Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • could complain about the Capcom reveal, but im not playing SFV so pfft, i'll leave that to y'all
    and you're doing that well. Why tf is E.Honda looking so much better than the other 2 characters? Also....E.Honda...of all characters, no Makoto, no Remy, no Sean. Can they just let this game die after this season and announce SF6 already?
    I swear TN be out here stealth buffing moves and not telling anyone, you used to have to hit Nyo 66k at tip range to make it -2, now it's just -2 regardless of your spacing, I guess that's cool
    It can get annoying. I mean, just document everything in the patch notes haha.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    on the flipside it does encourage you to routinely lab your characters to catch unlisted changes, but yeah just list that shit, not just TN but all fighting game companies
    There's no flipside. Both sides just say "inconvenience".
    Could Nyotengu always Hiten No Mai transition from the 2nd hit of her Fatal Rush? don't remember that being a thing or anyone showcasing it
    new stickbox looks dope, too bad it'll never see the light of day in a tournament
    Do you mean the Hitbox Crossup? I'm interested into getting it.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    has 2 directional inputs methods that can be used in tandem? yeah, that's not gonna be tourney legal, Tekken T.O.'s already saying it's gonna be banned. I assume Capcom will follow suit; if they weren't cool with the gafro box i doubt the stickbox will fare much better, Melee still bans regular hitbox so good luck with this one
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Maybe for smaller scenes who aren't such sticklers for controllers will allow stickbox, but i doubt that'll be the case with larger scenes, that said, I think it's phenomenal
    finally getting around to playing playing Dangaropa 1-2, should be an interesting playthrough, considering i've already spoiled myself by playing Ultra Despair Girls last year lol
    New Sakra Taisen trailer got me HYPE! shame there's no U.S. release date but still, A new Sakura Taisen game, with Tite Kubo as the lead character designer? my inner teenager is giddy as hell lol
    I didn't realize it till I started playing him recently, but Diego's punch range is pitful, even Honoka's laughing at him
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    also in addition to the 3 moves i mentioned for Diego, i think he also has some sort of Dark Upper move (it's one of his p+k moves if i recall) that can connect at starting distance, i think, i'll check that out when i get home
    That would be a far more crucial distinction if DOA locked you into starting positions before a match starts. I find that generally what matters more than distance traveled is the ratio between hitbox/hurtbox, and Diego does perfectly well, there. There are some weird scenarios where you need your pokes to cover mondo distances, but it's not as common as needing to cover an area without exposing yourself too much IMO
    For the record, I think that Honoka's whole "T-rex arms" reputation is pretty overblown.
    holy cow, i ran into the infamous AngelHunny, and he STILL does the same 3 moves he's been doing since DOA5 vanilla, he has to be trolling at this point, there's no way
    you know what would be cool, if marie rose got a costume with some long loose fitting pants, tired of looking this girls' chicken legs everytime I play her
    they nerf the pushback on Ayane 6pk but they leave Kasumi's 6pk pushback alone? booo
    Marie rose has surprisingly solid oki setups since she can combo into her 5kk and 3pp with ease, maybe it's time to delve into this loli some more...FBI? what are you doing here?
    Crash Team Racing is the Dark Souls of kart racers :(
    Rig is one of the few characters in this game I can't stand playing as, literally feels like im just doing stuff :/ that and his jailing is dumb
    Nyo has good, solid tools.
    Generally I prefer fewer-strike, bigger-return characters such as Tengu, Ryu or Leon, but personally, I love Rig (even though I suck with him). Animations are some of the best in all of DOA, and despite his button-happy nature, his decisions can backfire quite prominently if you're not careful, unlike some characters that really autopilot with their safety, delays and tick throws.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    For me Brad Wong, NyoTengu & Helena are 3 characters that I just can't get into playstyle-wise. Helena doesn't feel as satisfying, despite her complexity, because it feels like I'm just doing some BS-crush to start my offense as opposed to a more typical neutral game.
    The Kyoani disaster is just getting more messed up as time goes on, it's so sad
    • Sad
    Reactions: VAND1TA
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    In addition to the now 33 lives lost they've also lost all their digital and physical work ever, and to think all this was caused by one delusional asshole, it's depressing
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