The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Pictured Mind

Well-Known Member
Waiting for Alpha's RUSH to end


I feel you there. That animation is so long and drawn out for no reason. To make matters worse, it just looks so lame too, so you don't even at least have something entertaining to watch while you're just stuck there, staring at the screen.

You know it's a really long animation when you and your friends make "I'm gonna take a shower/shit and hope it's finished when I get back"-jokes.


Well-Known Member
Why is is that wakeup s, ground tackles, and tech rolls are no longer gameplay mechanics when facing Tina?

Seriously I'll be knocked down and I'll just lay there as im mashing buttons to try to get up or tech or grab lr ANYTHING as she casually strolls up to ground grapple me over and over and over and over and I can't do anything.

Also two things that are supremely frustrating.

A Tina kept jabbing into cb. Over and over and over and over. I kept holding the cab, bit they won because it wouldn't let me do high holds again so I couldn't anything about the jabs. Combine that with the whole "no way to get up" issue shown above, and cue the rage face.

No offense to the Tina by the way. Just frustrated.

When you try to do wakeup or close in on someone on the ground, and as you/they rise, it instantly flips who is on the left and whose on the right, completely reversing your controls in mid input. Why the flick does it do that?!


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I simply think that doesn't make too much sense to include the outfits from the Halloween contest (that have already an hint for being released with the contest setted in July) and not from the first one. The same for releasing outfits from the competition of the first contest and nothing from the winners ones. For these reasons I believe that before November we will get outfits from the two fan competitions.


Well-Known Member
So what dlc them do you think is to be released next to Nyotengu? Bridal costumes? Kimonos? Swimsuit pack 26? Maybe gimp suits??

oh and will Lisa actually get one of these costumes this time? I hate to say it, but I was disappointed she didn't get a maid costume. Those were actually kind of cute.

Anyone find it odd that with the bed and bath set, that neither Lisa nor Christie got a towel when they have been the only ones seen in one and Helena didn't get just a button up shirt when she has been seen lounging in one? (Source: DOAXBV, DOAX2, and DOA3)

Oh and what will be Nyotengu ' s debut costume pack? I am assuming a Christmas, maid, work out, and maybe a swimsuit. We already know she will get a towel.
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