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  • DOA mentioned in this video. Pretty good stuff, it's a bit true for VF that visual flair is what didn't attract key audience and possibly one of the reasons to what led to it's unfortunate downfall along with marketing or overall advertising, but good to see that Tekken peeps knowing VF is one of the best things created:
    -Random texts in a game-

    Other player: bro
    Other player: you smack rats?
    User named Rat Smacker: Yeah
    Other player: nice
    Rat Smacker: you?
    Other player: yea

    Me: lol yo what
    Just pointing out that hiding tech is frowned upon within the FGC. You are not obligated to share information obviously, but such information may prove vital to helping a character grow, which in turn may help you grow as a player. That information could bump a character from mid to high tier or whatever, it's precisely why it's good to share information to prove that your character doesn't suck or to overall help.
    @Camel with 2 thumbs You can still get slapped withholding tech in a match though, which has been proven many times already. MvC3, MK10, 3rd Strike, Guilty Gear, SF4 etc.

    There is no real reason of hiding information when you are not guaranteed a win. Like I said before, people are not obligated to share information, but hiding generally doesn't score anything.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    The less information your opponent has the better for you, cant be out here exposing all your secrets, that's why momochi only revealed all his SF4 tech after he won capcom cup and the game was dead ;)

    But I get your point, hidden tech does not determine winners, but your opponent lacking knowledge only benefits you so it'd make sense to keep stuff under wraps
    If you don't think you can win when your opponent knows what you know then yes, tech hoarding is your best hope.
    Of course, when others eventually figure it out, you might have to find a new strategy. Like being better at the game than your opponent or something.
    What if DOA6 was made by..... Hideo Kojima?

    (A Hideo Kojima game) KEK.
    Hey @DestructionBomb! Since you have completed Shenmue III could you help me regarding new game plus? I want to know if my regular items (scrolls, replica weapons, arcade game prizes) carry over. If they don't I'm not going to bother 100%ing my first try. I would also like to know if the notebook entries carry over into plus. Thank you for your time!
    The weird ones are the ones that go "ugh I hate these costums but going to buy it anyway".

    A masochist moment. It's literally no different than supporting low tier content. Obviously how you spend your money is entirely up to you and people shouldn't tell you what to buy, but situations like that is precisely why DOA looks ass and doesn't even look like a memorable game from the shit you buy with no logic behind it.
    Exactly, always boggles my mind. The only thing that companies pay attention to are profits. If you don't like something, don't buy it. Bitching about it, then buying it makes no sense.
    I bought only costumes I like and will use it. No more. I can't and don't want to support them buying full packs. And I even don't have a full game. Maybe, if they will add story dlc, I will buy a full story with DLC. But not now
    Why didn't you tell me this before I decided to buy Tekken 7 for $5 at Dollar General?
    @DeadlyChase You punish Power Crush in Tekken with grabs and lows too but there's a window to punish them. Some like Law's is even launch punishable. It only grants a parry in most cases except Hworang and Neegan granting juggles. There's more reward on BBs being a parry, super, etc. Yeah it has meter but it's funny in terms of balance.
    Power crushes are punishable on block if it's a mid. If it's a high it's safe, but can be ducked and launched on reaction. You're talking about interrupting power crushes. If I know the character has a mid power crush i'd much rather just block and get the punish. Even if it's a high like Paul's you get more out of your punish if you duck and launch instead of interrupting.
    DOA tells you to eat shit because all supers are mids, and are plus, and have parry frames. Granted power crushes aren't supers, but if you throw out one and someone blocks or ducks there is a real consequence. Like punishes that knock down. Now you gotta guess. If you sit one the floor I can still fuck you up. DOA I used up all my meter.
    One trope I really wish was more prevalent is the villain/antagonist who actually cares for his subordinates. Less "Heh, they were too weak anyway, they were getting in the way -does edgy pose- hmph".

    While having more: "Yo, you hurt Joe. That's fucked up man, Joe you always followed my dream. I will avenge you, -does speech on why he feels he's doing the right thing-, prepare to die hoomans."
    • Wow
    Reactions: ChaolanLegacy
    If it's a new Darkstalkers game and it's done well, the Capcom I once loved will no longer be dead to me.
    Justice Academy would be dope.
    Capcom is kind of back from the dead though: Monster Hunter World, RE7, RE2R, DMC5, MM10, they would like to revive some of their older titles, thats why Onimusha HD was made, in order to see if people would be interested in the other titles that they have. For them to be truly back though, they need to make a good fighting game, its been almost a decade since they made one.
    Lee Chaolan has a smooth character design. That idle stance is pretty sick.
    Think the purpose of the slomo effect on hold evasive attacks is having a window time to properly punish them.

    Many times in DOA matches & tournaments that when a player holds an attack of that type, players tend to either freeze or unable to quickly react to punishing after when they hold that situation.
    Sometimes opponents would end up mashing afterwards to try and scum their way out because they usually know a player wouldn't react to punishing it in time due to that situation and oddities. Kinda wish this was implemented back in DOA5.
    I don't want to say that's definitely what it's for, but that's definitely what it's for
    Devil May Cry 3: SE has been announced for the Switch with exclusive costumes not featured in previous DMC games from Playstation.
    I'd like to see both Dante and Hayabusa in Smash for sure.
    Making content for a hardcore action game exclusive to an inferior platform catered to plebs is stupid AF.
    @Brute Curious if Nintendo had a role in that for exclusive stuff, not sure to be honest for that one. Did Nintendo pay? or was it Capcom's decision? not sure.
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