, but i'll reach what i want if i keep pushing it.
THIS is the most important mindset to have(casual/hardcore designations are meaningless). Right here. Don't let some conceited asshole talk down to you because of it. Deconstruct your flaws and work around them. Some people will help you with this but dont take it personal of some people dont.

Also I want to make it clear that @WAZAAAAA 's shitposts are of higher quality than my best posts. He trolls but he has discovered some very interesting tech and I am grateful to him for it. Its just that I was triggered by that "GIT GUD" shit. It hasn't been funny for like 4 years now.
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Well-Known Member
You mean he's normally satirical and hyperbolic?

Sounds like you're biased and not really treating what he actually said reasonably as a result.

And in your mind what would the alternative look like?

No I mean he's normally just a jackass who comes into threads to say something pointlessly antagonistic that doesn't contribute to the topic at all.

As for what the alternative should look like? Look at everyone else's posts in this thread. Supportive advice.

Helping people with what they are trying to do. (Not just trying to MAKE them only do the most optimal combos). Not just talking trash on people who are honestly trying.


I'm no tournament player nor an elitist.
When you join any competitive game (or sport) you'll have to accept the fact that some people may have played that shit before you were even BORN and that you're going to eventually GIT REKT LIEK A SKRUB. You win and you lose as predictable. If you want to win more you need to GIT GUD, if you don't want to that's perfectly fine too, as simple as that.

Just saying "get better" doesn't help anyone, its just annoying, because no shit they have to get better.

If you want to HELP THEM GET BETTER, that's fine, but otherwise, yak now, shut the fuck up, being an obnoxious ass and repeatedly going "gitgud" doesn't help anyone.


Well-Known Member
So.... you?
Are you really gonna talk out your ass AGAIN, wah? First you tried to say I only run and gun in overwatch (despite my whole play style being the polar opposite and preferring heavy hitters and I generally dislike run and gun games, hence me still not actually buying overwatch yet), now you are trying to say I go into threads just to insult people like wazaa? Owner of the site or no, that's bullshit and you know it. I know you don't like me and I have very strong opinions but I don't go in to threads just to insult and troll people like Wazaaa does. I normally just ignore him but it's specifically relevant here.

Though I admit I don't bother trying to pitch into character talk or techniques anymore since I got tired of people shooting me down purely because its coming from me, regardless of if it was good advice or not. On the site I'll stick to casual talk. I'll only go into tech and such if I'm actually talking to/playing with you in the game.

Though this situation is oddly on topic. We had someone come in and be a dick for no particular reason, then others come in to defend him being pointlessly dickish. Id say that kind of thing is a huge flawed mindset within the fgc XD.

Anyways back on topic. The competitive mindset can be overwhelming for people trying to get into the scene. Need to help people get better THEN encourage them to go pro, so to speak. Not just throw em in the deep end and say "gitgud".

Like I try to encourage people not to focus so much on combos when they haven't figured out the basic a and mind games yet. I have a friend who, all he does is rush in to try to juggle then cries when I keep punishing him. I try to tell him you can't just rush for combos but he argues that's what the pros do (not quite true but its how the wannabes interpret it). Not just in DOA but in other fighters too. P4A, mk, kof, etc etc.

People need to stop trying to just look up high damage combos on YouTube, and actually learn their characters. If they did that, they'd naturally be doing combos.

It reminds me of when I played sfiv on cabinet. I'm not a sf player and it was just the cabinet in the break room at school. I was trying to ask how to do certain stuff but the other kid just ignored and wailed on me. So I paused the game and looked him directly in the eyes. "HOW. DO. I. ___?". Then he answered, all annoyed, saying I should practice on my own. Its like dude no. This is the cabinet in the break room not a fucking evo tournament
I don't own this game I'm not gonna buy this game. I can't practice "on my own" because you are always on this. Quit being a cunt and just answer the basic question so we can play.

Only when he answered, he ended with "*scoff* its been the same inputs since street fighter 2!" I DIDNT PLAY STREET FIGHTER 2, YA LITTLE SHIT.

that's the kind of elitist assholes I've had to deal with that soured me on the fgc initially. I've met cooler people here on Fsd but people like HIM were my introduction to fighters.

Apologies for blowing up, @WAZAAAAA and @Mr. Wah , its a sore spot for me. Im gonna leave this thread alone from here on out and ignore it.


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Are you really gonna talk out your ass AGAIN, wah? First you tried to say I only run and gun in overwatch (despite my whole play style being the polar opposite and preferring heavy hitters and I generally dislike run and gun games, hence me still not actually buying overwatch yet), now you are trying to say I go into threads just to insult people like wazaa? Owner of the site or no, that's bullshit and you know it.
Two separate incidents. Unless you're using two incidents to confirm a pattern...

I know you don't like me and I have very strong opinions but I don't go in to threads just to insult and troll people like Wazaaa does. I normally just ignore him but it's specifically relevant here.
You mean it's bad to be biased against someone you don't like and make disproportional accusations? Kinda like you did with Wah and WAZAAAAA?

Though this situation is oddly on topic. We had someone come in and be a dick for no particular reason, then others come in to defend him being pointlessly dickish. Id say that kind of thing is a huge flawed mindset within the fgc XD.
Actually, it is you who is being pointlessly dickish, which is kind of the point. Saying "git gud" in a gaming community is not dickish, and the point of his contribution was not solely to be dickish. He actually had a point, which again was presented under the guise of a joke. His point was that pandering to individuals isn't the responsibility of a FGC, and that having a victim mentality won't get you very far at all. Practically speaking, there is little incentive to host such an atmosphere when severely disadvantaged people still push through with determination instead of wallowing in self-pity and making excuses.

Whether you agree with his position is irrelevant, and you are welcome to criticize that opinion if you like. But it is a relevant point to the discussion, and the fact that you are unwilling to acknowledge that says that you're not actually taking what is said to heart, and are instead letting your biased opinion of the particular user warp what was actually said (which is also what you're accusing Wah of). WAZAAAAA has stepped over the line before, yes. Has he in this thread? No. So you chastise him and then justify your actions by saying "Oh, well that's because it's WAZAAAAA." That's the kind of "talking out your ass" that you're accusing Wah of.

Anyways back on topic. The competitive mindset can be overwhelming for people trying to get into the scene. Need to help people get better THEN encourage them to go pro, so to speak. Not just throw em in the deep end and say "gitgud".

Like I try to encourage people not to focus so much on combos when they haven't figured out the basic a and mind games yet. I have a friend who, all he does is rush in to try to juggle then cries when I keep punishing him. I try to tell him you can't just rush for combos but he argues that's what the pros do (not quite true but its how the wannabes interpret it). Not just in DOA but in other fighters too. P4A, mk, kof, etc etc.
Okay, but you say this like it's the community's responsibility to coddle every individual member to make them feel safe and loved. It isn't. The FGC isn't a support group. It's a competitive group, which is kind of the opposite.

This is all coming from someone who's not particularly fond of the FGC at all, BTW. So if you have any preconceptions that I'm part of an elitist allegiance seeking to uphold some social system that benefits me, it would be wise to abandon that now.


Master Ninja
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This thread is so rife with irony that it's actually difficult for me to avoid reverting to my 18-year-old self and start fanning the flames. Kudos, all.

Control what you can control, manage your own reactions, and other people having a different or "flawed" mindset suddenly ceases to be all that important beyond a conversational bullet point.


Well-Known Member
Okay, but you say this like it's the community's responsibility to coddle every individual member to make them feel safe and loved. It isn't. The FGC isn't a support group. It's a competitive group, which is kind of the opposite.
@Awesmic @Argentus make sure to reread this part AT LEAST 6 times.