Team NINJA Social Media Updates for DOA6


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The point I'm making is DOA fighter brand would be handled much better if it was given similar treatment to how DOAX brand was given (since DOAX3) when they were only being released in Japan/Asia than when DOA6 was available for International audience based on the way each brands were handled from development to DLC. With games being only released for Switch & PC (DMM Games & Steam).

Rachel Fiend Costume has little to do with Sony at that point considering DOAX3 Scarlet came out which had certain content removed from PS4 release. The only thing relating to Playstation is how the fighter brand should handled with costumes like Fiend Costume (bare skin) being only available for PC & Xbox One while Playstation 4 gets less content (if TN/KT still tend to release it on Playstation brand).

PS. I don't recommend counting PC based on fact you can mod the game, since your modifying the game. If you were to count PC it has to be extra content made by developers & publishers.

What DOAX offers is methods from being only available for Japan/Asia, and extra content not seen in Playstation versions.


New Member
So let me get this straight, you want the series to have fanservice in line with the Xtreme series (which would end up turning it into a parody of itself) keep it Asia exclusive and only on certain platforms? Yeah, no bro, I ain't feelin' it.


Well-Known Member
Or you know, have the game actually focus on proper gameplay cause there's a lot of aspects to this game which are completely subpar on so many levels.

Gameplay is mandatory, but gameplay isn't everything considering what DOA has to offer (besides gameplay). The idea is having something that is appealing (like females & costumes for example) that you purchase the game (along with money schemes that publishers decide to do) and stay for the gameplay to unlock stuff along with entering tournaments. My concerns is to keep DOA fighter brand the same to what DOA5 had offered previously when it comes to content (including stuff you get from DLC).


Premium Donor
I'm good on DLC tbh, unless it's actually new stuff and stuff for anyone I think TN needs to focus more on different content like stages, characters, offline content, and maybe better customization, like hair color changes should have already been thing and free at that xD revival series DLC was a bust too, they could have patched that in for free to unlock and use that revival dlc space for new stuff.


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i don't like the idea that DOA fighting game being region lock but if that's necessary to ensure it's survival to 6U, then i'm ok with it.
DOA6’s survival been long gone. A lot of people moved on to something else. A region lock will do DOA more harm than good. Because not many people will import DOA6.

The game needs a serious overhaul and rebranding in order for fans and casuals to regain trust in this series. KT has been too money hungry and deliberately ruined DOA6. DOAXVV is popular but I don’t think DOA6 needs to the same type of marketing since the FGC is a whole different demographic opposed to the Horny Wankers.


Well-Known Member
Right? the logic is kinda backwards, if people don't want to buy DOA when it's available WW why would they suddenly want to buy it if it's exclusive to Asia/Japan and have to pay extra premium to buy it?

DOA6's shortcomings has nothing to do with it's availability WW or the platforms it's on, it's because the game is a rushed watered down mess with KT's crappy monetisation schemes. DOAXVV had 3000+ players on steam over literally every FG because it's DOA Xtreme you put DOA in google and it will come up with Xtreme first and foremost, because when people think DOA they think of the softcore volleyball games than the fighting games.


Well-Known Member
Are we expecting anything for DOA next week?
It's better to not expect something. They have to release Nioh2 DLC I suppose It's high priority for them till the end of this year (or early next year).
For DOA related news, it will be safe to wait until the end of the year or next year (there will be 25th anniversary of DOA, and it's better for them to prepare something interesting)
And based on my experience news will come when it won't be expected. I didn't expect DOA news until EVO 2018. And what happened? We get DOA6 announcement at E3. For me it was a huge surprise


Well-Known Member
Are we expecting anything for DOA next week?

The only expectation is whatever DOAXVV (DMM Games) has to offer for events, A new DOA title My expectation would not be this week similar to when DOA5LR was announced (which somewhere after PS5 released). The only real deal is the New IP title that the Nioh Team wants to create for PS5.


Well-Known Member
The only expectation is whatever DOAXVV (DMM Games) has to offer for events, A new DOA title My expectation would not be this week similar to when DOA5LR was announced (which somewhere after PS5 released). The only real deal is the New IP title that the Nioh Team wants to create for PS5.
I think we won't get something from TN at this event. If TN will be there, we would get info about Nioh DLC or new IP as you mentioned. But KT have Fairy Tail right now, so I don't expect something from TN


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Let them stick to the single player game like it's working for them. Doa 6 will be ported to Ps5 same with nioh it wouldn't surprise me. We shouldn't expect anything from doa6 or try to rush them into making new content without giving time to do so. I want them really take their time and put effort into to real content, giving them a week to see good content isn't enough time when game making.


Well-Known Member
Porting DOA6 sounds like a bad idea. DOA6's reception, launch, and reputation is horrible so they should pull a SC5 and just let DOA6 die. Then they can make a new DOA so it can cleanse itself. Having another "6" isn't going to help at all.


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I mean Doa 6 was the do over everyone wanted they ruined it at Evo. like waiting another 4-5 years sounds like a pain for a Doa 7 when they can fix and upgrade the game. Starting over means building the game from scratch, also the director can't decide on decent mechanics for the game. having a 7,8 or 9 wont help until they stop having the same mindset, because 6 was promising at start then they folded back to their old ways. 7 could do the exact same and we could be asking for a Doa 8.


Well-Known Member
My PS4 installed an update for 6. Felt totally random; they say no more updates then release one several months later. The fact that it was apparently just for a costume bug fix for one pack implies that they are aware of things that still need fixing and they might actually WANT to work on the game but they're just focusing on other work.

With the PS5 and XBXSX coming by the end of the year, I really do think a next-gen rerelease is possible, maybe even a Switch release.

At the very least, I hope they do SOMETHING to acknowledge the fact that the series turns 25 next year.


Well-Known Member
DOA is not dead.
The free-to-play market is booming. If the rights holders can fully capitalise on this for the next title, the series has a chance at a return.

The next title should be a completely free-to-play tester open to community creations and feedback. All characters unlocked, but costume gacha like DOAXVV. No story, no nothing. Just pure fighting. A match limit is set like the FP drinks in DOAXVV that can be topped up with $$ or gacha. Let community creators work on stages and costumes (since they use submissions anyway)

THEN the rights holders can turn it into a fully fledged game to sell off if they must.

Core Fighters was popular, and DOAXVV is quite popular too. Like it or not, they both did something right.

It'll never happen though. But this has happened in the FPS world, and look how that scene is thriving. Tekken Revolution was successful. We need another fighter to steer in that direction. Free to play is the future.

DOA. You can do it.


Well-Known Member
DOA is not dead.
The free-to-play market is booming. If the rights holders can fully capitalise on this for the next title, the series has a chance at a return.

The next title should be a completely free-to-play tester open to community creations and feedback. All characters unlocked, but costume gacha like DOAXVV. No story, no nothing. Just pure fighting. A match limit is set like the FP drinks in DOAXVV that can be topped up with $$ or gacha. Let community creators work on stages and costumes (since they use submissions anyway)

THEN the rights holders can turn it into a fully fledged game to sell off if they must.

Core Fighters was popular, and DOAXVV is quite popular too. Like it or not, they both did something right.

It'll never happen though. But this has happened in the FPS world, and look how that scene is thriving. Tekken Revolution was successful. We need another fighter to steer in that direction. Free to play is the future.

DOA. You can do it.
OK errr...its good to be positive but bro...DOA6 is so dead right now :rolleyes: .
As for DOA this IP, you are right