Team NINJA Social Media Updates for DOA6


Well-Known Member
Each one with what version you prefer but this is literally the meaning of censorship.

The same way that when they blocked break blows close ups for Marie, Honoka and NiCO it was censorship as well.


Well-Known Member
It's interesting that people on here are crying about censorship because of the poorly done costumes, that ain't interesting to y'all?


Well-Known Member
Or perhaps they just thought the body suit version looked better.....nah that can't be it! /s
It literally can't be it. lol

They didn't make it because it looks better. They would've actually applied some artistry or texturing to what went under the outfit if that were the case. It's just something they did 10 minutes before submitting it, much like the Sigma 2 Plus costume.


Well-Known Member
It literally can't be it. lol

They didn't make it because it looks better. They would've actually applied some artistry or texturing to what went under the outfit if that were the case. It's just something they did 10 minutes before submitting it, much like the Sigma 2 Plus costume.

And just like Sigma 2, the body suit version looks way better. It looks stupid without it.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Rachel's fiend costume has less polys than a square about as many pixels. The bodysuit texturing uses the same lazy repaint that the "censored" outfits do using DOA6's stream-friendly version or whatever the fuck it's called, complete with characteristically hideous pixelation/aliasing at the edges.

This is notable for a couple reasons. It demonstrates that Team Ninja does want to tone down the game's sexuality where they think they can get away with it, while simultaneously demonstrating that they are too lazy to create new designs or even refine old, recycled content. So instead, they import some ugly shit that doesn't fit with their new vision, take 2.2 seconds in MS Paint to butcher it, and then claim that they want it to be "cooler" in a failed attempt to cover their ass when anyone with eye balls can see what a fucking monstrosity it is.

This is one of the few times that the boy is crying wolf and there's actually a wolf.


Well-Known Member


"Welcome to adult's world"

Do you remember these tweets?, they either. One day they say X and the next day they do Y.

There's 0 consistency with this game even 9 months after release and with a new director. It's like they didn't learn anything for the whole pre release PR fiasco, in fact it's like they can't learn anything and the real master mind behind this game is a D100.
I agree the direction of this game Is a disaster.
AND holy balls with those tweets, at least sakurai its consistent and knows what direction he want.
The last censored content just show than Team Ninja doesn't know who Is buying this DLC.


Premium Donor
Me: I think we should make a DOA fanservice game
You guys: Hey, hey F U Honkers
Team Ninja "Censored Rachel's fanservice outfit"
You guys: OMGZ itz tis endz of the worldz.

Your idea of a fanservice game tho was making some demon arcana sexually assault the girls and making them impregnated and removing all the men tho. :rolleyes:

As Hazel E would say, this is an A and B conversation, so you should see you're way out


Well-Known Member
And its not even censorship. If it was they wouldn't have given her that santa outfit where she's barely wearing anything. The ones complaining about it are almost as bad as the crazies over at reddit who continue to give this game a bad image.